Show THE LEGIS legislative VOTE TOTE A vo voter terl asks the NEWS will you kindly publish the vote of the re tive parties part lee as aa shown by the he returns return for members of the last gogla lature including the election hold held in salt bait lake city in january of this abia J the vote by legislative council dla die tracts was wae as aa follows democratic republican first district 1618 1616 1140 second 1137 1327 1827 third 1168 1180 fourth 2823 fifth 1836 1350 sixth 1676 1 1769 59 seventh 1540 1712 eighth 1 1799 1999 1551 ninth 1387 1572 tenth 1383 totals the fourth district figures are those of the special election in salt lake city in january at the election in the previous november it was a contest between three parties resulting as follows democrats 2 2944 republicans 1600 liberals the fop populist list vote at the ani january election was 70 |