Show uni malasi t 0 utah urah POST OFFICE department 1 juru july 81 31 is 0 PROPOSALS will bo be received rece received ivea at the contract office of this department until 3 3 p in of N wednesday V edday february Feb feu Fe mmary roary 28 for 1 conveying beying I 1 mhd the egils malls malis odthe of the united states from july 1 to jun jon wo SO 1870 1970 in the territory of UTAH anthe on the routes and b by th the e schedules schedule of dof deF departure departures arture and arrivals hy herein re I 1 n specified E hns S X y AY marbit 14 iso 1866 V VV i f ne te the labes lairs forms and an atz rw jidy 1 baim waln jall jail athe city jy union iDra drap perr peri 1 cai caf blehl aits american djoa plea dleasant pleasant savl ix G rox roy city spring 1 jq villa payson rayson san ban nono mono f r 11 NV ti Creek hj ereck creck Cre ere eRand erana andRou ao 0 1 valley V to city 10 mil mii leand and hack back twice a week DI io i O t i M loffi sait salt bake lake city at bunday sunday and ay au aud and it th thurs q r s iet lit day at I 1 a ami ini i j bAr kau acrive nive rive at cay qt Wednesday veines day a and ild priday by 5 p A i af leave billmore lond land thur thui day at 7 a in i amie hail hali sall lake oaly caly wednesday aug ang saturday by 4 P M I 1 r 1 2 gromalo lake city by rt ES ville vilie valle tooele thoele and ana to 5 miles biles week Leave neave Salt sait lake city thursday at 6 a ro 1 arrive arri e at shamble next day by 6 p in m leave leavo chamb ItMa on dy at 6 q m j arrive atSa at sall salt lake lare e C city next day by 6 p m 3 from salt gal nYM ako ake bynest by west jordan or danto to Herri herrl 21 miles I 1 lieg lies and back once a week Y t leave salt sait lake lak city thursday at 6 a in j F arrive at Herriman by 12 in leave herraman Herrl man thursday at 1 p ni arrive at salt lake city by ap 7 pmj in I 1 irr iri i 4 1 from fort baldger by soda springs dp springs rings idalio and bannock city eity montana to fort Be benton riton liton IM 73 miles and back boned a week leave fort For t B rimmer at 7 a hi I 1 arrive at fort art beaton benton beuton fourteenth day k by rpm T leave fort benton monday fonday at 7 a m hg i arrive at fort bridger fou fourteenth day by ap rpm an 1 H L hj from fort brid bridger etl eil by richville tn n 0 soda springs idaho upper crossing cf of snake river juver wa rn oa 06 and Virgin Virginia wie fie City ty montana to heli hell I 1 I 1 gate ate miles adile and back once a week wee bidders bidder to propose a schedule of departure freand and ana arrivals arni arri vala vaia 0 ley ity b from rort fort bridger by boise city and grande luo ito denv I 1 ey oregon oregon to vitila walla giua territory ry W mires mites and nd bacht yeek veer week i bidders to propose a schedule of departures ana and aw from brigham dy eity bt by ram para altee mill vuie vule E e providence logan nym I 1 and fuch richmond to franken Frank nn u r tro tri anile abild back twice dweele if weel i leave brigham cipy CILY tues bues tuesday jay and anid frid friday at ibm arrive at liti next d days ays ay 1 jp i mi s franklin wednesday d and saturday ardas arday at 3 p m arrive at av BrIg brigham hairl city next addys by d 13 nil hil v i efrom ogden city by mountain Mount ain aln geber morgan porter croydon hennefer Hen neter nefer Wan wanshin wanship ship P peoa geoa t kamas kama heber sigund midway and charignon charia Charig chania Charie ton to prevo pro 0 cit city mile miles sAnd and ana bak back bar onee once a leave ogden city thursday atea at 6 a in m arrive at lct provo prove city in five days by 4 6 p to uil leave provo city thursday at 6 ain am arrive A at ogden city in live five da days ra b by 6 p m i from ogden city to hunt I 1 IS in miles les ies and b bacr back k twice avice a week y f leave ogden city gauly n arrive at by 12 in leave huntsville wednesday and aRd S atur satur s bayat l ai i arrive at ogden city bya by 7 p in xi 4 y from 0 ogden den city to north ogden 7 miles J aback cwg week I 1 L leave ogden city wednesday and saturday at abtam 7 to M I 1 I 1 i 1 1 7 arrive at arth ogden by iia lla 11 a in 1 I leave beave north ogden wednesday and nd sl satur t day at 1 p in I 1 if 11 1 18 arrive at Ogden aden city by 5 a p in i 1 from 0 deni elx Cli plain city 10 miles 1 and a a week i r teave Ogden Tu and friday at att 4 t pm tn arrive at plain city by 7 p in uteave plain city tuesday arid alid and friday at at 12 in v I 1 arrive at ogden ogdon 11 by rpm 3 p m i fl ril rii from wellsville 1 to mendon 6 mil esland back ongen week i leave Wells monday at 9 a in arrive at mendon blendon by 12 a in leave mendon monday at 1 p in arrive ac at wellsville by 4 rpm p in franklin to soda springs idaho 85 miles and back once a week bidders iz to propose a schedule of departures and arrivals i il 14 i l from alpine city to american eor for fork 5 niles alles and back once a week leave alpine city monday at 8 a in arrive at american fork by 11 a in moh toy if arrive annive at alpine city by 3 pin p m Kf eFrom frob from cedar valley to fairfield 5 miles yf and back once onee a week 11 1 uteave ve cedar valley monday at 8 a in arrivo at pair FaIr fled fied by 11 ia tl in arrive at cedar valle vaile valley vailey by 3 p ms ila from spring ville by byi spanish fork canon fairview mount mount pleasant springtown Spring town ephraim ephra Ephia lm and mantl manti to Gunnis du 87 miles andrack and ana back baek once a week I 1 j L leave eave saturday at 6 a m AA arrive at gunnison next day by 6 rpm p in leave eave monday at t 6 a in arrive at Spring springville vIlle next day by 6 p in 17 from salt CreeK by fountain greensly green mo toni honl and ephraim to mantl manti it 41 dailes talles and kack back back once onee rt It week leave salt a creek cie wednesday at 6 a aan m arrive at manti next day aay by 10 am a m leave mantl manti monday at abc atc 6 a in arrive asfalt at creek next day by by 10 am a m 8 from salt crek creek creck by poule and holden to t fillmore city 66 ralles and back onoe a week beave leave salt bait creek monday at 6 a m i arrive at fillmore fellmore city next day by ap 6 p rn leave fillmore fellmore city wednesday at 6 a in arrive at salt creek next day by 6 pm fillmore cra cit by meadow reters peters e burgh cove creek beaver paragonah Para gonah I 1 and summit to cedar city miles and and back once a week n leave fellmore fillmore city monday at 6 a in i arrive arzive arm ara e at beir cedar ol 01 ty wednesday byc hyc by 5 piu pin lea leave e cedar cit ity thursday thurs day at 6 a in arrive at Ft klit ilmore linore city saturday by 5 p in M bakro cita 1 ve arett areti prett t soi SOl miles ams aks t S iti itt a weeta week Jr 11 M 1 H 1 leave falln fellmore 1 I city t monday on aya at 8 a TO arrive at desi deseret aret 41 by 4 p in leave deseret tuesday at 8 am arrive at fellmore fillmo cily city city b by 4 p m from beaver to tc 17 miles and ba baek back nc d a week k A t S leava 1 beaver eaver am ft arrive V e at Miners minersville ville by lz leavo leave tuesday adim at 2 pm arrive at beaver reaver by 8 p pm in s t e bids for more frequent service invited IM from cedar city by Kanna raville boquer valle harrisburg i and st george to santa alaraj claral ga miles 1 and back once a week leave cedar city thursday at 8 am a m arrive at santa sauta iari lali I 1 clara ciara a saturday by 12 int ink TO teave sant santa tC ciara clara monday at itt 8 a am in arrive at Ce cedar darty sty aty wednesday b by V 12 in lom imm from cedar city by Pint mint oPine valley vailey ley alger algen barney and diamond d to ht t eorge beorse eor se goo miles abnee 4 weela 1 leave cedar city monday at 8 a in Arri arrive vent at st george wednesday byg by 8 pin p ra i i leave st george thursday at 8 a m at ly sanjay by 6 L umma bids i d fo for twice a week A service F d 1121 from st george utah to los angeles california alifornia miles and back once a bakr i ir X rv t eart aart ures and arrivals from by Virgin city grafton 1 alid arid rockville ta 9 25 23 25 mlle mile and back once a wee week leave toquerville monday at 8 am a m arrive at springdale ringdale Sp by 5 rpm p in leave at 8 a in ar avo a vo by byas p pofi in I 1 M G da ing ingma lon ion amsk city Montan Ht by ukwa 4 4 tin ti 0 and ana he OJ 0 to fort 19 alv ton tonino no bacu back ba k three tim times week a t A bidders to propose schedule of departures i and d arrivals makin making due at gaall virglnia virginia inia lnla city with the ile route from fort hall hali that i to place I 1 the letters n no 0 indicate that no office office e exists at the point named at the date of this advertisement ti |