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Show UTAH STATU DEC,"E CITY tk,ehl SIEGE vfle recent thetiLWr the digging the . Mayfield. Having decided that the saloon lion of license at Ogden have a right slon of lclense at Ogden have a right to dispose of their stock of goods, eight of the applicants whose saloons were closed will be allowed to con tlnue their vocation for the next three months. burned, showing contact Badly with the deadly high tension wire that skirts the tunnel roof, the body of an Austrian miner, was found in tunnel No. S at the Highland Boy mine In upper Bingham sanyon half an hour after be had gone on shift. While trying to Imitate the feats of his older companions In sliding Sown the bannisters in front of the Third ward chapel In Ogden, Don eon Carlos Richardson, of J. E. Richardson, fell twelve feet to the pavement and sustained a badly fractured skull. A Incorrigible lad of Ogden has during the past two veeks stolen four teams, his latest iscapade being the theft of a big alr of prancing grey horses attached to a Job wagon, which he took from iq front of a Washington aveuue itore and drove away. For the purpose of discussing the work to be done by the state fish and (aqie. department during the coming year all c.f the chief fish and game wardens and the hatchery superintendents met with F. W. Chambers, state fish and game commissioner, In Salt Lak9 last week. The A y farmers are rejoicing over the dowkifall of rain, as it means much for the grain crops In Cedar valley and along the foothills of the Wasatch range. Many farmers have planted their fall wheat and this storm will advance the crop a great deal before snow flies. At a meeting held In Farmington the Davis and Weber County Power and Telephone company was organized to take over the defunct Independent Telephone company and the Davia County Power company. About $90,000 worth of stock was issued by the two old companies. Newhouee, the lively little mining camp in the western part of Beaver county, is reaching such proportions of Importance that a strong 'movement Is now on foot to Incorporate and receive some of the advantages of & city. The Utah railroads say they have received no notice from the eiat board of health' concerning the new ruling which abolishes the public e Irlnkini cup. The ruling Is to effective January 1. However, Ihe railways are ready to carry on he requirements of the law. JoA-Charr- four-year-ol- d v . - n . r;-;:- . r. Tripoli, Vrtlal Jn this city 4 sat Italian j . goveir a proclamation Satur- - three towns Swept day Thornlng Is in a state population maintained. consulates day. The O' being s ,haffUrU. maln'aln-- round th. night and Jy d Are Not Flocking to the Standard of the Deposed King as Had Been Expected and Re. publican Troops Are Loyaf. Plan of Turks is to Warn Italians to Leave Turkish Territory, All Who Insist on Remaining to be Put to Death. Lisbon. The most contradictory reports are being received here regarding the situation in the horth. The nionar liists, however, do not appear to be making headway against the republic. The people are not flocking to their side and the republican troopsso far have remained loyal. l A note says the monarPROMISE RELIEF FOR SETTLERS chist band atVinbacs fled on the arrival of troops, who pursued them to the frontier. In the engagement several monarchists were killed and two President Tells People of Idaho That republicans wounded. Congress Will No Doubt Settle News from Galicia asserts that the Vexed Question Next Session. monarchists there are in a state of demoralization. Their leaders are unable to persuade them to advance Idaho. Former Governor into Portugal. Boise, The Portuguese premier, Joan ChaRrady of Idaho on Friday promised CrcsidentTaft to bring thirteen wes- gas, has notified the Portuguese leter. governors to Washington next gation at Paris that the government W1f to help him thresh out the quelflon of the disposition of the public domain. The ex governor did not elaborate on his idea for the solution of the public lands question, but Mr. Taft himself promised several audiences to do all Uhis power at the next sessioaof congress to have legislation enactld that will dispose of some of the difficulties now confronting settlers on public lands. Such legislation, the president said, would not interfere with the policy of conservation. Tle principal grievances of settlers, the president found, are : the short time in which first payments for land are required; the length of tenure demanded of a settler before he becomes owner of the land, and the fact that even after a tenure of five years, title to the land does not pass. He did not take up each issue iu detail, but declared that there was no reason to doubt that congress would settle them at the next session. Mr. Taft spent the day iu Idaho, waking up at Pocatello to go ashore from his train and make uis first address, pnd practically closing thedays work here with a speech to thnuwilid jgfYraJ senator f Borah and1 lomr Governor Brady accompanied him on the trip across the state. PRINCE THOMAS, the ltallanNavy. Commandlng PRESIDENT Rome. It Is understood, on the of departure of the hi my of occupation from the various ports of con- Vmj-officia- away Flood In Wisconsin Makes TtiBJsmds Homeless and Causes Heavy Mone tary Loss, But No Lives Are Losii Black River Falls. Wis. With the towns of Black River Falls, Hatfield and North Bind practically destroyed and with scores of farm houses swept away, it is still impossible to verify rumors of loss of life in the Black River valley floods and the remark-- , able simctacle is presented of thousands of people homblesS with per-hanot the loss of a single life. Fifty-threbusiness buildings out oi sixty-on- e River Falls have disappeared, as have thirty residences. The town of North Bend, north ot here, is entirely destroyed. Damage to crops of the suriounding country Will be immense. The water hf all directions Is covered with floating carcasses of chickens, hogs, sheep, cattle and horses. The loss to Black River Falls alone Is estimated at $1,000,000, while the La C'rosse Power company, the breaking of whose dam at Hatfield caused the destruction of practically everything in the valley, will lose at least p week. seven-year-ol- Tbe People WA& ca fl Lyman CbrlsttanBen of Mayfield was accldentaty shot and Instantly killed by his , companion, Douglas also of Mayfield, while the two v. sro hunting ducks on the Sevier liver, near Gunnison. John Murray partner of J. J. Morris in the holdup of the loan office in Galt Lake on they afternoon of May 9, 1311, following which Morris shot and killed Joseph W. Axtell, has been found guilty of robbery. ouncil has passed, to mg an ordinance for-- o of liquor. Murray 27, and the saloons closed Saturda" night. The council Is determined keep the city dry. While attempting to rescue his belongings from a burning lodging house at the Highland Boy camp In Bingham canyon, Peter Obi, an Italian, cut the arteries of his left wrist on a broken wlndowpane and died of several hours .later from los V "' i I blood. ! Frank A. Clarke and W. E. Whitlock, ranchers in the western part of Utah county, have been arrested on the charge of having robbed Heber Pearson, a section foreman, of $2,000 on September 17, while he was walking Vlong the railroad track near Ir- -e 'lace POPU iTpdfesibillty of market, the Ogden aw;ar factory was forced to close down the lutter part of W ANfc mers will bo e(j Postal savings banks 30 er Oct J tabllsbed American I River, Green Far, and Payson. InaugThe Bingham officers have gani urated a campaign againstUousea b and all of the gambling . been closed. was at Jloy Williams, whose hotne Wichita. Kans., was run oser byhis work train at Lucln and killed, body being frightfully mangled. win1tah intends having a prise at products farm cing exhibit of dry the sixth International dry farming October 16 pongress, which opens Colorado Springs. new To determine whelher the of operation the makes law gambling a felon machines ordinary trade slot the a test case Is to be brought by Lake. Salt at counts attorney has Th 4 Oregon Short Line of a begun Lake Salt W the ereetloa house. ade enclosing the round chine Shop, blacksmith - UNMASSACRE THREATENED LESS ITALY ABANDONS INTENTION OF HOLDING TRIPOLI. NVS The recent rain caused sugar factory to hut to were unable brwtk san PORTUGUESE MONARCHISTS ARE MAKING NO HEADWAY AGAINST THE NEW REPJBLIC. t! $"00,000. A 4 cruisers uf mfnethat were ylld by the Turks, sin order that the trans ports may enter the harbor in safety. No mines hare as yet been found, and the Impression is growing that few. If any, were planted by the Turks. The majority of the Tripolitan police have signified a willingness to enter the Italian service. The government and public utilities services are rapidly assuming normal proportions. The postoffice has been opened with s the Italian over the doorway and a guard of marines on duty around the building. The position ol Italy with respect to intervention, already known, was reiterated by a prominent government official Saturday. While the Italian fleet has taken possession of Tripoli and Cyrenalca, the occupation by Italy of Tripolitan territory will not he accomplished until the army of occupation shall have been landed. WILL END MOSLEM RULE. Italians Plan to Drive Turks Entirely Out of Africa. Rome. full scope The of Italy's campaign against Turkey became known for the first time Saturday. It Is not the occupation of Tripoli alone, but by a series of smashing blows along the whole thousand miles of Tripolitan and Cyrenlcian coast, Italys purpose Is the utter destruction of the Turkish rule In Africa. With utter humiliation Btaring Turkey in the face, Italy will deal as conqueror with the late owner of the evicted territory. The end of- the Moslem rule In Africa is practically realized. t The ports .and forts of Tripoli, Bomba, Tirza, Benghazi, Perna and Tombruk have been bombarded and silenced. Italian blue jackets are in possession and the Italian flag flies over them. Thousands are homeless in the hills, having fled before , the great flood waves swept down the valley. Food is scarce and starvation threatens. Floods in the Southwest. Durango, Colo. Southwestern Col- ra aiU flurftfffjl New lrc-- fcO ai devastated as a result of the heaviest' storms and most severe floods this section has experienced since 18S4. Miles of railroad track, many scattered houses and at least two towns have been washed away, mines have been flooded and temporarily abandoned, and it is reported that several lives have been lost Arboles, a town of 300 inhabitants, thirty-fiv- e miles east of here, has been detroyed and several people are reported missing. From Farmington, N. M., comes the report that a nearby village of Navajo Indians has been swept away and that the natives are destitute and ex posed to the storm, Bayfield and Ignacio are Inundated and all residents have fled to the hills. VISITS GLACIERS. have taken ail necessary tain fastn?ss. The presidetial party-madthe ascent in automobiles and when nearing the highest point reached by the roadway the machines became mired in mud up to the hubs of the wheels. Forest rangers with teams of horses finally clear the way. Night had fallen and a storm threat- ened as the president started down the decline. With searchlights blazing the way, the president's car slow Murder. Man of Insane Suspect ly crept along the edges of precipices Basin, Wyo. Suspected of murder- and at times the outer wheels were Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, within two feet of a sheer drop of ing Mr. and feet or more. whose dead bodies were found at their home on the ranch of . Shot While Quail Hunting. W. A. Richards, near Red Nev. With a dangerous Reno, Bank. September .24, E. T. Peyton, a for a wound in his right side caused by a solicjtor and correspondent Cheyenne newspaper, was captured shotgun. Phillip Verrill Miehels, famat the Richards rant h and brought to ed throughout the United States and Basin in an insane condition Friday. Great Britain as a short story writer, When Peyton appeared at the Rich- lies in a precarious condition in hospital. Migheis was qua'l ards ranch he was muttering Edna hunting and accidentally shot himself. and acting strangely. e a T y J '7 1: for Attendance and Splendor of Exhibits. Salt Lake City. The directors of the Utah State fair, which came to a close Saturday night, are more than pleased with this years exposition. All previous records for attendance, number of exhibits, quantity or livestock, cattle and horses, excellent racing, and freedom from accident and friction were broken this year. The exhibits were fully 50 per cent in advance of those of last year, both as regards quantity and quality. It is estimated that 22,000 people passed through the gates on closing day, but the banner day was Thursday, when President Taft addressed more than 50,000 people at the fair grounds. Almost every county in the state was represented In same form of exhibit, and the productiveness of Utah was exemplified in a manner that must have proven a veritable revelation to visitors. jut j Saved by Silver Dollar. Butte, Mont. hilo two policemen were struggling' to separat two fighters and quell a small riot Saturday morning, the revolver. of one was ao cidentally discharged, the ball striking the other oiticej over the groin. A silver dollar in his pocket d fleeted the bullet, which inflicted only a scratch. The lead was spattered upon the In God We Trust. and the policeman declares that henceforth he is U rvidly Christian. Poker Pjajfre K"t Opponent. . Cecil Bright was shot OxnardCal. ct resignation Washington. Captain Frank A. Cook, recently j and probably fatally wounded before at San Francisco f r dawn Saturday ly Samuel Moulton,1 conduct unbecoming an officer, has his opponent in poker game. Moul-been accepted by the president. It is ton backed throtgh a window and es- aumouneed at the war department. caped. Grerteneral Reyes. Laurier Cabinet Resigns. Ln.u Ottawa, Onti The try has resigned and R. L. Borden has acctj the governor-general- , net. The resignation overnment came F Saved From CORNELIUS BLISS T i DEAD. I Was One of Leading' Figuers'Jn National Politics for Years York. Cornelius Newton New Bliss, for years one of the leading figures in national Republican poli-ticand otherwise well known as a '.merchant and a member of the dry goos firm of Bliss. Fab.vian & Co., ' Jit d' here Monday night of heart disease. The end was not wholly unexpected, as Mr. Bi ss bad been ill for a year and his family had noted ior some time that, he was fast failing. Mr. Bliss was 78 years old, having been born In Fall River, :,Mass.,. in 1833. He was treasurer of the Re-- I publican national committee from 1S92 to 1908, and previous to that had been chairman of the New York state Republican committee. ' s , SAYS PAL WAS SLfYER. Suspect Admits Killing of Man Who Attempted to prevent Bubbry. Salt Lake City. Samuel Kirkpj) Ick, who with Harley P. Mewhi Is alleged to have attempt;"" Saul S. Brown, a traveling in the Ramona roominj Friday afternoon, and which C. L. Ericksc shot and killed men as he wa Brown, has slon of hisi He declaj shooting.. A e;i MilwauTS given Mon States senate vestigating contribute Isaac FLl nltor oped decfcC"afi $107,793, managers mittedly exp' if campaign for nomination, compared to $150,000 or $200, OOf might hffve been spent for a camntgn more sysr- tematically conducted i ad-h- e - Newspaper Guilty Contempt. Sait Lake City. F publishing articles that were said U hav n' fluencefl the jury in the tf. of Frdpk I. sefrit against' the Tfele ram, "the comPubiJshFg pany, Its general manager. Charge E. Hale, and its managing edito1, Arthur J. Brown, were found guilt: of fcontempt of the federal court by Judge John A. Marshall in a decison given Monday. Herald-Republica- - Hero Stunt for Reward. Colorado Springs, Colo. Four hours after he had been acclaimed a hero and presented with a substantial pure in the belief that h had saved a passenger train from plunging over a l.Obo.foot precipice. Raymond Yv'ond, eighteen ears old. of Colorado City, confessed Saturday that it was he who had stolen five teet of log chain, wrapp d it around the rail on the outs.de rati before the train carrying 4 1'0 passengers, en route from Cripple Creek to Coloradd Springs, reached the point. of ail Italian residents. The government has decided to establish a censorship on all press telegrams, particularly those dealing with military matters. Code messages will be prohibited. The Turkish commander at Tripoli reports that the Italian bombardment destroyed numerous houses and killed many inhabitants, including several women and children. r re- Works FIELD MUSIC OF ITALIAN ARMY Turkey Will Expel Italians. of Constantinople. The council ministers has definitely decided to take action looking to the expulsion Two Killed, Eleven Hurt, j ' Rochester, Mich. Two personfver killed and eleven Injured, onclrob-ably fatally. Saturday nigh'A'n a carl Detroit United Railway crashed Into the front r1 pt tfref northbound passenger tr to steps Mount Rainier and Narrowly press the royalist rising in th? north, Escapes a Night on the Mountain and that tranquility reigns throughTacoma. President Taft climbed up out the country. to the foot of the glaciers on Mount UTAH FAIR A SUCCESS. Rainier on Sunday and narrowly escaped spending a night in the mounAll Records Broken Climbs - Urge Hilles for Chairman. Washington. It was reported Saturday that the political leaders of the administration have practically decio ed to urge the selection of Charles D. Hilles as chairman of the Rcpi ltcau national committee. centration nearest Tripoli, that t Do Italian government has notified the powers of its intention to cuaiine the war to Tripoli. Tlie Italian government states, however, this intention will be abandoned if Turkey is unable to restrain excesses agalist Italians on Tuikiah territory. Rumors declare that Turkey will Insist on Italy giving up Tripoli, and if this cession is not made, Italian subjects in Turkey, ifter a proper notification, will bo massacred if they do not leave Turkish territory. Twenty transports are in the harbor ready to take troops to Tripoli. The government is withdrawing all the army of occupation, news as but it is confidently believed that a large part .of it has already sailed from ports other than Naples and that the landing has already begun. -- e HIBINI PA3HA, Grand Vixler and Prime Minister of Turkey. ee Exposure. The eourt-martiale- j 1 Six Killed in Wreck. Biicklin, Mo. A Burlington freight train was wrecked half a mile east of Lingo, Macon county, M0 Sunday. Six boys of New Cambria and Iievier, Mo., are reported to hnve been killed.' They were stealing a rifle. Soldiers Checl Says Shooting Was Accic.enu.1. Salt Lake City. James Nick, an Italian, one of the proprietors of e Victoria grocery store at Bingham, who was the only companion of Anthony Bertelli, ?f Italian saloon man of Salt Lakd and Bingham, who was shot and instantly k lied Sunday afternoon one mile west of Laik while he was rabbit shooting, confessed Monday morning that he had fired the fatal shot by accident. Drowned While Saving Lives. Denver. John Rice, a ranchman of Farmington, N. M., drowned while saving women and children, Is the only death. so far reported from the floodswept district of southwestern Colorado and northern New Mexico. IVhat other lives were lost, If any,' is yet unknown, as only intermittent Communication with the flooded region can be had, and no reports have been received from rural settlements. Monetary Hearings. Congressman VreelanA of the national monecommission, announced Mom New York n tary will hold on proposed hanking 26. legislation October groom Suicide. Texas. Scarcely M e had narrjptftenant era, Second stltP9 x Fort Saa , scU J v' |