Show HOME ITEMS 0 of Z c st 81 ODEN ide on evening th dinst br andrew of the 2nd arid ward wand ard in tili tiki this tuis city fell down dead while hoeing in hia hla own garden ile lie had been quarry ng boelt alk all day for sor yale balc bros and after returning home he bb eaf eaphis his supper and took the be 40 felt first rate and would V ouid work ft ork a the peas he went out and in ien ten minu mina lies lles his wito wife stepped step peI pel to the door and galim I 1 lying on tuo tho ground she went trent up to an 1 I and found him without any signs signa of bi life or appt appl to have had a struggle bishop PH P H young wim was instantly sent for who came anddie and did all ali ail till in lits power to restore animation but without out success death was there deceased was ofed s years was a native naive of glascow scotland had been about ten years in the church and a aa was respected rel res ip acted as a good man by all who rne rue kne him ven ten it i BEE mar man warmington WAR mina MINGOn on wednesday morning moi mol inin 1 liali loth alist dinst a hive hivo hl e of bees in pres youngs j apiary p h t ry swarmed jeang being the first that we have dver aver eer heard beard of in this city bro P H young who and thohas who has been familiar with bees br for many yeara mald raid the too swarm was it as one on e of the fhe largest be he had ever eier seen when clustered on the twig of a tree in the garden the swarm hung bung mown a living mass about three feet in length bengt we hope hop this Is the initial swarm of many hives and that beekeeping bee keeping will be much more generally and largely entered into visions of delicious honey cross our mental oculars at theotho aught which we hope will be realized in manya many a house through the city and territory and qu many a table in a very few years no need to say sas anything about honey e everybody likes it well enough and its valuable properties in thes thag lck ch chamber amter as well as delicious pro pert lefor A a hundred purposes make it sought after every where keep bees that itaho Is the tho wap way to gat getley lt e DIED dieb elder peter I 1 harrocks Har Jar rocks rockSy who left this city with his wife in captain whites train to proc bett to england on a brief visit V isit died at little littie littie andy frandy on the morning of the sr harrocks immediately telegraphed to br george eddard ia send tend a coffin for his remains which was promptly done dote 4 a shell sheil metal metai metallic coffin and box them in being forwarded in charge of reliable M men meu en to bring the corpse back atel A tele i e giam gram from hams folic fork dated nth stated that herh heah he was burled buried mere there ver very likely when those who ak e 1 P u t to tb meet the body arrive th hed hey e i will e exhume x h i ft a and n d with alth sister ilo iio harrocks lla br harrocks W was born bom a auton lancar lancashire E england ngi n jan 1860 1800 at and A consequently consequent lir was las lbs in JA hl ic ly seyen th yean year he ivas iras a member of tha H er 4 priests qu orum was baptized ed in 14 laba laha emigrated to this territory in nat lat finh figh from liverpool on pha the tl aie tie hiki had bad a verr very ir large circle of frienda blends w wiio ho apprel atod his many estl est qualifies km naya tact ftp IT va are reini orp a territorial joao commissioner rief ilef icklan Ic Kean that certai certain 15 persons perer sea sed band sand from OV over er perer jordan jordin hav jih tp t p sin gin digging a uway away way the levee to th the south of jordan bridge that was juango to hold hoid the tile waters of ohe oho phe river in their proper channel this is the night lit of culpability ity not merely destroying labor but exposing contiguous property fo 0 very serious damage by tho ho rising of off the river it v would ouid be difficult to estimate the tha amount of damage to grasa grass and iad other linds lands th that atwould would result from tha the tho ulye through at point andev and we sincerely hope the attention of those who have hav hai e been beil hauling away the tho lovee levee being drawn to the fact will Irl induce duce them to stop it at once ihnot if not noe other and more stringent meas mca measures urea ures should be adopted to compel them to desist fro from ea ate property i r i oui soloi oci brough through the kindness of oi A smith we are enabled to lay mi the following items before our reader ehg 9 settlers of 0 plute county had mo ed into cir for lor the pu purpose ot of mutual aid andl and protection against indians xo no recent troubles lea iea have occurred occurred in that t county at at fort sanford on the brethren had finished tho the stockade of their fort having ha ving pulp put up p ISO loades of pickets the fhe only open spates writing gih pah ast the gor gon comero nervo where t their bast bastions fons lons are be being iri III erected ho no fur then ther trouble auble ported reported Te there i 31 lyman was at parowan carowan Pa rowan and n d preached there on the evening of the esth black hawk was reported at rish F isil isal lake or red Lake ome fifty miles from with a krable amount of stock was quiet except excepts a mall mali raid made on ou the toe horses of the friendly indians by UY some marauding ma redskins rea red skins fram the mountains and a few ka horses re stolen from D deseret aseret city the trial of the thieving savages was followed by the friendly indians dovec over the sevier kan osh continues friendly 4 Gov Durkee and col coi B 11 linead nead head supt bupt of ini dian dlan amma affa affairs irl irr passed med led through on oh thursday loth ins on a visit to the indians indiana at cor corn creek creeks col head has been indefatigable in his n efforts to assuage the feelings indefatigable of the indians inclined to be hostile and to stop tho the troubles arising from marauding ma savages with good prospects of success if ile ilo can only have the requisite amount of presents for them which we hope he has A general muster of the militia about fill fili me r etwas held at that city on saturday the dinst o aich was very creditable and showed marked improvement in equipments and preparations pa rations for self defence should the indian dlf increase which there are reasons for believing will not be the case yet it Is well veil to be always of safety ready eternal vig vigilance liance ilance is zhe the price 3 tun THE we paid a lilt visit to the organ shop tur other day where the large organ for the nl ew ih is being built and ana were gratified to note the progress made br dr JH rid uld ridges aes the I 1 kindly informed us that the oris aellig constructed on a large c eop eor or I 1 ahlo most improved principle it has two kr or imy irey boards and twenty seven redo s with a pedal compass from four Cs to 1 its Us corn coin compass p ass embraces thirty five stops five or which are mechanical it will conta contain irl irk something like 2000 pipes the largest one oneo 0 CC CO q being thirty two feet in len ien length 6 tb tim the two manuals are the swell organ and the great organ the stops ci 0 which when played singly produce the rie ric richest fiest tones that modern art in organ building has produced and when they are arb combined the volume of musical sound is grandly majestic the instrument when completed will be twenty by and forty feet high and the cost of it if made in the t e east and and freighted here would be over ISS oooo it is i another evidence of the fostering care best bOst bestowed ovied by pres B young on der everything calculated to sti ati stimulate mulato progress and aid in public improvement itam I 1 tr I 1 T read tha tho advertisement of bf mi gladays overland mall mail express company the line is an old one well managed by indefatigable a de gentlemen and is an institution extensively ten and deservedly patronized I 1 gos gox E FOR icon GOODS eldredge Eldred geA clawson have hae senar sen Mr nelson Sp affords train to green river forthe for oon I 1 goods which were brought brou to that point by line i they have llave pap sent en t and A E to denver for the same purpose and mr C dal da I 1 tons Is iq expected to start on the like errand in a few days it is expected that these trains will get in all the back goods V to the nonn firm we vvo understand that the train ot of mr Me mawhirt the subcontractor sub contractor of the Butter fields Is on the move from Brid gerand and Is expected to reach the city in a few days OVER JORDA JORDAN hon hap geo 0 eo A president G B wallace superintendent and bishop y N davis director of the jordan irrigation comp company with surveyor purveyor general fox vid via pid a L i sibon thursday letb jtb to the canal over oven jordan and nd the claims adjoining to inspect ile tle work an and ana see its stated of progress the surveyor sun Q or measured reveral several jobs on iho the canal and some bridges that hav llave e been made quito quite a number af pf claims are neatly fenced in inh ini some of them with good lumber fencing len cing eing and a targe large arg e of crops are planted whig which ji look in a very v ery cry flourishing condition jye expect to have bave h ba ave e water in la their canal in about a week weela though nothing asyet suffering for lack of the fluid they have alsobr fbetty two one ono mila mile und ind a quarter long iong ion lon norm norn corn wast of brighton w which w will ail ingato a large tract of land the witie wide surface of prairie thus brought unda cultivation gires gives prom ise lse abundance for the sustenance branin of alln creasing bobu population lation tho the companas Comp anys reservoir will cover covern a considerable surface but batby by build in ing levees lev le v ee it can be compressed egra edra pressed into about sixty acres onta onla public advantage arising from tho th cutting of these canals and ani bijan bilan branch eh sects is that mat stock on the th eange range and tri travelers traveler veler s that idd ili d dr seasons s had tor egme tome clear from the tho west tile the jordan fod for water can it without the travel thus thug involved i tile illie grass over jardan jordan lias has hot not looked so well weil in the memory of the oldest inhabitant VL sinco since I 1 the waters of the tho rh ilver liver er lw e risen latel lately cry much r kand yand and aue aie ahr i the lei le ees that a ize IZ beep e them within ithan bohn bohi bounds ads read the itce luem cancer ang digging df int ing tile the fevec tek fek ek hwai away south of ot jordan buil bril bridge dge age 1 FOR MONTANA the utah produce co sent ofra offa train fre gated with produce dor for the north holth on thursday enst on saturday wo noticed mr nir B t ar P knowltons Knowl tons of eight wagons loading up for the company at eldredge ai with produced far the sama same destination the thep train started in the foi anoon frodi our friend budge of af providence tells eils ells us good thi of his ward and cache valley generally crops have been extensively planted and are coming up beautt 1 fully industry energy good feelings fe progress and a general go a characterise charac terise the people of cache that is the spirit that conquers obstacles and will build up the latter iatter dby woi work br dr budge reports the crops between this city elty ald and cacho valley as looking very promising pron its the weber river when he crossed was bridge A spell of very hot weather may make high waters more abundant than agreeable ble bie got in here hero unwed desnay eve evening eveline nine nind 1 icah aua and left fox for home the next afternoon neon 1 polla on wednesday night dinst thet th police pollee dropped on john F unlawful ly dispensing liquors ao die and on thursday justice clinton imposed cf ir fine of an appeal was announced but no bonds filed an execl tion issued to prevent the serving of illicit vendor of the spirituous keeps heeps closed doors door sand and so tuo tho matter stands at present A it few drunken blues found their way into ted fed hands hanas of tile the and ana were turned er and on friday night a col colored coI ored gemmen was arrested on the charge of stealing RAIN A anice nico nice gentle shower of rain fell feil on friday fridy night and was waa refie refreshing shing to plant and flower cub cul we are vre always anxious to ave eve w to anything which will heip help to alleviate ta th the sufferings of humanity and ean tale take pleasure in laying the following val fal lowing facts before our readers relative t to th the curing euring of that thaC fearful disease the cancer on thursday dinst br david noss ross of the ward in this city called upon us a statement relative to his having havin been cured of cancer by bishop P H young of the 2nd and awai dwai ward expressing essin g his desire dewe that it might be made public so that oth ers similarly afflicted might know where to apply for relief br dr ross received a hurt in the back in the spring of 08 which he belle belie believed was the original cause of the cancer in 41 61 the tile dis ease began to form where he had received the hurt and shortly after arter to discharge dischar gd a little blood and matter no ire employed some rem remedies edles that were prescribed but without exper experiencing jenking lenting relief F for or two or three years whenever Vh enever he got the part hurt pr 01 strai strained neL neu it would ouid discharge matter freely and so until quite recently bishop young commenced to apply his bis remedy on saturday atil instas at which time the cancer had six strongly formed roots and on the eighth day fitter ithe the first application was ma madette dethe dothe last of the six roots was taken out pr br ross said bald the acute stinging pains from ribra he had suffered were completely gone he h e could rub ruly the part freely freel y without feeling p pain ln and the place that had been affected was healing up nicely another case has come under our notice of h young lady who hada had haa a cancerina can cancer cerIn in the mouth which the doctors said would necessitate the front teeth and part of the jaw bone to b be taken out outs b before e foro fore tild lla ila lia canev cou coula could d be t ren ron removed I 1 I 1 but by the tl e application applina bobr youngs remedy fremed Y it lt y was w entirely removed and the tile mouth completely healed up the remedy we understand is purely vegetable and it is not t to h hreve e it removed at night and again put on in the borning morning ilgis ild ilg Is the case with home other applications for curing cancer we believe the bishop can tan cure enre any kind hind of suppuration or swelling 1 including what Is commonly known as swelling and ang eyll we right that the existence of t a Ivalu valuable abla abia re agent would woula be hy circulated that I 1 all in tho community why aro are or may be b I 1 e suffering from any ort oft of these liete painful afflictions may participate in its healing ber bea ling properties 1 teleo nays RAys been lifshen nf sh edwith withe thet tha following Ae telegrams legram to pres young church going east p L bridger efty X ty 4 inala irala n passer passed tOrd today ayaU alls veu vell veil t batir pater hel hen THOMPSON tilo urson arsow r 1 l bridged bridger ef may esth I 1 herm hero ihk his mornin morning g ali ajl well weil i A 1 I 1 little sandy fath our trains aro ara here together bays all ali ali all well teams reams in good trO traveling condition J 8 i G E Cili paua ratA i u hams fork we vp leave hoie heie tills titis moral ing lug bil all weli weil well in good spirits 1 1 i PET peter nr neni nellseen deer SEEn i R littly gandoli 6 my ay iy train reached tills this place pince ate at eleven leVu ccok all well weli stock doing v weil well elf ell J G south pass all litwell making good time roads are now good which a week ago were under snoW sam SAX ipei tiei D 1 te D ny DY I 1 Int idt AKSOn anson vidnes Widnes |