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Show Patronize the Home Merchant and Keep -- Cache Valley Dollars at AND OUR AMBITIONS ARE NATURALLY WE SHOULD HERE. OUR HOPES FIRST NATIONAL BANK, LOGAN, UTAH June 30th, 1326. HAVE THE LOCAL PRIDE THAT CAUSES US TO HOPE THAT OUR COMMUNITY WILL GROW AND THRIVE. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Banking House 1,188,176.59 47,481.89 Furniture and Fixtures Redemption Fund Real Estate Bonds, Stocks and Securities Federal Reserve Stock U. S. Bonds, Cash, and Due from Banks 16,712.65 5,000.00 ' . ELSEWHERE. THEREBY MUCH POWER FOR GOOD AWAY FROM OURSELVES. LETS HELP THE COMMUNITY AND OURSELVES. 18,008.69 26,675.00 4,050.00 430,062.22 . TOTAL 1,736,167.04 Day by day and every day the Herald is boosting Logan merchants, the home town business men. Why? Because Logan merchants stand by their home town at all times; at all times are willing to lend a helping hand in the support of every home enterprise and because they back every move that is for the best interest of Cache LIABILITIES Capital Stock 100,000.00 76,684.18 93,500.00 1,415,982.86 50,000.00 Surplus Reserve and undivided profits Circulation Bills Payable TOTAL 1,736,167.04 Valley. But we wonder if the citizens in and about the community realize the wrorth of the home town merchants of the many things they do for the town and its people, and how much we, asapeople, owe to them. Back of every movement for good for progress, development and uplift, are the home town merchants, and usualy only the home town merchants, while others pass the buck except during beneficial showers. Who contributes most to comto munity welfare to church, school, to society, to civic movements, to charity and improvements? Usually, only the- - home town merchants. j Who are the vital forces in o ery organization having to do with ccnnurity life and improvement? Usually, only, the home town moi chants. lo aic the first to v;oik for ceded improvements, for better ti3Ct- for a cleaner city, for if ; beautification for the very "lings that make Us pionnd of cur re tow ? Usually, only the CITY DRUG COMPANY . PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS NYAL1 FAMILY REMEDIES AGENCY ANSCO FILMS AND CAMERAS Highest Quality Service, Fair Prices. LET US DEVELOP YOUR FILMS N. Main St. C? Phone 200 PURETEST DRUGS Cora" Nome Toiletries Electric Goods Leather Goods Save With Safety at Share Toiletries Symphony Stationery I " - hre-- e meihants. Who p is the first to combat the thincs that are injurious to Riter Bros. Drug Co. our community to society to our industrial, commercial, financial and moral life? Usually, only the home merchants. Who digs into their pocketbooks deeper than the home town merchants to support community benefits? Day by day, in every way, home town merchants are contributing of their time, their energy and money to make this community a bigger and better place in which to live. It is proper and fitting then, that we give more than a passing thought to the debt we owe the home town merchant and that we come to the realization that this debt can be repaid by giving to them the trade of the community, a trade well earned and rightful theirs. The truth of thematter is, hometown merchants are selling goods at, or less, than prices elsewhere, and if we will be fair and include additional expenses incurred, when trading away we are bound to admit that it is cheaper to trade at home besides showing a spirit of reciprocity. - Keep Business Home Spend your money elsewhere, and the merchants will he forced to go out of business and to seek a new location where more chic pride and community spirit exists. And you may be sure that no other business men will come in to take their place, as for nothing scares business away from a town as much as for rent signs on vacant store buildings. We shall have more to say on this subject next week. Standard Equipment Mfg. Co. THE REXALL STORE Manufacturers Goes in Dirt Goes Out Sani-Ca- WHAT DAIRYMAN would invest his money Jn a Farm, Barn, and Equipment, Dairy Herd, Feed and Labor to produce a can of cream or milk, AND THEN RISK LOSING IT by SPOILING FROM SOURING, or being condemned on account of flies, mice, rats, etc., WHICH CAN BE AVOIDED by a a Dairymans Friend p Lid GETS ALL THE $12.50 For Ford and all Light Cars J. J. Edwards Service Station 96 WEST CENTER Just Received New Shipment Orthophonic Victrolas Thatcher Music Co. QUALITY DEALERS We are exclusive agents in Cache Valley for The DeLaval Cream Separators, and Milkers, Fair Banks Morse Home Water Plants, Lighting Systems, Pumps and Scales. Before making purchases in these lines call in and talk with us on the Best Known Products in the country. We also carry a complete line of Dishes, Cutlery, and shelf Hardware. Prices are right. VILE! E 122 N. MAIN Quality is Guaranteed. ' LOGAN, UATH PHONE336-- WE Sell the 20th Century New Improved Easy Washing Machine with the centrifical Dryer. No wringer. e PHONE 75 LOGAN, UTAH Callaway, Hoock & Francis mm LOGAN, UTAH- - have been established since 1886, the oldest and largest firm of its kind west of St. Louis, now we are in Logan. PHONE53 j Visit Our Modem Most Up-to-D- ate SERVICE STATION PARCO GAS AND OILS VEDOL OILS AND GREASES DUNLAP TIRES ' ,AUTO ACCESSORIES - Quick change tire and tube Repairs Service Barfus Service Station ,4th NORTH AND MAIN Garff-Callawa- Service Steam? Laundry Sold Everywhere on its Merrits LOGAN, UTAH y. Everything in Glass, China, Pottery, Dinner-war- Silver- e, ware, Electric Goods, Household Furnishings, Gifts. our prices before buying. Get GARFF-CALLAWA- Y LOGAN, UTAH Bicycle Tires at Rock Bottom PRICES I Key Fitting J. L. Montrose Cycle Co. THE IVER JOHNSON NO., MAIN STORE-1- Ride a Bicycle Make the most of your time. Think time you can save by riding a bicycle. of the No need to wait on comers for street or stand in crowded, stuffy aisles. cars, A bicycle saves time, saves money, saves energy, saves your health. A bicycle will save you enough in carfare alone in one year to more than pay fr. FOLKS SEE US FOR TIRES Expert Repairing Watch iThie Space For a y Electric ' E A. E. LLOYD. Gen. Mgr. Cache Valley 35 SOUTH MAIN PHONE 330 San-A-Ca- p. DIRT BY AIR ALONE Company, t and Distributors of Sanitary Devices When Royal L BATTERIES our money of us spend TAKING JUST THAT yet-so- me S U 14 LOGAN UTAH itself. Come in, talk it over, and ride home on a wheel of your own. Als Bike Shop. West. 1st North |