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Show UTAH LABOR NEWS, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. APRIL 10. 1936. 8 REDS REFERENDUM ON ANXIOUS TO WEAKEN I TAX REFORM LEADERSHIP OF JOHN LEWIS (Continued from Page 1) quick to praise its own activities when it says: The communists in the U. M.W. of A. as well as in the Trade Union movement as whole are the best fighters, build ers, and defenders of the interests of workers and of the trade unions clause in the By the constitution, the officials of the U. M. W. of A. are injuring the best interests of the union, and morestill-remaini- over, by placing communists and fascists on the same level they are weakening the struggle against fascism. Likewise, by denying in democracy, Lewis weak ens the struggle for industrial unionism and for organizing the unorganized. The communists will continue their struggle against such policies of Lewis and will rally the members of the U. M. W. of A. to change the policies in the organization. The above quotation from the communist publication is a dead It shows the very thing that the Utah Labor News has been exposing that the communists ner-unio- give-awa- n y. r, that the fact that only one dele II The petition on the proposed to the convention speaking tax reform law reached a more for a farmer-labo- r party registered I advanced stage this week when grate the weakness of tne work of the I Secretary of State Milton H. in the mining I ing accepted conditionally the four party fields where the issue of the farm-- 1 applications for the new laws in party has not been II the main propounded by D. W. to Political Jenkins of Tremonton, and the miners. brought has been neglected if not I ored by a committee headed by J. entirely forgotten; and this has II Parley White of Salt Lake City, Mr. Welling temporarily accept-o- n been accomplished by dependence Lewis and feeling that there Is I ed the $10 filing fee for each law. no need for a clear-cu- t class pro- - Before making the acceptance in the miners unions because I ficial he will confer with Attor-Lewis in favor of industrial I ney General Joseph Chez and will unionism. This is combined with I give an answer to the ommlttee extremely weak organization of I later in the week, he indicated, The citizens volunteer commit-iield- s, the communist party in the mining now must have petitions print- in tee, Pennsylvania, particularly Well-commun- ist er-lab- or spon-strugg- le of-gra- m is I fide voters, or 10 per cent of the voters in the last general election, then the proponents of tax re- vote for a farmer-labo- r party and I form," claimed the Secretary of :or union democracy if the com- State,' must allow the voters of munist nartv had been really a fac-- 1 the state to ballot on the proposed tor in the life and struggle of the I legislation, Afraid of Expense To unify the tens of I miners thousands of militant and progres-- 1 Secretary Welling earlier was miners and local leaders willing to receive the applications, - ... incomes to be spent on economic for officers which were made at the March meeting; President, refuge work ana age annuities. Mrs. M. L. Hamson; vice president, TYPO AUXILIARY Mrs. J. F. Rhodes; secretary-treasurePLANS ANNUAL PARTY Mrs. A. J. 1erkes; member of the executive committee, Mrs. J. Womans Auxiliary No. 16 to W. Hilton and Mrs. Orson Wilhelm-soTypographical union No. 115 has guide, Mrs. J. W. Caldwell; completed its arrangements for its chaplain, Mrs. J. T. OConnor; au27th anniversary party to be given diting committee, Mrs. W. A. ParTuesday evening, April 21, in the ker, Mrs. J. W. Caldwell Bnd Mrs. Belvedere lounge, 29 South State Liza Cfoodmansen. street. Dinner will be served from The officers for the ensuing year 6 to 8:30 p. m., followed by danc- will be elected and installed at this ing and cards. meeting. The report of the committee will Ail are urged to attend and vote be presented at the regular busi- their preference for officers of the ness meeting Monday, April 13, at organization. 2 p. m., at the home of Mrs. J. F. Rhodes, 1427 Westminster aveMerchants would not carry fornue. eign made and unfair goods if Following are the nominations they could not sell them. n; Best Wishes to Labor from the Boyle Furniture Co. OGDEN ve un-si- . SALT LAKE CITY BIG HAM PRESTON The Stores With the Friendly Doors" LOGAN . I local movement tse dictating policies of zations to suit the whims GREETINGS TO LABOR organi; i we ave to improve consid-- 1 would 'cost the state more than methods of work. We $150,000. At first, Attorney Gen-c,- e 8 cannot allow situations of eral Joseph Chez advised Mr. Weli- certainly the kind we have in one of the ing that he did not have to accept ders from the headquarters in S mines in Western Pennsylvania, the application because the laws . where we have about 15 party were unconstitutional. However, rs i me Amcr c n members in the mine, but no party now Mr. Chez believes it would be The communists are sore because unit an(j where the leading mem- - more proper for Mr. Welling to althe United Mine Workers of Amer-I- j. 0j j,e party reports that he low the tax reform" applicants to ica conducts its business m an has not attended a party unit proceed with the printing and liner of petitions. If the group se- way. The communists meeting for months. are sore because the convention on- - The publication cures the necessary signatures, the spills dorsed Roosevelt as Presidential Kcang an(j gh0Ws conclusively that then legal steps may be taken to candidate in the 1936 elections. eveTy effort is being made bv the enjoin the Secretary of State from They are sore because the conven- - communists to get a foothold in submitting the laws to the people, tion refused to endorse the om the miners unions. It says, There Attorney R. N. Mabey, legal d formation of a hg no substitute for the daily work counsel for the committee, handed farmer-labo- r party. of the party organization in the Mr. Welling an opinion Monday The communists claim that t0 mines through systematic, persis-- 1 morning in which it was contended obtain the endorsement of Roose- tent among the miners. Only that the state laws put no check velt, Lewis brought to the conven- - jf we undertake a struggle for the on initiative and referendum n Democratic senators, congress- - party jjne tamong the miners will islation; that the way is kept open men, members of Roosevelt s cabl' the which has been be- - for the introduction of any law if I net, who praised Roosevelt, the hu- - gUI1( pr0gress a majority of voters at the polls forward. g0 manitarian. Lewis, who in the past in the same approve the law, then it becomes article another jn supported the Republican party, 18 issue of The Communist, Woll, in force, unless the supreme court wrong today in supporting Roose- - wrbartonf an(j Hutchison are brand- - of the state declares it unconstltu-veas he was wrong when he sup- - ed a3 reactionary labor leaders and tional. ported Harding, Coolidge, and William Green, president of the People Have Rights Hoover. The blanket endorsement American Federation of Labor, is the law were otherwise, said If I given to Roosevelt weakens the00jjed Mr. Mabeys opinion, The refer- tbejr man Friday. endum and initiative would be of Clarion Call Because the experienced labor no value to the people because the leaders are standing their ground, attorney general, through a one- ies or Moscow. against communism and vicious man opinion could declare all pro- The communists are very communist tactics, the leaders of posed laws of the peple, unconsti- up mthe air and consequently re- the communist party, U. S. A., are tutional of A. endorsed Roosevelt. Because new wayg and meang for fuse to accept the application for devjsjnj? of. this, the communists will leave the purpose of finding a wav to filing or submission to the people no stone unturned m order to make cmmmism int the frade for approval. ,njp( trouble wherever they can among movement- - Some of these coal The communist the miners. secret and otherwise, endum, and recall statutes, the instructions, publication sajs, The task of the which are going to the partv or- - people reserve to themselves the n6vfB ranizers an(1 agitators are signed right to propose legislation, to elt dubs, as Lewis theKtf Ipass upon legislative measures miners enacted by state representatives. , labor Ciuos miu wuur biiu uunwtm rj constitutional provisions auThe I thorizing them are to be liberally orindependent1 labor Browder, gene, secretary and the power thereby construed candidates in the 1936 elections. It reserved to the people should not was a most serious mistake on the be" interfered with even by the part of the miners convention to The Salt Lake Bartenders courts, let alone the executive degive Roosevelt its blanket endorse union held its Sun-1 partment. regular meeting The tax reform plan proposes onmnanv followed bv a lunch and refresh-- e1 to repeal all taxes except the gas- rooms of tax and substitute therefore andments Rt the club 815. the Republican unionism, narv Alliance No. tax on production; another proviso Democratic parties. The basic reaThe union is in the midst of ne- - would create a board of directors son for the endorsement of Roosea working agreement for the state out of legislative gotiating velt is that Gomperism is still a with the members; another would create the employers. in trade the leaders guide to manv d office of assessor; unions and that they accept the Pps8imist 8 one who, of two create a public revenue finding ni'surh and at-- 1 Ant to rorJLt only some specific eYls chooses both. Life always board; Unify the offices of treas- offers more than one choice. One urer and auditor and increase their ally objectionable features of it. must be less evil than the other, salaries; unify the educational Admits Weakness and only needs a good man to system and put the state superin The communists admit weakness make its evils less and less, and tendent on the board of examiners; when The Communist says, In in the process the man becomes create a market insurance fund this connection we must also say I more and more. premium on all production and all J ! OUT wv - National Dollar Store 2419 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah slgn-Americ- an The Time for Permanency Has Come, Build with BRICK Material I mumst-favore- Non-burnab- le I 1 leg-tio- THE OGDEN PRESSED BRICK Phone 319 Box 743 Office and Factory: U itjJK Harrisville, Utah Pure Protection Without Expensive Investment Features for the Whole Family 2419 Kiesel Ave. Phone 237 ... i Ogden, Utah UNION BENEFIT ASSOCIATION I I TILE CO. Success to Labor I I & OGDEN, UTAH EARLY MORNING DELIVERY PERFECTLY PASTEURIZED Sweet Cream Milk Buttermilk UINTAH DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. 3667 Washington Avenue Phone 548 OGDEN, UTAH I ASK FOR Culi-olin- state-electe- Compliments and Best Wishes & v ALWAYS ENJOY A Delicious Breakfast Lunch or Dinner, at Dick Gunns Cafe 137 So. Main Salt Lake Wasatch 7840 Young Electric Sign Co. Ogden Salt Lake City SITAEt COM, MINED AT ROCK SPRINGS, WYO. OTABfl CMIE1F MINED AT WATTIS, UTAH Special Accommodations For Parties and Luncheon Groups Reasonable Prices The Same Quality and Service at DICKS CAFE A HOME OWNED INSTITUTION Mena (SaH Sffip Union Mined Products 2351 Washington Ogden Ave. Sold in Ogden by ElLlLnS FUEL CO. 3121 WASHINGTON AVE. PHONE 666 7 |