Show cumre cum PE adf tnt cintia la W fex fea rr p d tan ten taa tile ros the has beai iceo highly ime Ide interesting not tot only at and A haan tuba tube ed and anif reddy ready tn td bone boue atice JU country y V but ulus ns a anapa U rap jai gount count it one time timo that at fit least a portion of alid of flovie 0 e 0 o otier er counties r oun ties rt ouid lake kake j OL parn part 1 1 n t M but ciro cinc 0 iv iti ww ito this county 1 A 1 I 1 i iv caia raia i malir I 1 ad mir atly arly ariy bliem ing fe dit dry lavel level rapo raio rato itna tark tank of the rord Tord I 1 weil well adapted soi loi drill and having good grazing 1 groa groh i it Is falout from the city elty and ind na p past merest and br off the state road the che rie pie aras very the nty did not got daric k kruea green krea sado of byll 11 foljA gep oll ocl with libb residences which if sepu seeh jufim an tein lein P how husos of th waning caning by tnie fu ja JWJ jvance andrie larr flar tarr slade of the maced hhite vhf benett northward odthe 0 ahe the catain cn tain october ie jittler inper ta aad to hse asp yh gee aid and ald q mose tose iose not sp uan spans jb has yas 9 W of f and j great areat Q saua hauf jake KaUf aee jee ae faine firne along witia with that i and settlers settlors sett ions lors whose advent is prophesied of with such pei pel per AW priti enjoy ajoy the soene scene MY for tt t t sni toi ini lm l m K i i intha antna olf off bedoit ORA donn dorn corp assembled IM th theair ura wre i opec uve places Q muster some cathern ci therm thern having l echea I 1 and from thence proceeded to e lag tap t ground the tho sd regiment under lol ewt lit lir richards mic mia hards arrived about lla ila 11 a rz ann and wasi wasl shorty after flowed b by eaxt squadrons of cavalry LR T burton infantry cobi cobl J dorni Forni fg with vilh the cavalry tek tel airy alry the la glon gion the regiment infantry col ool A L ful fui ml in X charge of rf adjutant tant taut isaac the at tillary Q the 1 ad 4 Infant fhe the d jai agad e ihrl generald D 1 androe pada company of barshai p r under captain jacki jacka arrived sool booi 0 after arthe me were bathe ground and had occupied their positions shortly after X ap p ilis iiii thal the agthe we was assignee bo the caval camal ri ry to the north of them the artillery ras beyond abe infantry and tb e 23 br edae eade ade The heavy no parts of fute tte road to the ground rendered theo then dragging of weighty artillery very difficult consequently only sour four light beya beta pieces were brought out to exercise with n L pAtti jig up p tall libertypole liberty pole from a naza nain moth 11 B alag flag floated op abid similar bocc occupied ahe ghe par odthe afternoon of wednesday during tho the lime tuna we saw iB fineral wells veils moving among a word wora af counsel ibe breand there thene a and alid 46 fatA fatherty erly 64 vIcto tto tio all ali taho seemed to lueel need it t more like a rather among his bis I 1 children than thin a anderko ander Kl hilk blik law could ohe oxe most rigl cund fUnd punctilious obedience an ku evening ali rm in which phe the ha v various pom lia mands ado participated opted closed the day and tite tto tie tle bright aloon rose in the eveni event olt U aty af teate tente ts subject with their lAabi inhabitants tants to the strictness of mary military where in the morning the only sounds tobe to be heard were the lowing dowing of cattle cattie the weighing neighing neigh inc ing othe ithe loose on tiie tile range or the hur hut ofha f wild duck rising from ita bed of reeds by the river side As we ode along the line of tents on the evening of the we lye could not help moralizing moral izing there were men who had left everything that is supposed to bind man to earth home bome friends frien frieh ds country to worship cod as their d dictated leta ieta poor friendless persecuted almost destitute Y t the first of them pioneers of the great west had haa arrivo arrived here bere and with industry energy and trust ja nod they hao have bj buu bun up a f country and a naton 14 lk a i which ere aare eze was one great practical evidence ence we thought 0 otys its jol of f it one no V of me theold kold golds seekers s of 49 written in the then small settlement of great salt salt lake LA city to a 9 new york paper the jhc thc averof dead nor lii lil thear broue broken 41 and we ite verily itra foa so uirl i 7 tug rug artl judco SECOND al v earty m oath aced fenced and va As continued by bow bom cow rands for toe several averal one ono fot fact with I 1 artict ildr force namely the aptitude men aen pt rf fly haum harm lehs leas a As ar ta is drill wn r except illk pila tiAm selves pel pei fellanto fel lInto hel hei bel places in I 1 J ibe ibo I 1 evo eidl 1 r athons At J t lons ions T theory c 1 tye deduc Idio ina chbr sarp time T 61 a huiel buiel earni lle ife ilc abbu t iheria ha ea i mii asir asif f tey ley hadt ot to toda 11 admel rne ine I 1 hiyi t thing 1 IN alv rth litlo 1 f 4 i ait alt A 1 11 alan connor canor and idd iad stati i tati rd 80 company ty ua tha military bad 1 camp tahe e caled I 1 W denoral den crai cral nuntz at of the ifie oa tele jhb id foi sehl tee ef kaihe c atey y ait att ilni fil shed abed qu ou it arlew ariew r ers erb Q 1 ca ifie ihie nip and avitea tj rem remain alfor alfon fon for phe the ai tp the er r ree I 1 y wa conigo ff k so mog sop ll 11 hh alf pad mad azria atria arrange td tin rin ii visT oiW 1 at a quarter u 12 nes res Y cwg r durk durkee pres DU effs and stat hafl X 6 adian A col coi ca H f 01 and W V H hooper ren PC W wesa wesl ogg m i ogden eln erA colp raiq acl aal lapa prevo falth other gentler gentlemen nea giju abige agide of di pi egert esert e 0 s mand mana na n cl foj fol cap 40 a I 1 r V i 1 I 1 f atter after their h were passa passed to landing 1 review visitors up a diug ding pu pose ose the troops fotr c lidd I 1 adl t th tham gih of companies taz the left I 1 ent eft alitt inato to 10 0 o i I 1 T TI alciia V highly id y lanag ah 0 ain adfle Ah fre h ni anti antl general A e r h f aa ca marth a p badr nna ana trend tread sueh such a ais als 0 gid hid lda ida hain wain p to 0 find 0 ome td thel c cavalry alry airy thelm the sd ig keht feht 11 fent t irig fantry leo copio lApi I 1 s uni ini fewel tewel adr ater aar faa faw i the tho divis orr inlet r in n ulick square 04 emht embt t that thit 1 galt gait ver ter neata il 1 with te ars in the cent i atie 1 after an avdi r wulim As ant edit shy SAY GW G eal tai wem eig eis the who 6 dovi So esa ils ais wah itil etli aad lid iid seeing koeing the if dis 66 heidl heidi aee ael Hel ih dl it gos ggs was TOS necessary for the various parts 6 athe f ahls aels kev amen nm en carmonee har breo monEe i together together A gov arrn prefects vig pig e acts y us in gur pur rig rights ts it protects bur bui I 1 wives bur aur daughters ana our i little oll ones it in and guards W fi from laig ert eit I 1 fl A A k n ay maybe a 4 necessity or his ahls occurred an ther tho formation of our government and tile the we wd forn form ti part england brought the tile science of offer tad limited to continent this loutit asto lital limited ted for Ps was tas tild enal oui out is it for ihie ifie he people to govern i themselves vel vei AA ana ta to prepare ohrel teena weta ifor tor properly doing 96 fee adf ih ero ere fiust be free discussion ana and steb nv fir that means becomer be bothe comei comet and ana andl hen they this are gro in a position td foo mako make laa ida ardd arid obey them iid lid hel ild has AMs h as tol toi learn chany herb felt to appreciate this tuis laed idea people Wh bhosee osee that thai the tuse ruse ader ive ve ad vance olnee higher thaha the status of the masses status mak mabe mahe elev clev elevated atea ra sho bo become dolne missionaries MW hov many bre are scattered aver thebo the theeo country uh try with bright call these into exercise seh sch school odis ogis debating I 1 eto etc bire tire requisite omd here hero said the bovo Govern governer rn or br as us t ai el of ta government jiveh rile me iscoui cour conr i sol sel should ulue ue but I 1 shail shall enda endeavor Voi vol to 10 lo do the best I 1 cun can forthe publius gal it 1 blind I 1 am not useful I 1 am to retire ird fie tobe to be em clent we must ca operate we wb must act oct to gettier get geth lier iler er ho he then re referred forred to th th tha recent rebellion showing ng that the result reached reached could coula never have been attained it if td masses had not acted in concert with government that war was a the tho e thattie th eliat atthe the majority of the people shall khall have the rl right to elect their own owa off mers officers vve lve bave have disabused dis abused the world of the idea that ame Amt americans ricans how the americans have haye fought nought for this i pie the world has geen seen he jle theu then inculcated the tha principle of every everyman roan being heing bein a gospel preacher dud rind illustrating in his everyday life its precepts and principles we should be subordinate to the government unless it prostitutes itself then heonia heo he would nid uld be a rebel the government enact some lawsie laws he would not like yet he bear a great deal but if it were to ask ak him do a crime then he would be a rebel let riot adopt the genius of our country free debate tree free discussion ile he spoke of df the suture future our nation urging u ging all 16 do their duty y to country and their god and sat down amid loud cheers irm from the division 11 0 n endorsed the the C ove moor tha Tb eldea dea entertained by ft jew in IT au lat lag fa not nol right ito beal beat arba arfa armitte armi lwe twe give a 1 I refutation to tato tp da dayi thero Is a beai beat belligerent gerent eligi eldr estr an z spirit sl arlid of encroachment a agenora generals ri af elre eire lo 10 ashi asli feupe man wan that tt we the venerable founders un of thy country were algte aware of ewd emd ma ley pledged pi edged their lives ilves afy fortunes anil an a honor for oqual equal alg rights hta avni and ana liberty they oJ obtained tUned what thet ther the struggled gleI gien for and we today to day enjoy those blest biese blessings which they obtained As tbt the th e to goats ibave rena read also aiso Is ts a man of war and au certain tal bas tas proved proven tobe to be so i lusbi lushi correct bietz nen sh auld remt respert then selves andio eid iid to doga dold ui be prepared for every aime vime emergency bibri amee amed I 1 only respect c V kw wd hav a sva a gu anda bAyonet afao id we iho late plate k alia aisa s said atiat Wo ileM liem te 66 coq conr land lahd aw an the tho tessa bessa tion alon biond hodi hodl litle developed throng ll lle kle it va that glitch to th hearts af pf ali all alrtle thle i nations of europe T they r ty haye haxe watne iseal he abts ta nation and bave nave haie ibern W dumb vivi I 1 anop ernp ega ot than that A million Men yera ver a arrayed aye ave in arms arai other tha at on eime MN true they ibey 0 arl were hostile h int ift to tp epcy crothe cb Q othe elut but bat nation nallon cola coula it I 1 uch suph a power when united the I 1 of pa ta dp if r ils lis s been dev eloped under unde those na warra attis I 1 in eav sav ang tha this bean eban cope lul lui any power powen or u under u der heave heaven n and whilst other st states tuft anu territories are arming and have armed sheail it as shoil not be behind behina haya baya any of heeen W we should houch be prepared at ali all times dla dia td perform walpur wel wei bif guz pur P bartas t aliens be ad State tate sand ais als alap to deferio defeli ourselves our selve seive against indian x aggression r ncr ile he exp eap expressed ased his is leasur leng to io seg sev see the tied oh antia diott as perfect as it vda war and wished the ahe militia of be bebe illo iilo 1110 in ii and perfect D f their threat irea trea i ail men yoeung ye eUng gaa ana an cour courtesy t Cs r a and aa whilst A true truo to ourselves ours elsei elvei tob to tou bura UX j and ana pui pul god jet the 0 blagof the 9 unit united 0 la states zolt avar the thet hon hou gentleman treas ire tse as aa i veneral the the P atthe ore tre resent orest re sent sf ud and pur dut all goon cit citizens izena should khoii id bear hear jarms it Is a duty dulty and and pa n beell to us ilabe they da not hav have 44 mhd generau general has r rd turned dirom from it Is incumbent upon everyld every loyal gom good citizens citizen to bear bea tarm larm sanu aseep them thein iii in 9 gou aderi ready ilor use it Is JUs oneff one of the bul barks of citizens more so of t those who are located in this ahls fax far ar iii 4 af pf savages adages ahse s present two mould X fed fea ri X been pre ure present abent ana and those 1 aint uld aid nor for that absence the masses magges in iii europe be be gia gla 0 fa o haye have tilis tills lebut ut the otheda heads hup huo aap die afraid of af them our fathers rs lad iad P acl buch such car and alj therefore row roo mae the rearing eiling ot barms jarms a anty cuty incumbent il an wery werk citizen iliene it to guard against ty tyranny lanns janny n a foreign foe but hut from lm invasion of their rights any ani prest alent flent governor who would deprive our country of orthis this iti iri right glit or endeavor to teodoa disc would break laws of bis his I 1 country othen then benr bear care of them gt ammunition suitable to those arms and keep them where you sou can find them at P abio nelo ao ments notice fir in this indian country vou you 10 do lo noi nol not know the day you mabo may be c called alfed i upon to defend fenda yourselves conj ves ife rie was wat wa thankful we have bave ia a coun try rry T defeno arain again thanked lle ile lie division lp far thelt response to ted this the tle fir J t nin bin milde by him since sine hll hil his beurn f general wells ihen then said that asha as ye nation nailon of lia hla major jor general grant had created a va vacancy cancy if that that office an officer had to be elected to fl the position ile he nominated col coi TB burton urton ar the rank ana and on the motion ut by general clawson it elicited a perfect shout of ayes the election vote was CF 4 pe general burton burto wab was called on bythe hythe he division fora deeb ais als response wils was briel brief pointed ank and ensia en sim siW lr thanked them for die the confidence denci dence and nd frost reposed ln hlin liiro an and d would could tra try tb do his anty as be baa bad haa eways abw nys ays donet ile jie ws was loudly cheered by the troops wool 1001 0 hiresh ish was called a speech but bia only proposed th the sentiment e odd god and one country 11 Y apter AFTER TIM THE R kele rele KEIE the various vilous 4 were marched back t to th their air res respect echi iv e quarters parade crests young moung and kii Kli kimball kimbail iball gov gor Durfee ey an cn well weil an lions jolin sohn taylor geoge 1 Q I cannon ard W A EL ja lio ile hooper oper open col ing irish coi col COT camp douglas mr lir henr henn head jopes jones and ana other gentlemen n with tho the ladies accuro par panyong lyIng were entertained by acting major general clawson clason commanding at headquarters generals burton durton and FD pr D richards ma jor for sharp and other officers also alpo entertained a large la rg e number 21 um be r of 6 f ladles ladies and gentlemen the visitors yi left camp early in tha th evening and returned to the city accompanied by ari arl an escort of cavalry cava eava liy ily evening drill and the usual camp dut duties es followed their departure tili A a in on if friday fridas the division was cal cai called led bi out for drill which continued till eull about jo 10 when orben it marched on off the ground groa hid fid la in column by 1 A 7 companies nearis nearly a mile ml lenorth of camp where it formed line for h a 0 41 f T f BAT the ad regiment ln in lantry col coi lyt 1 J nto ites |