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Show iCCH Tell It TALLEY BEJtALfc , FBIXy, JULY Through The Heralds Classified Waflt Ad Columns The South Cache tv Citizen published SO, 1926 at Hyrum, Utah Entered at Hyrum, Utah as mail matter, under ond class 8, 1897. March ct of sec the gisntftj (fnrespondgnce wellsville WELLS VI LLE, July 30. The Fourth of July celebration Twenty LEGAL was one of the most successful celebrations we have had for many AND GUARDIAN-years, starting at day break with SHIP NOTICES something doing every minute until midnight. Many out of town CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR visitors enjoyed the day. 1HE RESPECTIVE SIGNERS " INFORMA TOR FURTHER WELLSVILLE, July 30. The TION. Harmony Four consisting of Wm. J. Allen, Kenneth Murray, Parley Hall and Wm. J.-- Hoskins, motorNOTICE TO CREDITORS ed to Logan Sunday and rendered a number of vocal selections durtv THE DISTRICT COURT OF ing their open air concerts. Mrs. THE FIRST JUDICIAL DIS- Allen and Mrs. Murray and Miss TRICT OF TEE t STATE OF Belva Jones accompanied them. UTAH, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CACHE. WELLSVILLE, July 30. Mr. In the Matter of the Estate of and Mrs. Daniel Maughan of deceased. B. Holt, Kyrum are visiting here with will present claims their Creditors Mrs. Howard Jones daughter vith vouchers to the undersigned and other relatives. Box Elder County, at Fielding, Utah, on or before the 20th day WELLSVILLE, July 30. Mr. of August, 1926. and Mrs. A. C. Brown and two EARL J. 110LT, children of Portland Oregon, have Administrator. been visiting here with Mrs. BroDated June 19th, 1926. wns son Mr. Fred Riggs, for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Archibald, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Leishman, Mrs. Grace Bailey and Mrs. Maggie Archibald motored to the Crystal springs and spent Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Howard Jones was a Salt Lake visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brenchley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leland McCullum and son Mack motored to Cutlers Dam and to the Crystal springs Sunday. Miss Denese Brenchley, Miss Grace Maughan, Miss Greta returned from Ogden Monday evening' after a four weeks notices r es FOR SALE WiH-iams- stay. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hall and family of Magna spent the twenty fourth with Mrs. Halls parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Leishman and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walters and family motored to Logan Friday evening. Mrs. Oscar Lowe and son Vincent of Park City visited here Monday and Tuesday writh her mother Mrs. Sophia Stoddard after spending two weeks with her daughter Mrs. Herbert Adamson Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Diar Clark and babe spent the twenty fourth with her aunt Mrs. Wm. Darley. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Maughan spent Saturday and Sunday with Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maughan. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brenchley Mr. and Mrs. Julian Bair motored to Logan Wednesday evening to the tent show Smiling Through which they enjoyed very much. Hope Saturday. Mr and Mrs. H. M. Egan spent Saturday and Sunday at Lava Hot springs. Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton were Franklin visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Duce of Park were guests of Mr. and Hyde Mrs. Neal Hillyard on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Orson Clark and three sons of Murray spent a few days of the week here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McCarrey. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Moulten and son Don spent the week end at Heber City where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Moulten. A special scandinavin meeting will be held August 1st on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Andersons home. All Scandinavians are requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Cobum spent the last week end at Bear-lak- e. Paul Monson is spending the week at Salt Lake on business. The C. T. club members and their partners entertained with a social Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Tripp Twenty guests were encluded. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson of Blackfoot spent a few days of the week here. Mrs. Lydia Bell returned Monday to her home in Pocatello, after a visit here with her mother Mrs. Joshua Brower. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin McGavin are rejoicing over the safe arrival of a little daughter. All concerned getting along nicely. Mrs. Jennie Anderson of Omaha who has been a guest for several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, left Monday for her home. Mrs. Clark accompanied her as far as Salt Lake and will spend the week there. Cleone Tripp, seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tripp had the misfortune of breaking her arm while playing on the public playground at Logan Saturday. Mrs. James Ranson of Garland, Utah is a guest of her parents Mr and Mrs. David Johnson. Mrs. Ann Hope is spending the week at Logan at the home of her daughter Mrs. P. C. Nelson. Mrs. Lorena Stout of Logan is spending the week at the home of her father Mr. Fred J. Clark. ored here on the 24th and stayed wife's birthday. over night with her sister Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Boman A. Chugg. They returned homo spent Saturday night and Sunday Sunday evening. Mr. Russos and at the home of Mrs. Edward Hoffdaughter Florence of Lehi and Jon man. me Russon, Ada Russon of HollyMr. and Mrs. Chester Glover California all l.iue wood, just returned from a trip thru the Monday morning after spending a Yellowstone Park. week here with IIr. and Mis. E. Many Lewiston people spent the A. Chugg. 24th in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Budge Low Mrs. Edna Gustaveson was a last family motored to Ridged Preston visitor Thursday. . .r. to visit her Sunday parents. Therom Swinyard is again at Mrs. Thomas Jesso' and home after spending several monMr. C. H. Hadeiile r:d Fr v'A ths at Rexburg. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Je-and Mr. and Mrs. Langton Barker kins all of Freedom Vyo. ,T.ct ; and family are spending their vaon Monday to attend the fu here cation at Yellow Stone Park. eral of the late Charles Vflndj Miss Velma Taggart is home Frank. after attending the summer Mrs. Kirkham and her daught school held at the A. C. Mrs. J. C. Russell were guests ti was Mr. Egan of Franklin a Mrs. E. A. Chugg last Tuesda; Lewiston visitor Tuesday evening. and part of Wednesday; Misses Lorena and Bell Kemp evening services for Charles Funeral were Logan visitors on Monday. Windsor Frank were held last Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hendricks and family motored to Preston Tuesday in the 1st ward chapeL With Bishop A. M. Hammond. The Sunday evening. choir was there under the ward Miss Dorothy Last spent last direction of John Spuhler. The week in Garland visiting her brother Charles Last and family. She opening song was Catch the SunConalso accompanied Mr. and Mrs. shine, Invocation by Brother Alder. A male rad A. quartett by Lake. to Last Salt BisM. a-g- Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wiser, Mr. and Mrs. George Last, spent the week end at Lava Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. William Swinyard and Lon William Jr., Sirs. Bell Ol-aof Logan and Mrs. Harry Silver Thom of Ogden were guests of Mrs. M. J. Swinyard Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Rogers and daughters Morean and Roma were Logan visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Orchard and daughters Eva and Velma, Mrs. Edna Gustaveson and Miss Edna Poulsen motored to Logan ry Mathews, K. R. Campbell. hop H. P. Mathews and Arthur Olson. The following spoke words of consolation to the bereaved family. Brother Jacob Zollinger, Moses Thatcher, Bishop H. P. Mathews, Wilhelm Pedersen a brother-in-la- w of the deceased. Counselor William R. Zollinger, and closing remarks by Bishop Hammond. During the sendees a solo Face to Face was sung by LaMont another brother in law. The remains were followed to the ceme tery by a large cortage, where Brother A. L. Baer dedicated the Pilk-ingt- on Miss WELLSVILLE, July It ooes not matter what you have Aleen Walters of Rock Springs, to sell. Advertise it here and you Wyoming came here for the twenwont keep it long. ty fourth of July and expects to grave. remain with her grand parents, Mr FOR SALE Old papers cheap. and Mrs. Peter Maughan for an indefinite time. Cache Valley Herald office. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moorland Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Barker and Household goods and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans FOR SALE daughter Camion of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Heber Shipley and including electric range, Heater of Salt Lake spent Saturday and spent the 24th and Sunday here. Mr. spent the week end in the and Mrs. family George Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Burton motand electric fans. 171 W. 1st N. Sunday with " canyon. Moorland. Burton Mr. ored last 1028. here ad Phone Friday. Mr. Norman Maughan whois em returned home on Wednesday in Woolworths in Ogden j The annual reunion pf the South night his wife and baby are stayFOR RENT My home apart- ployed the Miss Cleo Johnson was hostess with parfourth with few her visit a for spent twenty Sea Islanders will be "held here ear days ing ment, well furnished, 171 W. 1st ents Mr. and Mrs. Brig Maughan, to the F. G. H. club at her home -parents Mr. and Mrs. Font Zollin- ly in August. N. Phone 1028. adv Luncheon was served. Tuesday. returning Tuesday. ger. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunnell of Gladiolios were used as a center Miss Lola Eliason of Bancroft, Miss Alice Ralph who taught 40 acres of good pasture land Blue Creek former residents, were piece. Idaho motored here to spend the school here two years ago is visitcheap. Ira Hillyard, Smithfield, visitors here Saturday and SunRuth Cain has returned to her 24th with relatives. and friends this week. relatives Utah. tf. day. ing home here after a months visit at Vern Misses and Ruth Baer atSalt Lake City. went to Salt Lake last Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Watkins FOR SALE Reasonable, Milch tended the programe given in the Mrs. Truman Hillyard entertainMr. and Mrs. H. C. Herzog of visit with their sister Mrs. Clared the Bon Heur club at her home cow, gives 6 gal. daily, test 5 per morning of the twenty fourth. LEWISTON, July 30. A birth- ence Nelson. Logan were visiting at the home cent Jos. Owens, Lewiston, Ut Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Thorpe and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mohn Hollbrook of of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Tibbitts of day party was given at the home 4- -t Mrs. Alma Merrill entertained of J. W. Boman in honor of his Clearfield with their .family mot- Providence Sunday. family of Logan were visitors here Thursday afternoon in honor of Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Howell of Salt Lake Mrs. Orvil Ellsworth of New York. FOR SALE Old papers cheap. spent the twenty fourth here with The following ladies enjoyed the Cache Valley Herald office.' relatives. affair, Mable Pond, Olive HenMarian Hall, Kate Poulter of Mr. Heber dricks, Logan Maughan FOR SALE Bain Wagon 3 2 of July Vera Murray, Susie Merrill, Maud fourth attended the twenty inch wide tire. Good as new. programe given in the tabernacle Merrill, Lucy Hendricks, Alice Very reasonable for quick sale. Tollman, Edna Daines, Marian in the morning. P. J. Welch, Paradise, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Jones and Schow, Metha Hendricks, Evelyn of Fillmore spent Saturday Stoddard, Iris Harris and Idetta F Mayor and Mrs. Earley Chris- i family and Sunday here with relatives, Merrill. tensen of Gunnison, Utah were Mrs. Roy Carven of Ogden and is attending Summer Jones Mr. here the past geek visiting their Miss Phoebe Merrill of Pocatello A. C. College. the School at bos and daughter Mr. and Mrs, & Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maughan are guests of their parents Mr. IV. Christiansen. We of St Louis is visiting here with and Mrs. Alma Merrill. Dr. and Mrs. J. Leo Shepard of relatives. Mrs. P. Turner and family of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. JusSalt Lake is visiting her sister tin Shepard of Moab were week end visitors here. Mrs. Howard Jones.. Miss Jean Corey of Salt Lake is Rulon Everton, Mrs. Mr. and The Hyrum stake Sunday schwere a Melvin Everton Mrs. and guest of Miss Ruth Caine, Mr. ool board entertained at Crystal the guests of Mrs. Joseph Brenchlyj Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson Springs, Honeyville, Tuesday even jnounce the arrival of a baby boy, ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. LelCotton and mercerized with novelty tops. twin and Chas. Mrs. Petitt boys Saturday July 24th. Mother and Pink, Peach, Tan, Nile Green, Honeydew and and Pulsipher and Mr. and Mrs. Donald of Ogden spent babe doing nicely. Ronald and Price 75cc, Sale Reg. Henry Parker, members . of the Blue, Miss Bonne Adamson spent last last week with relatives. board who were 65c Sale Price, Reg. recently married. Lake. Bear week 39tf Vests, Special Price at Miss Bertha and Ann Bair, Miss The party left Hyrum about 5:30 Kate rePrice Marion Mrs. 50c, Sale Bair Reg. Mr. and WillRuth Miss and Murray Bloomers, Special Price 29(5 arriving at the springs at 7 p. m. One lot Special price iamson came home from Ogden turned Monday to their home in where the majority of the Underskirts, Special Price guests after spending Provo after a pleasant visit here enjoyed a plunge in the hotwater Friday evening, with relatives. Stepin Bloomers three weeks there. Pool. After the luncheon dip Misses The Edith dauFunk, Virginia and Waldron Mrs Golden was served under the pavilion afCathleen of Spanish Fork Hendricks and Ina Peart spent a ter which Chiffon Silk in all Colors dancing was enjoyed. ghter the the week at Salt Lake spent past week with her aunt few days of were Thirty guests made the R. Mrs. trip. of where guests they Mrs. Wm. Darley, Mr. Waldron Reg. $2.50, Sale Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Liljenquist came for the twenty fourth. They C. Walters. Larg size with Colored Borders. Pointex Silk in new Colors and two children, Max and Mar-gen- e, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Merrill of 75c pr. Special Price Reg. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. 49(5 Reg. $2.75, Sale Mr. and Mrs. Earl . West and Logan were week end visitors here. N. W. Christiansen. Plain 65c pr. Special White, Reg. Lake of Howard Salt Orin Mrs. SaturOne lot Rayon Silk in all Colors family of Salt Lake spent Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Porter spent a few days of the week here and Sunday with relatives. day a reunion of the Porter fam Mr. and Mrs. Farr of Salt Lake at the home of her parents Mr. and in Lewiston Sunday. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Morgan Knapp. Mr. and Mrs. L. Miss Lavena Knapp, Mardean C. Nuhn annou-- e Peter Maughan Sunday. One lot of Cretones, Spec. . Coat Style, Reinforced back and sleeves. accom'he arrival of a new Mr." and Mrs. Archie. Ames of Harriss and Leah Merrill baby boy Oiled paper Special friends of number Mr. and Mrs. Leslie a were Reg. panied price $1.75, Sale by the guests Jensen ac- Ogden and family companied by Mr. and Mrs. W. D. of Mrs. Joseph Brown Saturday. from Lewiston spent a few days at Japanese Special 49(5 Reg. price $1.50, Sale orter motored to WELLSVILLE, July 30. Mr. Bear Lake. L. D. S. Garments Ogden Monday Light Weight. Gray and Blue Cambric, Reg. Price $1.25 and Mrs. Leland McCullum and .. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and attend a theatre. from Calif, Special Sale arrived Word was received have Tuesday Los' of family Mack son 1 489 Angeles 95(5 here Tues- "'ora Henderson, daught-- i been visiting t with parents, Mr. for a visit here with friends and ' r an Mrs. Ben Henderson and Mrt. Thomas Brenchley, for relatives. ? enterMrs. Victoria Erickson a serious accident the past week. They motored- - to i1'et Tno at esday morning near Afton Wyo. Ogden Sunday evening and will tained with a birthday dinner delicious A n a car in home her Thursday. which she was rid-- g leave Tuesday morning for their luncheon was served. struck an obstacle in the road home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lengard of Went over an embankment. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thorpe ll Lake City, and Mr. Fred Salt after and of spendOgden family erlmeSSaP sai(Uhat Miss Bendof Rock Springs, Wyoming as badly cut about the head ing a two weeks vacation in Pocaas tello, Logan and other places spent were guests of the week of Mr. and Ir3, Henserson left im- - the twenty fourth, Sunday and Mrs Lorenzo Wilmott. medium1'1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodsell Monday with Mr. Thorps parents Aon where daughte h and Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Nelson of been to a hos-PU- Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Thorpe. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poppleton Logan were guests of Mrs. Ann lowing the accident. 30. RICHMOND 6-- 6-- PROVIDENCE LEWISTON 1-- SALE PRICES CLEAN-U- P On Summer Merchandise Prices Below Tells Story-- Must Clear Stock To Make Room For Fall Merchandise HYRUM Childrens Half Sox Rayon Silk Underwear 49 98 $1.95 $2.19 $1.95 19 Ladies Hoisery $1.69 -- Turkish Towels $1.89 39 , ed Parasols 39 Mens Work Shirts $1.50 $1.85 $1.19 - 79 $1.39 $1.9 $1.18 iuCEi Sch-repe- KNITTING WORKS aI |