Show I AT HOME AND ABROAD I I ISAN SAN BAN FRANCISCO July 8 3 8 W G Curtis assistant to General Manager Towne of the Southern Pacific con oon- pany estimated that the company's loss owing to the tie up is aday a aday aday day and that io in the live Jive days that the roads have bave been blocked the loss lose ag aggregates ago ag- aggregates over a million dollars The fruit interest will be seriously menaced it a way out of the difficulty is In not nol found There are cars ot of green fruit truit between here and Ogden and itis it itIs itis Is doubtful If it even ice olin can save them The oars care ale ate valued at each so that is Involved in this one item Fruit is ripening rapidly and within the next neIt ten days sixty addi addi- additional additional additional carloads will be ready for fer shir-ment shir ship ship- shipment mente ment BAN SAN FRANCISCO July 3 troops have bave at last been called into ao- ao action ac action tion In the gr great at railroad strike in this state For the first time in the history of California the military authorities of the federal government have bave been called into the field to prevent trou trouble le lewithin within the boarders of the state By orders of General Roger Buger six companies of soldiers fully armed and ready really for a service ot of five thirty days are now on their way to Los LOI Angeles CHICAGO July today S-today S for the first time In the history of the live livestock livestock stock trade in Chicago not a single carload of animals reached the union stock took yards by rail raU The only livestock live Jive stock took received was a bunch of or thirteen hogs that came in wagons Thousands of packing house houle employee and other workmen of the packing town were made idle The Michigan Central tried to io make up and start a dressed beef las last night The trainmen abandoned the cars with a scant notice and the beef beet was left lett to rot on the tracks CHEYENNE Wyo July The S-The S strike situation on the lobe Wyoming divis divis- division division division ion of at the Union Pacific road is un- un unchanged un unchanged changed The two sections of ot No S 3 which were sent out from Cheyenne at noon Doon yesterday were held at Raw Raw- lins Baw-lins line hUB from tram o'clock last night until 9 o'clock this morning No firemen Bremen could be secured at that place The officials brought a number of ot men from Green River Biver and the trains were permitted to proceed without interfere interference ence N No 0 violence has hal been attempted at any point on the division Two companies of the Seventeenth Infantry U S B re regulars have bave been or- or ordered ordered or ordered dered from tram Fort Russell Bussell to Colorado A train consisting of three coaches and anda anda a baggage oar car is II now at the tort fort and ana will soon be flying on n if its wa way to Dec Den Decer Denier Decker ker ier er CHICAGO The JulyS July The 3 3 The lury jury in the Prendergast case Ole today found the pris pris- prisoner prisoner oner not insane He will wUl be hanged banged on J July SACRAMENTO Cal Cali July Sacra S 3 Sacramento mento meDo was the scene loene of a violent dem dem- demonstration demonstration on the he part of the strikers this afternoon The Southern Pacific company at- at attempted at attempted tempted to break the blockade here and aDd send lead a west bound overland train to San Ban Francisco As AI soon as al a start was wal made a mob of 01 strikers who had bad been removed from the Immediate vicinity of ul the train previously swept I down upon the train and dragged United States Mar Marshal hal Baldwin from the cab oab of the engine The strikers knocked him down and the deputies and police who tried to Interfere were powerless Many in the mob shouted Kill the marshal but the latter drew his bis revolver and several deputies who had bad forced their way through the crowd did the same The strikers were obliged to fall taU back and the marshal finally escaped to the railroad offices It soon became known that General Superintendent Fillmore FUlmore had an announced an- an announced his hll intention to start train I under military protection The strikers strikers strikers ers at once became demonstrative Chairman Frank Knox their leader saw law the gravity of the We situation and adare sed the men meD urging them notto not notto notto to molest the mUlti militia Notwithstanding Notwithstanding ing his conciliatory talk the great body ot of strikers loudly declared that no Pull- Pull Pullmans Pullmans mans should t be moved movell Finally three companies of militia were ordered to drive the strikers from the depot The scene was at once tu tumultuous tu- tu tumultuous u- u and the situation threaten threaten- threatening threatening ing For a moment the soldiers hesi bell hesitated hesitated then wavered and then came a blunt refusal to move against the oiled ex-oiled ex- ex excited cited striKers Soon Boon after this it became known why the militia bad had retreated United States State Marshal Baldwin and the rail raU- railroad railroad road officials had bad insisted that the troops retrain from shooting and that they remove the strikers by physical strength This plan the officers of 01 the militia positively refused refu ed to sanc sanc- sanction sanction sanction tion WASHINGTON July 3 In S-In In the midst of intense excitement at 1045 o'clock tonight after aft r having debated for lor three months and ami one day the tariff bill amended to take effect August 1 I 1894 passed the Ben Senate ate by a vote of ot 34 to 39 a strict party vote except Mr Hill who voted with the Republicans against the measure The Populists divided their strength two Allen Alien voting in tn favor of the bill bUl and two and Stew art Stew Stew- Stewart Stewart art against it Ir SAN BAN FRANCISCO July 4 The 4 The end of Midwinter Fair came today when San Ban Francisco day and the national holiday we were re Jointly celebrated The exposition was wal formally opened January 27 21 The total attendance up to 0 this morning was Today over people passed through the gates making a total attendance of ot over SPOKANE Wash July 4 John Kneebone a blacksmith at the Gem mine was wal shot and Instantly killed bya by bya bya a gang of masked men while at work there yesterday Subsequently Superintendent R B K KNell I Nell Neil and Foreman William C Rum Bum Bummer Rummer mer Frank Higgins and a man named West were marched up up-to up to be he camp by twelve or fifteen masked men armed with rifles They were cl closely sely followed by fifty men and boys boy The men were taken through Burke It is thought that they Intend to take them out of I the country by wig way of Thompson Falls Deputy Sheriff Kennedy and Hammond mood Ham Ham Ham- Hammood mood mond and J M Porter are following them on horseback I SAN BAN FRANCISCO July 5 The 5 The log ing railroad men have bave placed Oakland under siege stege They are absolute m maB tars of the thEt ferry system They have hav stopped the trains on aD both lines an connection by rail with all an the eitle cities across the bay has bas been cut off They have bave s seized the railroad yards at West Welt Oakland They are in possession ot o othe of the towers on the mole and control the switch system Their blockade 1 ia complete and not a wheel is moving laor inor In la or or out of at Alameda county The ers ere accomplished their work within a as ashour hour bour and a half balt and not a hand was was- waa raised against them by the authorities Several companies of or the nation national guard are under arms and ready tai march at a moments moment's notice and we were telegraphed for and three compani lof of the filth regiment arrived last laet night The city is in a state of ot great Ireat excite mente ment When the railroad officio knew that they could not run their trains they stopped all aU but the boats on OD the creek route and thus thul completed the blockade During the night the broad gauge pier was wu guarded by a force olli 0 ot Ib sheriff P CHICAGO H CAGO July All 5 5 All the mal moist buildings of at the Worlds World's Fair ex the horticultural building the he woo mens men's building the art palace tb the tbs s machinery ball and the U United States government building were almost en eo burned tonight They were proper property y of ot the Columbian Columb an Exposit Exposition Salvage Balvage company and had bad been PUN pu pur chased for about J- J The fire alarm was waB immediately fol lowed lowell by a 3 11 call and this by a ape epe lP vial cial call for tor ten e ei eJ gines By the time the first detachment of at engines was waa fully at work the Terminal station was a mass of flames llames and the fire had leaped across to the building J JIn In twenty minutes the dome of th tb beautiful building fell teU with a terrible terribly roar oar oar and sparks and blazing bran brands were carried by the wind north and and an northeast to the mining electricity anti an agricultural buildings J The electricity building was wae the first to take fire In a few minutes n ji was enveloped in flames dames and at o'clock the glass roof root collapsed and anti and the iron fram frame work of the structure fell in An unknown man was burned to death He and a companion we buried under the root roof of a conduit lead lug from fram the electrical building to tb ther fountain One was wal burned bur ed to death and the other so 10 bad burned that he be may die WASHINGTON July 5 Preside Cleveland has bas sent lent the following rep reply to Governor demand for the removal of the Federal troops s fro Illinois EXECUTIVE MANSION WASHINGTON July 5 HOD Hon John P Altgeld Governor Illinois Springfield Ill Federal troops were sent to Chicag in strict accordance with the Lion tion and laws of the United States the demand of the postoffice depar depa went ment that ob obstruction of ot the maid should be removed and aDd upon of the Judicial officers of United States that the process of ot u the Federal courts could not be executed through the ordinary means and u I abundant proof that conspiracies e eX eit F J f j J l feted Isted ted against commerce between the states state To To meet these conditions which are clearly elearly within the province of ot Federal authority the presence of ot Federal troops in the city of Chicago was deemed not DOt only proper but necessary and there has been no DO Intention of thereby interfering with the plain duty of the local authorities to preserve the peace of ot the city oily GROVER DROVER CLEVELAND WASHINGTON D C July 5 The 5 5 President ident Is watching the developments developments ments DeBts of the situation at Chicago with deep concern He is advised of every movement as reported to the war de- de department department de department and department of JustiCE This evening the President Secre Secre- Secretary Secretary tary ary Lamont Lament General Attorney-General Olney and aDd General Schofield discussed the situation being informed In ormed of ot the various phases bue by the Associated Press bulle- bulle bulletins bulle tins It was deemed expedient also to establish bUsh a means mean of ot speedy and direct communication O with General Miles MUes and aDd to that end the manager of the Western tern Union Telegraph company was called upon to connect the White WhiteHouse WhiteHouse House Houle wire with one of the main wires to 10 General Miless Miles's headquarters In Chicago HUNTERS QUAY July The 5 5 The re- re re regatta gatta of the Mud Hook Yacht club tc- tc day tc-day day dy opened amidst a scene of excite excite- excitement ment which was soon after intensified by a collision between the V Valkyrie alky and ad nd the which resulted in the sinking inking of ot the former yacht and the l serious erious os disabling the latter Then to still further excite the masses ashore and aDd the people afloat the Britannia Which had the start was overhauled and aDd pa passed ed by the saucy Vigilant No such interest was ever before shown here bere In a yacht race for the American Ayer Vigilant was to meet for the first time the Prince of Wales's cutter Britannia admitted to be the fastest yacht In all Europe The Britannia passed the winning mark 5 seconds ahead of the VIgilant lI amid d the greatest enthusiasm time time- time Britannia 5 6 hours bours 58 68 minutes minute the Vigilant 5 hours bours 58 minutes 6 5 sec sec- seconds sec ends V VANCOUVER B C July 5 The 6 Empress of t China brings news from Korea Korea up to June 12 Since the thear ar ar- ar arrival 1 rival 1 of Japanese troops nothing im important JIO portent aDt has occurred Japanese papers are under onder close censorship On the find ultimo there was a rumor In Yokohama to the effect that Chinese troops were entering Roles Korea war from Five Chinese men of ot war are am anchored off oft The Japanese e minister to 0 Korea has the request request of Mr Yuan Chin Chinese resident at Seoul and aDd of ot the Korean KorD I government to withdraw the Japanese troops from Korea The government forces fordes tor ea ha have Te recovered and the Insurrection has bas been almost suppressed On the two female missionaries belonging to the American Presby Presby- Presbyterian Presbyterian Presbyterian terian mis mission ion were brutally attacked 18 16 the streets of ot Heman a city on the opposite side of the river raver from Canton Can ionOne One of them a duly qualified medical stopped topped to give assistance to 10 a Chinaman who had dropped down the plague The man died almost and the terror stricken Chinese to accused her of or causing his bis death tb The women were stoned one f fi i I being badly cut about the head bead They WEre WE're rescued by the customs officials after a hard struggle I WASHINGTON July G 6 6 Representative tive McGann Chairman of the com com- committee committee on labor of ot the House is pre pre- preparing preparing paring plAting a plan for avoiding strikes which he will soon present to President President President dent Debs of the A R B U President Gompers of ot the Federation of Labor and the heads of large railway and other corporations McGann's plan does not contemplate law but a con con- contract contract tract between the and em- em employers em employers by which each will agree to tosu su submit all aU differences to arbitration CHICAGO July The 6 mob began overturning the cars care this morning at Kensington at the junction of the Michigan Central Ventral and Illinois Central a mile from Pullman The troops were hurriedly dispatched The deputy marshals fired on OD the mob and andone andone andone one man is II reported killed and several wounded Two Later-Two Later Two strikers were kUl killed d out out- outright outright outright right and others are thou thought ht to have been seriously hurt burt in the riot in the Illinois Central yards today At 10 o'clock men were rushing up and down the yards overturning the freight oars cars and destroying the tracks About United States deputy mar mar- marshals marshals marshals and Cook county deputy sheriffs charged the mob in various places The strikers forces were rapidly re- re recruited recruited re recruited by 1030 a thousand men men were bowling and throwing stones atones over a stretch of ot track over 0 one ne mile mUe III length At that time the Illinois milk train c came me steaming slowly up from the south The mob charged on it and andIn andin andin In a trice the engine was detached and the cars cara car overturned The train crew tied The strikers mounting the engine carried it back a quarter of ot a amile amile amile mile when opening the throttle they jumped from the cab The locomotive rushing forward with full speed dashed Into loto the wreck and tore through the derailed cars care until it was thrown on one side The crowd mounted the wreck with an exultant cheer and held beld high carnival until a force of deputies pre pre- prepared prepared pared to charge As |