Show STATEHOOD the convention adopts a memorial askin asking admission to the union the state constitutional convention resumed td its meeting at pm fri day dayock Oct 7 and after being in executive session for an hour and a half adjourned until saturday oct 8 at 1220 pm today to day the convention was waa called to order by the president I ion hon john T caine Therol the roll call leall showed a majority of the memoirs present prayer was offered by hon ward E pack of summit county mr hammond reported amendments to the memorial by the executive sessions and its recommendation for adoption as amended the memorial memoria i was ordered read some slight amendments amend menta were made and the following is the full text ot 01 the document as adopted MEMORIAL TO CONGRESS to the president and the senate and house bouse of representatives of the U filled states of An america terica in congress assembled GeNT GENTLEMEN gentled LEv ex for the fifth time the people of utah present to your honorable body a constitution providing for fea republican form of government and respectfully ask admission into the union as a free and sovereign state your memoria lists are delegates in a constitute constitutional conte convention chosen by the people of this te territory in mass meetings s to which all citizens of every party were publicly invited the constitution presented herewith was framed bv your memoria lists with a desire to effect a political sett settlement lamen of the questions which have heretofore 4 i interposed as tile the sole objections when utah has applied for the rights and privileges of statehood under recent acts of congress no person practicing polygamy can vote or hold bold office in this territory your memoria lists are registered voter sand the constitution which they adopted on the flie seventh day of july 1887 was ratified at the general election au august 1887 by a popular legal vote of only voting against it the total number of votes cast at the same election for precinct pic and county officers and members of the legislative assembly was 10 this shows a balance of 2705 who refrained from voting on this question the voters of the minority party having been so directed openly by their political leaders who do P not ot favor any movement for the removal of those disabilities which are c common om to the the territorial system unless likely to be specially favorable to them tile the number of the voting population has been considerably reduced by br the operations of congressional statutes the act of march 1882 dis franchised all polygamists the act of march 8 1887 eiel excluded eluded all women from the polls the test oath prescribed by the same law was so distasteful to many persons of all classes who were otherwise qualified that they abstained from registration and as only registered voters could cast th ther ear ballots at tile the general election for or against the constitution framed by your memoria lists the total vote in its favor was under the cir circumstances cum remarkably large the people ople who have adopted and ratified this constitution are law abiding citizens cit izena ot of the united states they have not violated any law of congress the special provisions they have framed in reference to practices esi condemned by the popular voice were made in good faith and so worded that they are practically unrepeatable in these congress has not imposed unusual requirements upon a new state stale but the people have placed these re upon themselves in order to meet objections and secure political harmony with the existing states in doing this they have but exercised a reserved and constitutional tion alright right if utah shall be admitted juto into te union these provisions will be strictly and fairly enforced your memoria lists have no hesitation in stating that almost the entire population of utah um ah are desirous of becoming fully identified as a st state ate with the institutions of this great republic aud and of taking part in national affairs as loyal loi aland and peaceable citizens they have demonstrated their fitness for the duties i responsibilities an 4 privileges ot of statehood they are thrifty temperate industrious intelligent and progressive they form a vigorous aud permanent community out of debt and ready to move forward in with ane c states the territory as a population of V 1 not le less ss than iban two hundred thousand S hel hai w wealth exclusive of mines which abich we are untaxed and represent I 1 millions aggregates not less jess than one hundred and fifty wil jail lion dollars dollar 4 her resources products interests and prospects are conceded by all to be amply sufficient to sustain a state government at ai d have so frequently agen presented to congress and th witti with statistics that we drem df emit it unnecessary to 10 detail them in this memorial the su irrigated by mountain st streams reams diverted through canals and ditches over large areas once a desert brings brina 11 forth grain and fruit in rich abundance cattle and sheep roam upon uon a thousand hills and supply p fy both home and foreign markets her woolen and othur other manufactories manu factories have become famous for their honest and useful products factories and workshops shops supply labor to skilled and common artisans who are content with reasonable wages and among whom strikes a aid ai v 1 d I trouble with capital have hitherto been unknown the necessities and many of the I 1 luxuries of life are abundant and cheap minerals of all kinds abound within her borders and the mining output aggregates from to annually anait 4 from the precious metals anere are valuable deposits so varied in character a C ter and immense in qua quantity n city as to afford in themselves material materia 1 for u untold 11 told wealth these await but the touch of the capital that a settled political condition will draw to uth utah to be brou brought ht forth for the benefi of her bet i peo people anle and the enrichment of the tae naf alon the great railroads which a ati ready have their nii in or near her capital city with others in process s a of construction place her people in easy ion X with the rest of the country hud and facilitate commercial relations the tele graph the telephone the electric light and othor modern improvements are u extensively by her catl Q n zens her business status and repa tation in the great centres bentres of trade are IR unimpeachable her taxes are phe 15 A no low and her internal aa affairs have been honestly and 1 economically conducted her school cyst system em with the best text books used in the foremost J schools of the country provides 7 strictly strictly ly secular education tor for the chill dren in every fity eity and settlement her he i r school statistics bear very favorable comparison om with even the older states nothing now stands in the way of her march to that proud position to which everything just and natural points as her destiny but bat those political disabilities which only statehood can remove we appeal to your honorable body to regard the wishes of a people who earnestly desire to aid in promoting tile the welfare and glory of the nand r who from the day their pioneers first unfurled the stars and stripes on this then mexican soil have looked for f ward to the time when they should A enter the union as a state as guaran teed to them in common commma with other 1 l residents on the territory acquired by j the treaty of guadaloupe hidalgo f ah ask that the cons constitution of the proposed state of utah shall rece receiver the close and impartial attention atten tio oy your honorable body it guarana gu arant e a republican form of government it provides for equal rights and leges before the law to citizens of all parties creeds and condi conditions tOns it joh is broad and liberal and contains the I 1 best provi provisions to be found in at other state constitutions it meets the demands that have been made upon apon 0 the e majority of the people of utah when T tae aney y have previously lv asked admission into the euion union what more can be required of any people the admission of ut utah all will rel relieve the government of a question that has troubled it for a quarter of a century and aid remove it from fora nations national I 1 to blocs local i regulation where it properly be belongs it will add one more star to the national galaxy increase the strength of the union save the country many maly thousands of ef dollars annually ano ana bind to the interests interest s of the nat nation latious ious a body of honest patriotic and grateful people who will be found when the mists of ef misrepresentation and bleill dice are cleared be a commie com comena miu ity of which any government might be prud proud we ask for a republican form of government ern ment and we ask that it be gintas NOW for nearly forty years utah has hag been pleading for statehood shall a deaf ear be still turned to her entreaties we hope for better things in id behalf of the great majority of the vot 1 ers who represent reo resent the vast majority of the people of kitab we submit that having baving broken no law we should not be deprived of 4 our liberties on account of objections raised against athers we ask ferjus atee and a faia consideration of our cause tile pledge thai utah as a state will be faithfully devoted to true republican principles and to the interest and welfare of the government of the united states aud and your memoria lists will ever pray adopted in convention at salt lake city utah territory on the eighth flay day of october I 1 AD A U 1887 by un unanimous vote and 0 ordered to be signed by we P president resident and Secret secretary arv JOHN T cataw presidents President 1 HEBER M secretary on motion of mr sharp the 6 rial was adopted and the aad secretary instructed to sip sign the convention adjourned at the cal call 1 I of the Pread eBl i i zv |