Show RINSING THE STOMACH since the detailed statement made in the NEWS some time ago of the case of a young man in this city who had bad a novel but effectual experience in being relieved of dyspepsia there have been several residents of salt bait lake who have been similarly benefited on lady in particular the wife of a prom anent citizen had bad given up all hope of life she was naturally delicate and her health had been failing for years temporary relief had been afforded by physicians but the malady persistently refused to succumb to the treatment applied and the patient grew weaker and more distressed at each recurring attack until family and friends prepared to meet the sad event which they regarded so as inevitable the lady was in this situation when she read in the NEWS the article re berred to it aroused now new hopes and she determined on having her stomach washed out in the manner described in the case spoken of the treatment was pursued under the direction of her physician and though it was attended with some difficulty at first it was persisted peir stated in until now the lady is wholly relieved from her stomach I 1 trouble Tou to use sebor her own words 11 1 I am in splendid health I 1 haven pt felt so BO well for twenty years she is approaching the age of three beare and ten and though she shows the marks of her former illness her step has baa become firm and elastic again as or of a woman much younger and her man ner is ie blythe and cheerful in other cases beneficial results have followed the treatment and in some instances where there have been a complication of troubles the process has enabled the physician to work a cure when without it his bis medicines have failed to produce the desired effect some of the leading physicians of the city now accord laundering of the stomach pivus a it is termed in medical slang the strongest endorsement and express their firm belief that at last ladt a remedy has baa been discovered for RD an inkey progressive affection of the stomach not only in this city but among the medical wiseacres wise acres throughout the country and europe the stomach siphon which was used first in parts paris receives warm commendation not nos long since dr cyrus edson of now new york speaking of the new process said if we had known of this thin two years ago mr blaine would have been alive today here we are puzzling our brains over medicine when lying about almost at aa our foot feet as it were was the simplest of remedies and the only remedy which would have cured him there are many other prominent men now dead who might be still living had bad they thet enjoyed trie opportunity of having their atom stomachs achs washed J it Is illi stated that if the stomach were laundered 12 every two or afi three rw months dyspepsia would have a chance of gaining a foothold the NEWS has been requested to make agn again in a brief statement of the operation in order that afflicted peo people PI a may have renewed opportunity of considering si it the apparatus oon sista of a rubber tube lube from four to six feet long a small section rt at one end being low less flexible than the rest of the pipe and containing two slots for the pear sage of the liquid at the other end is a rubber funnel int i which to pour water the small end of the tube is thrust into the throat or more properly speaking this th oesophagus and crowded or swallowed down to the stomach at first thereto an unpleasant choking sensation caused by the presence of an unusual article and by the nervousness of the individual but this is said to pass aw away after a few trials when the ez end of the tube reaches the bottom of the stomach a quart or more ot of cowl fort ably warm water is poured in at the funnel until the stomach is full the water to is allowed to remain a 8 few minutes during which time nature conducts the rinsing process thed the person loans leans forward until tho tb funnel is brought below the level of oath tw stomach and the water with the coir COB tents of the stomach which it has bf COMO come mixed with is siphoned oat without any discomfort the work ot of inserting the tube is not to be attempted by a novice lest it be thrust into the windpipe but at first it is safe to be done by the doctor afterwards the la can use it himself the is rinsed out about lour four times without removing the tube when the treatment is over the person feels a 4 trifle weaks weak and aad is ia hungry as an well the latter want supplied the former condition passes panes away and aad the patient fools feels relief of course it must not be thought that stomach rinsing to Is a cure all though it may reach the seat of trouble and aid in correcting many disorders of the human body in some it has been tried without avail yet the beneficial results that have followed it in some instances show that it pos messes esses a virtue in some cases of illness there is no patent on warm water and a rubber tube and when its use effects the CleS cleaning Ding of the firebox fire box bex or stomach of the human engine the ills ilia that come from its being clogged up are consequently removed we are not especially inclined to recommend the remedy and cannot speak of it from personal knowledge we cari can however heartily endorse the suggestion of a medical friend that every person should endeavor to masticate his bis tood foud thoroughly and take sufficient exercise to have it il all assimilated assimilate ij and thus since prevention is ten times better than the best beet kind of cure reducing to a minimum the danger of being visited by stomach disorders |