Show PROM FROM LAKETOWN items from the bear lake Le country editor deseret news the dry cold and windy weather which we have had for about a mouth month has given way to genial sunshine our days are quite warm though our nights remain cool and sometimes uncomfortable for table for foi a few weeks just passed our settlement tl and indeed judging from the reports of the bishops at our recent stake conference all the towns and villages in the stake were troubled with a species of LUNG FEVER which became epidemic among the children fortunately the fatal results have been very few through the stake one child succumbed to it here but I 1 believe all have recovered from the disease and the general health of the people is good on monday afternoon brother james W B keare was leading a stallion when the animal playfully pawed him As a result the young man was prostrated for sometime some time and when picked up was unconscious he was taken into his house bouse and remained insensible for a couple of hours several of his front teeth were knocked out of their sockets and his collar bone was dislocated he is now doing as well as can be expected and he may console himself with the idea thet he had bad a narrow escape from the jaws of the grim monster presidents budge and osmond have just completed A missionary HARY TOUR commencing from paris pans and extending through the southern portion of our stake tiey they held meetings here on oil monday evening and list last evening evening it would be superfluous to say that we had some excellent counsel and aad the people mani manifested tested then their thirst for righteousness by throwing th rowina down the shovel and the hoe in these extra busy days da s to come and listen to the servants of the lord elders vincent and andrew calloway Ual loway and bishop josepo josepa kimball Kio iball were also present an and delivered addresses during the services the brethren expressed themselves as very agreeably surprised sed in their travels through our settlements to behold the wany many evidences of improvement etc in the way of new meeting houses better and more commodious dwellings better roads and were especially ally pleased to see the numero numerous cs trees that have been planted and are thriving so well this season in all of which our little village deserves and received a snare of the praise respectfully yours JOSEPH IRWIN lake town may |