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Show Planned program ....a A jva Sunday School for Annual Party gy Annual Christmas the Second ward given by school, will include the tomorrow Ling program, at 1 P- m. m the Saturday) according to Jesse rd chapel, Iterson of the Sunday school uvrum-- The . - Song, congrega- invocation, Lynn Nielsen; lit Patty Anderson and Barbara Ilierr dance, Pamala leterseh song, pri--aLinda Albertson; department; ..reading, Lota Anderson; song, Second ,rintendency: ry Hyrum, Utah, Friday, Dec. 24, 1948. address, Clawson; Edwin duet, resident LaVere and Clawson; 0is Wiser ran solo, Vinnie Clawson; song, and Maxine Nielsen; jetty Rose Mervin Salverse.n and ienediction, Claus. Santa visit from department; Testimonial Will Be Given Sunday For Missionary A welcome home testi- Hyrum monial will be held in connection with sacrament meeting in the Third ward chapel on Sunday evening at 7:30, honoring Robert Nielsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elroy members of the ward are ordially invited to attend. All Childrens Party Set Today The childrens annual Annual Hyrtirn Christmas Nielsen. ; Elder Nielsen returned recently the North Western Mission. LaMont Larsen 'will be in charge of the program. party sponsored by ilfo civic clubs cf Hyriun, (the 'our Lions club, two Li ter aryp clubs: American and at. (Friday) today held Legion) for -- 'wall , be" ,3. p..,m. LT.r! ; mixed quartet consisting of and Mrs. Dick Oldroyd, Gar-n- el Larsen, and Thelma Peterson will sing. The welcome address will be given by Bishop James G. Christiansen. A comic readwill be given by Mrs. Esta ing Brcwn and a violin solo will be played by Mrs. Orland Miller. Elder Nielsen will make a reA1 vocal duet will be sponse. sung by Deana Eliason and Lex Larsen, accompanied by Allen A Mr. Elite dance hall. " There will be a dance, a visit Lrai Santa Claus and refresh-Lients will bo served. All Chilthe the town are invited to ean of there. ,? Zella Allred jGets MS Degree Miss Zella Miss Allred, Hyrum and Mrs.. John Allred ' of Hyrum, has been iwarded the degree, of Master of kience in social work, by Colum-- a University, New York. Eliason. of Mr. laughter I. Third Ward M.I.A. Has Yule Program began her training work at the Utah State j Uricultural - college, ' from - which ;he was graduated with the. degree; AlhvU Miss A special Christmas Hyrum program and dance, was held in the Third ward recreation hall Tuesday evening ,for the ward , :i social f bachelor of science , - 'in completed some post at M. 1939.-Sh- e gradu-t- e The Empty play entitled was presented under the direction of drama directors, Ludeen Nielsen, and Nina Nielsen. Taking parts in the play were Albert Johnson, Preston Allen,' Einar Jensen, Ross Nielsen, Blanche Mitton, Bernice Nelson, Gene Maughan, Paul Nielsen, Kay Miller, Cecil Hugie, Bert Savage, and Reed Bickmore. The Bee-HiGirls sang Christmas carols. Other numbers on the program was a vocal number by Marion Nielsen and Bert Brown. Peggy . Jensen presented a Fred Astaire dance number. Jay Boyd and Tony Leishman of Wellsville were featured in a comic skit. Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus were in attendance at the party. Following the program, the evening was spent in dancing, under the direction of the dance leaders of the ward, Mr. and Mrs. Lavar-Anhde- and worked for several years with ?e Cache department of public welfare. During the war she ransferred to the Davis county apartment of public welfare to issist with the development of a program for children of vomen employed in war indus-rie- s. studies U. S. A. C. Room lay-ca- re She completed one year of post ve raduate training in child welfaie University of Denver, chool of social work, in 1943 and 914, whichshe accept-- i following the position, of senior child welfare worker- with the Carbon unty department of public w Clthe 1 are. , For the past three and one-- lf years, Zella has been with 16 Family Service Society, of lt Lake City, one of the Red father agencies supported by he She was Community Chest. fanted a leave of absence during e fall and winter of 1947 and 48 to complete her studies and 1 New fork, York School of affiliated diversity. $1100 r. Lions Plan Gala Party For New Years Eve Social with She was also granted scholarship under the Health Act to help fin-nc- e her training. While in New rk, Miss Allred specialized in sychiatric social work, taking er field work training in the eterans New1 Administration, ork Regional Office, Mental Hy-ieService, the .largest out atiunt clinic in the 'ental Lewiston The Lions club a New Year Eve dance Friday night, Dec. 31, in the Lewiston Community dance hall. Confetti, serpentine, hats and noisemakers will be given away. Dancing will begin at 10 p. m. and continue until 1 a. m. The public is invited. Remember the date, Friday night, December 31. ne 1 psy-chiatr- arid... ( Her masters thesis was based a smdy of tients for Preparation cf Psychiatric Treat-ien- t, and she has been advised 'at her thesis is now being used the '' Mental Hygiene ' new program!.' for Service-orientation- cial workers. . I. A. Av ! , Smithfield Wednesday evening at the. home of Mrs. Harry Fern the JayCee LaDees club met. Bunco formed the evening's entertainment with prizes going to Mrs.' Judy Lewis and Mrs. Clinton Low, !m '. |