Show TO fali TAll ime ire leli 4 aind AND othi OTHERS the tho far t 40 the com eom coming 1 indhar harvest vet are aro ar 0 thus fhi far vers very beij favorable tavo rabie rable cheering reports continue to breach reach ua m from all parts of the gerrit territory ory the abundance of min rain which has hns fallen failen has rendered I 1 irrigation almost nee needless aless in inmany ili iii apy any places up to tb the present and tho the small grain and oiher other crops aro ra growing rapidly tn 14 great gret a ab abundance bauce dauee thi this is the nature of the information which whick vve ave have been receiving and certain thoughts have been induced by it iti which throw h before th the public may have an anilu influence nce however limit limited eq in directing attention toa ton to a subject of much importance that is closely connected with the present flattering prospects for hia heavy henvy VY cro crops s at barvest harve harvest sf mankind are prone ja to trado trade trade trado up upon oli eventualities and probabilities many inen taen of moderate incomes witha good Tro prospect speet of those thos incomes becoming larger will filar increase aas 6 their a expenses some in one was way WY I 1 I 1 hamd blume e in another whether to adopt a dif dil different lerent style of living which they think they bansee can ean see bee a wa y to alfrord to make mike improvements or in something else that involves increased outlay weser men will wait until they have the tho surety of possession and ond then they will move with caution this is a trait of human nature natu reso so generally known that it is needless to expatiate on it with a prospective abundant har harvest hardest vrest tyest before us many nany people will be apt p to reason that thata a largo yield of grain will be sure to reduce the price to a low figure lower lowe i even than it is now and nd that it will bo as well if not better for fr them to dispose of any jbf they y i may cavoto spare before the tho mar aveto let ket becomes glutted this jav irv is abero he re error begins begil I 1 s tow to work ork in th e pil that error involves not only a financial mistake but manifests a lack of appreciation of the bounties of Providen providence 6 few if any men work harder for their weir living than those who till the tho soil soll aro aro are the prices vilich which they now receive for their su surplus fa us produce fairly re munera tive tivi when compared with the prices received tor for other kinds of labor nv vo think not how much less so then would they bo be if the price of pT produce was still lower than it is a at pre present s ent A little calculation may help to elucidate this pl plainer alnor ainor ten acres would likely bo bor as much aa as one man could cultivate vve we will tako take a wheat crop as the stand ard of edrop comparison arlson nud calcut calculation atlon because that ia Is one of the principal products of exportation on which much of our oar territorial trade is based let nelt us suppose a crop to average for forty ty bushels buhel to the acre which all will admit would be a most unusual and excessively Jarge large ave aye average rage nage his ten acres aches would ihus thus produce four h undred hundred bushels bushe iliof of wheat Sell this at two dollars a bushel und and he has eight hunt huhl hundred red ned dollars for his labor but seed grain giali has to be taken talou from th thib this s and feed for team which will reduce ve e the gross total it is even sur sup supposed posed 11 at tah rate that he does docs all the tho work harros harvests ts the grain him himself solf thrashes it 4 out olit takes it to market and receives th the tho 0 po pay y I 1 tili tue TUG supposition if at all ail unfair is io so to the tho ho agriculturist ap q is it wh who 0 has to keep heep up the wean wear ba rand fahd aud and tear of rf arming farming implement a S b nid hid etlo eblo losse carious and md aqil whose wib ae average cropin fihe mosi most favorable times M would 1 not noc near near ampro approach ach aeh the quantity assum assumed dd ipen perhaps twenty five bushels to iho flip aca aeb acre loulu be average in a good od season c nut dut it ii lie i urged ufke A tiit that other othen crops pay vetter letter than ww jf deu mand fori foni them c i through 0 1 ali all uv variety jiff tiff fo clitu circumstances w Is is ty low and oll the ofa ota d planted itch wandelle pryl payl paying ilg jig crop crops must be prope r t lafe aate j limited linifred wheat has bas been named nor for the adason stated mid and may be fairly taken TS the most correct basis of iam com p parison arison arlson stat ana could be ed hare further in what part of the territory will any average ten ton aeres acres bf land yield an hn income of eight hundred hundle d dollars nowhere yet this 1 is nat moe mere lythe lyChe y aho ahe pay forthe for the labor of 0 one n c m manaut ofa oka team as well which must be employed in the cultivation at t the time ilme and ana n if if used sed 14 involves other ather expense if moreland moro more land js s culta bated help mua mut be hired aun aud paid d for on this calculation the labox labor of a man andnis steam is worth some Bow etwo two and aha a liali half dollars a day true there are some ther lother ways by which he can increase hi wa property by keeping cow cows so pigs poultry ebe vve fec and and raising stock but this in involves Cs other othe r labori labor of wife vilie and ehll chil children childre dZe n which is worth a bertah bertail I 1 amount in iii dollars and cents there is an outlay also 0 of pa capital altal in the finst first purchase of these sources of inco claims a percentage as as Inte I 1 interest reston am 1 in I invested principal now compare the hours of labor oj of the farmer and amount ofa of pay ay he actually receives fon for his bis produce deco dace with the hours of labor employed and the amount of wages received by those who are engaged inot in other ber her occupations a and the query is immediately un answered wb whether ether the agriculturist receives as fair a remuneration for his labor at present prices peces as he ought to do under the circumstances if tife the coming harvest should be only half an average average crop broili instead odmor 0 than a full fall average would the thet price of produce increase or decrease were anything to occur to th the e growing crops that w would ouid lead bead to sueh such uch a result the price of fleur flour and grain gralli would quickly run up would it not bo be policy on the part of producers to liet tiet as though their harvest would not be and anti when it 1 comes is not so 0 abundant as it is now expected to be if one half of the crop was carefully put away and the surplus of edif anly thrown into the maik mark market et tho the producer would receive som bom something diko remuneration for his labor berand and his bins would not bo be full of em nm before another harvest contes comes around wo can only touch at this subject subjecting ina lna jua short article but every man can elaborate the hint for himself ift itt m atay a y b be q that some will feel inclined to PA aay pay y that this is writing for tho the loter luter ono elass class of society at the expense I 1 of another other the statement lf made mado would not edt bp correct iyo iye we vvo would like to see alls all ali cias clas classes i ses fair airey airly lly liy remunerated for their labor and iii iri advocating the in jn 1 teresta of the producer we advocate the interests of every member of the community it is a most foolish idea that higl priced bread breadstuff stuffs s is oppressive on any portion of the working classes hero in utah tru true a sudden change from very I 1 ery I 1 low lony 0 it o very I 1 ery ory high prices would press heavily on some for a time but it would be as 03 reasonable to say that high priced 1 cutlery would be oppressive on the working classes of sheffield when high prices would be a certain indica the demand was fully equal to tha the i au supply aply and consequently that thare ivas wae wag abunda abundance co of employment ut forsth for dor eal lope natives ra tives thatis their speciality exportation a as s produce is of T utah tia li k ye do 0 n not noh 6 export manufactures ve vre V do not export the labor of our mechanics lw dx pori port e and aud th that at pro is and truly the tho source of employment employ monac and the means of existence I 1 for every operative mechanic and I 1 laborer inthe territory and every man reliving living or br makes a I orterio or turio izulah hence henoc 1 He noc noe to raise tha price of produce i ia is simply to increase tho th the 6 monetary i val vai caliro tto of that which ia Is the basis of employment nt mid and the teal te al sources source of leaah cosm oom apall li in tho the f in creased increased prosperity flova flowing from it would rench reach through evory every cil Cli channel nubel anhel 03 t P ia it th t T haro of w no 0 wish osce E co 0 u 9 ra fam places who come or send to u or produce of ariy any is tas ul M ifs U A weg cwg 54 t pay ay exorbitant p prices ri ces forth north fo rhem em b but bub ut we would iid lid wish wili to see them paying payin ga a fair remunerative price prie and in t lid the article of flour wo wefa would likio see bee a nalcy turned out equal the tho hest heat feib sn 1 1 any mar mat he ghe rewe rewo aclei seii a brand that that wo would p ld the highest goings the tlc ro is r another view 1 subject thou though b which claims consideration the quantity of grain in the territory we ive havo have 0 bood good grounds to bel bei belcove leve iove 1 f la not great as it is thought to bo by maii mail many ik rt riia rila Is moro more than probable that I 1 AIR nir k kig fast last year there wo in irk utah than there is 3 n nowa ow J the climatic laws which are re cognized in most other grain raising cou countries coundrie nirie g are n not ot found to work reliably here hilr e many blany causes caused might yet arise to blast the tha most promising hopes of tho the i farmer berea hailstorm lik ilk like ilke d that V fi 1 ch this city lately toj toi come when the tho wheat was about ripe it I 1 W would guld guid make destruction of the crop as far as it extended A rain storm followed by A a frost not such a very unusual thing tiling towards autumn if severe bevere I 1 early rl frosts frosta rust even grasshoppers and 4 other causes of damage fk 0 to o crops are ara al all ail 1 contingencies which our past experience should teach us carefully liy to 0 o bo be prepared for self seif pres dorn doin ands it our very existence claims claim it 1 and neglect on our pah part leading ua us to parti with the grain yet in our bins bina before that which isnow groW growing illg ilig is gathered might teach atto aito another ther then terrible lesson by en entailing needless suffering and want upon us the latter day saints havenar much lwis hd e cou council nel nei I 1 given ts to them on these and windred which they would do ro to forget or treat lightly lest they should have to suu er for so doing A |