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Show Lakeside Review South, Wednesday, Mar. 30, 1983 Science Fair 5B Contestants Get Awards FARMINGTON Several special awards were given to high school and junior high stu- dents for their projects in the Davis County School District Science Fair by groups supporting the fair. The special awards were: American Meteorological Society, junior high, Tony Butterfield, Central Daviii Scott Davii, Millcreekj lenior high, Shelly Bitton, Clearfield,' Heidi Kierfer, Bountiful. American Pharmaceutical Association, junior high, Poul Cook, North Davit) senior high, Brett Barton, ' Clearfield, American Society for Microbiology, junior high, Rick Condie, Scott Brough, Kaysvillei Travis Hunt, Kaysvillei Tyler Cox, Central Davisi lorl Wall, Kim Magness, Central Davit) senior high, Stuart Clearfield) Deborah Johnson, Davit) Jennifer Uharriet, Davis; Matt Jensen, Clearfield. American Metric Association, junior high, Chert Reynolds, Central Davis; senior high, Derrick Jensen, Davit. American Society, junior high, Tyler Rentz, North layton; Harold Rust, Millcreek; Sarah Rankin, North laytoni senior high, Heidi Hoagan,, Clearfield, Marilyn Barlow, Davis; Leah Lansberry, Davis; Kelly Essley, Clearfield. Davit County Mosquito Abatement Plaque, junior high, Travis Hunt, Kaysville. Eastman Kodak Company, junior high, honorable mention, Scott Davis, Millcreek; regional winner, David Harrison, Central Davit) senior high, honorable mention, Kelley Erskine, Clearfield; Diane Chase, Clearfield; regional winner, Jeff Gallegos, Clearfield; Necia Palmer, Davis. Gulf Oil Corporation, junior high, Gerald Mills, Mueller Park. , Northern Utah Veterinary Medical Assn., award winner, Paul Burke, North Layton. Junior Engineering Technical Society (Jets, Inc.), Cheri Reynolds, Central junior Davis; Alaine Tingey, Bountiful; Steven Murphy, Mueller Park; Robert Porter, Central Davis; Jayson Barnes, Central Davis; Lois Gill, North Davis; Guyton Smith, Central Davis; Kristi Merrell, Mueller Park; Mark Murphy, Mueller Park; Michele Warner, North Davis; Joel Green, Central Davis; certificate and memdallion, 'Steven Lore, Farmington; senior and medallion, Donald lore, Davis. Marine Technology SocietyU.S. Naval Institute, junior high, Robbie Hiatt, North Davis; Steven Murphy, Mueller Park; senior high, Glenn Hill, Clearfield; Peggy Calhoun, Clearfield; Kenneth Leon, Clearfield. . Award-BeMoore Nursery-FlorBotany Project, Christine Tovey, North Davis. Motorola Electronics Award, junior high, Kristin Wilson, Kaysville; senior high, Julie Olsen, Davis. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, junior high, Eden Bodily, Millcreek; David Harrison, Central Davis; Gerald Mills, Mueller Park; Joel Green, Central Davis; Marie Crosby, South Davis; Nichole Skinner, North Layton; senior high, Derrick Jensen, Davis, ' Thomas Zaugg, Clearfield; Spencer Clark, Davis; Dustin McMillin, Clearfield. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, junior high, Ronna Sigler, Kaysville; senior high, Scott Hill, Davis; Lynne Thompson, Davis. National Fluid Power Association, junior high, Robbie Hiatt, North Davis; Alan Smith, Mueller Park; Yvonne Sifford, North Layton. . National Park Service Environmental Conservation Award, junior high, Travis Hunt, Kaysville,-seniohigh. Shelly Bitton, Clearfield. United States Air Force, junior high, biological, Travis Hunt, Kaysville; Maria Matthews, Bountiful; Tyler Cox, Central Davis; earth and space, Lois Gill, North Davis; physical, Dustin Goodwin, Central Hian, botany awar is; St ward, Spencer is; ch Derrick Jensen, Davis; environ- spau award, Kenneth Leon, Clearfield; mathen mental award, award, Lynn Thompson, Davis; gineeringcomputer medical and dental award, Garth Hogan, Viewmont; microbiology award, Jennifer Uharriet, Davis; physics award, Tom Zaugg (most outstanding), Clearfield; social and behavioral award, Jeffrey Palmer, Clearfield; zoology award, Janet Albisan, Davis. States Army, junior high, Tyler Rentz, . . United North Layton; Ruston Roberts, Central Davis; le Smith, North Layton; Wesley Pentz, North Layton; Lorie Gledhill, North Davis; Kristen Cook, North Davis; Richard Waite, Kaysville; Stacie Elmore, North Layton; Christian Anderson, South Davis; Lance Peterson, South Davis; Harold Rust, Millcreek; Tami Fail, Millcreek; Coro Lee Rhodes, Central Davis; Greg Thompson, Kaysville; Dan Stephenson, Kaysville; Yvonne Siffora, North Layton; Marc Olsen, Millcreek; Judy Drury, North Layton. Junior High Medallions and Certificates, Rusty Shomaker, Kaysville; Erin Rose, Mueller Park. Senior High Certificates, botany award, Stephen Ashmead, Davis; chemistry award, Spencer Clark, Davis; earth and space award. Derrick Jeneen, Davis; environmental award, Heidi Kieffer, Bountiful; award, Lavar Edwards, mathengineeringcomputer Clearfield; medical arid dental award, Garth Hogan, Viewmont; microbiology award, Jennifer Uharriett, Davis; physics award, Thomas Zaugg, Clearfield; social ana behavioral award, Kevin Butters, Clear- field; zoology award, Chad Petersen, Layton. Senior High Medallions and Certificates, Jennifer Uharriett. Davis; Lavar Edwards, Clearfield. United States Marine Corps, senior high, botany award, Diane McKissick, Clearfield; chemistry award, Jennifer Bradley and Toni Bon, Clearfield; earth and space award, Derrick Jensen, Davis; environmental award, Dustin McMillin, Clearfield; mathengineeringcomputer award, Julie Olsen, Davis; medical and dental award, Carolyn Layton, Davis; microbiology award, Deborah Johnson, Davis; physics award, Genette Gibby, Layton; social and behavioral award, Ryan Cowley, Davis; zoology award, Kelly Erskine, Clearfield; junior high, David South Koldewyn, South Davis; Camille Peterson, Alyson Watt, Davis; Scott Larsen, Millcreek; Millcreek; Stein Rosquist, Millcreek; Steven Lore, Farmington; Dustin Goodwin, Central Davis; Janalee SteenbUk, Millcreek; Scott Davis, Millcreek; Stephen Beitzel, Farmington; Rusty Shomaker, Kaysville; Marie Crosby, South Davis. . . United States Department of Energy, junior high, senior Darrin Nielsen, Kaysville; high, Shelly Bitton, Clearfield. United States Navy, junior high, honorable mention, Ky Ann Bradshaw, North Davis; Lori Wall and Kim Magness, Central Davis; meritorious achievement, Dustin Goodwin, Central Davis; superior achievement, Maria Matthews, Bountiful; senior high, honorable mention, Shelly Bitton, Clearfield; Lynn Thompson, Davis; Sonya Rees, Davis; meritorious Hoachievement, Stephen Ashmead, Davis; Garth Uhargan, Viewmont; superior achievement, Jennifer riet, Davis; Lavar Edwards, Clearfield. Senior High Briefcase, Jennifer Uharriet, Davis; Lavar Edwards, Clearfield. Linear Foot price based on 8 section which includes: post, two rails, and 24 - 1x4 or 17 - 1x6 pickets. Just add water! Business Classes 1x4 REDWOOD BENDER BOARD 1 x 6 1 x 8 ALuL ' FURRING STRIPS ' Buy 'em by the bundle! linear ft, 29 linear ft. $-7- 9 linear ft. Quality Appearance The final touch to any landscape project 3a" x 4". Varying lengths. v Matching mtah and AnfiltM 89 S-J- 1 Grade RAILROAD TIES i"9 Treated for long life. 1 1x2x8 33 2x2x8 89 KITCHEN $088 each. $2688 FILM POLYETHELENE black." CORD x 25' roll. 100' each Seat not Included. $Q88each Q CAROL S(L $098 2000 $OQ98 mm Sr each $29 and The classes are as earned be certificates may d, Indi- vidualized instructioon is used. Registration will be Saturday at the morning, April 9, 8 a.m. center. The fee is $36. Vocational center classes are open to the general public who are welcome to attend. IVa PRESERVATIVE 55 e LAYTON STORE HOURS Interstate P.M. p.m. Closed Sundays Weekdays Saturday 8-6:- 00 1b v r 457 7" CIRCULAR SAW CLEARWOOD Layton Hills Mall hp. ; $3998 2 hp. $0098 MB W $499a eacl Ogden LOS Temple OGDEN STORE HOURS La ton. Syracuse Hilltield Exit . Weekdays p.m. Saturdays p.m. Closed Sundays 8-5:- 30 8-3:- 00 9-5:- 00 Main St. LAYTON OODEN 1236 North Main 2069 Washington Blvd. 544-345- We Car BimChichi 621-776- 1 3 Should sn udvirtikad tlm not di ivniibli during tht Nam Chick MfinlNing (hi you may reouetl replenished Some item available only at our lerpet location pieeie cell tor your particular noedt iii, CORDLESS SCREWDRIVER SPEED DRILL $(hOO Gallon speed-buildin- g culators, and the Gallon u TOOLS 3a" VARIABLE Gallon I Made1 $3088 9 50. $2288 each 9620 action. American Water-save- r $S88each Safety Orange sinks Washerless TOILET EXTENSION For anything you want to protect. Clear or $4988 I Cm of bookkeeping will be offered as part of the three hour class. Two handle 4 For three hole handle 4 Washerless shear off control Smoked handles TVvo iSTAW caltypewriting, electronic fundamentals each BATH used. 10 eachX FAUCETS PINE BOARDS Typewriting, (by touch), and bookkeeping will be taught as week on part of an extended the Davis 8 a.m. at at Saturdays E. 550 Vocational Center, Area 300 S., Kaysville, starting April 9 and running for eight weeks. Brush-u- p and skills are mastered. v Random lengths 90 lb. bag. KAYSVILLE self-pace- Quality! Smooth on four sides. INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR LATEX OIYMpYc STAIN LATEX PAINT SPRED SATIN SOLID OIL STAIN ilnuWmi' Saturday . OAK BOARDS I s88 POST MIX till price on mat T ' whpn etoch t |