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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOOTH CACHE Friday, Sept COURIER 1920 3, ..yrum, Utah Entered at the Portottue second class mail matter, of March 3 1879 a uder the Act School Days Again Make Our Store Your Headquarters J. A. Wahlen. Publisher & Manager on Groceries and Meats Get yeur Fauntain Pens, Pencils, Tablets, Paper Note Books, Ink, Box Paper, Shoe Polish, Nail Files, Soaps, Candy and Soda Water here. Local News Saturday, Sept, For Cash. WE HAVE THE BEST Monday is Labor Day. We always have coal in stock. S. ad C. Produce Co. Dont miss the big dance next Wednesday night, at the Elite Hall R. Owen Sweeten with the Salt-ai- r Band at the Elite Hall next Wedneday night. 1 WANTED A competent young lady for clerk. Apply to Anderson or Allen of the South Cache Produce. ad. Miss Elva Allen left Sunday for Salt Lake City, to report for a mission to the Northern States. She left Wednesday for Chicago- HYRUM DRUG CO Amber Fish 20c can Irma Christiansen is the week end at Trenton. Lake City. Eggs will be expensive this winter Miss Francis Critchlow left today Get your chickens in shape for winfor Rigby, Idaho, where she will re- ter production. Our Poultry tonic sume teaching school. will do it. S. C. Produce Co. ad Mr. James W. Buck of Smithfield FOR SALE house and lot with last week end here spent visiting good outbuildings. Apply to Elmer Reasonable Eliason, parents and friends. Hyrum. ; terms. ad We can pay you more than any one else for your wheat. S. C. ProFOR SALE 1 good milk cow duce Co. ad just freshened and 1 new U. S. SepMrs. L. Nielsen of Ogden, spent arator. Apply to Thera Petersen, ad. last week end here with her hus- Hyrum. Come in and let us explain our band, Mr. Nielsen the shoemaker. Hyrum or Logan mills flour in money saving proposition on suits Ecbnomy Tailors stock at prices that are right. S. and overcoats. C. Produce Co. ad 38 W. 1st North, Logan, Utah, ad . Mr. W. H. Shaw, the local repre- sentative of the C. W. and M. Co., left Tuesday for the canyon, where he will install a saw mill, on Rock Creek for Mr. T. W. Peterson and Sons. FOR SALE or TRADE-O- ne ton truek. Will take cows or young stock. Steady work open now. Also full set of blacksmith tools for sale or trade. Apply to A. J. Clawad son. Mr. and. Mrs. Alberts. Clarke entertained on Tuesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarke of Salt Lake and Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Clarke of Smithfield. Covers were laid for ' twelve. E E. Forrest Taylor Presents MISS ADA DANIELS And Rotation Stock Company In the Harvard Prize Play Estray Notice. 1 Description of Animal: One brown mare four years old, roached mane, no brands or marks visible, weight about 1.200 lbs. Said estray was taken up by Edgar Nielsen on the east bench, in said precinct on the 29th day of August, 1920. , - - A. D. ALLEN, Pound Keeper for Hyrum cinct.' Pre- adv. Chow-Cho- a 55c bot. for 40, Rose Mixed Pickles, w, per quart Rose Mixed Pick. 45, 2 quarts 90 Canned Meats Delicia Roast Beef 45c can for Delic. Corn Beef, Skinners Spaghetti, 3 pks fr 25c Golden Age Maccaroni and Noodles. 3 pks. for 25c Soap Diamond C, Pearl White and White Flyer ' 16 bars for .. .. $1.00 35c 45c can fr 35c .. . Delicia Lunch Tongue, 35c can for . . 25c Meats, Beef, Etc. Loin Steak, and Round, per lb. Chuck and Rib Steak pr lb Roasts Beef from the frsnt shoulder, per lb. .: Beef, tip and round, per lb. Beef boiling rib per lb, ,. Beef soup bones and shanks, per lb. 25c 22c 6c Veal Roast and Cutlets, a lb. 25c Veal Stews, per lb. ,20c 22c ... 13c Mutton, roast and chops a lb 25c Mutton stews, per lb. 12c 12c Ames Meat Market, rum certainly get what youre looking for when YOU build a National Builders Bureau HOME that? comfortable arrangements, all the modern improvements, all that is desirable and all that any real home lover could wish for. N. B. B. homes are so unusual in construcaion, arrangement and appearance, youll find them un- equalled by any, and absolutely satisfactory. See actual photographs of the most modern homes, designed and planned by experts of national reputation. Anderson & Sons Co. Friday evening Sept. 3rd, a Republican Primary was held in Hyrum and 3 delegates elected to the County Judicial Convention to be held in Logan Sept. 4th. The delegates were Alban T. Clawson, R. A. Eliason, Hans Mikkelsen. Alternates: Ezra J. Wilson and Emmett Savage. - HYRUM, Exclusive Representatives Usual Prices of Admission DONT FAIL TO SEE IT jg visit and tour through the Snake River Country, Star Valley and Bear Lake Valley. They report a very successful trip. Republicans Hold Primary A PLAY THAT IS DIFFERENT s . J. A. Wahlen returned Wednesday from a ten days COMMON CLAY Tickets on Sale at Hyrum Drug Co. . Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. C. Allen returned ThursBp. B. M. Wright, wife and two day from Salt Lake City, where she daughters of Burley, Idaho, and Mrs accompanied her daughter Miss Elva Amelia Nielsen of Logan, were Hywho is on her way to fill a mission rum visitors the forepart of the week in the Northern States. as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearson and sons Nielsen. Mr. and Mrs. Wright were of Butte, Montana, are visitors at former residents of Hyrum. the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Michel Jensen and H. B. Nielsen. Mr. H. B. Nielsen took the party up Blacksmith Fork canyon for an outing State of Utah, last Wednesday. ) County of Cache In the Hyrum Precinct of said County, I have in my possession the following described estray animal, which if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at my corral in Hyrum precinct, on WedNIGHT ONLY nesday, the 8th day of September, 1920, at the hour of 1 oclock p. m. Tuesday, Sept. 7th for , REX THEATRE HYRUM--0N- 1) N. and K. Salmon, Large Cans Del- Monte and Diamond D and Maple Leaf, per can 40c Pickles Indian Head Miss FOR SALE CHEAP- -A good second hand to Mrs. Apply organ. Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Liljenquist ad and Mrs. Malinda Liljenquist and H. P. Nielsen, Hyrum. Members of our Suit Club buy at children returned Sunday from an extended auto trip to Rexburg and wholesale why not you? Economy 38 W. 1st other Idaho towns. Tailors, North, Logan, ad Utah. Messrs. Allen & Anderson of the Our Wattis hard coal and Rock South Cache Produce report they have purchased and shipped out of Springs . will give you satisfaction. Wellsville 12000 bushels of grain Try a ton today. South Cache Produce- Co. ad the past two weeks. J One Day Only OR - nth GROCERIES You have tried the rest WANTED Chickens, highest cash price paid. Jensens Grocery, Mr. Victor Petersen spent the Now try the best. ' Adv last week end in Salt Lake City. Hyrum. You need not be sick when Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Altering Mr. James L. Jensen returned you can take adjustments at and Repairing. Economy Tailors, from Fairfield, Idaho, on Sunday. your home at your own con38 W. 1st North, Logan. ad venience. FOR SALE A bicycle in good The M. I. A. Rally to be held in condition. Apply at this office. .. ad V. E. PETERSEN, D. C. Wellsville Saturday Sept. 4, at 3:30 Mr. Henry Jensen left Wednesday Phone 133 J, Hyrum. p. m., promises to be a big event. for a short business visit in Salt Your last chance to hear the famous Saltair Band, next Wednesday night at the Elite Hall. The E. Forrest Taylor Stock Co. at the Rex Theatre next Tuesday evening. Dont fail to be there. The District Schools will open next Tuesday and children of school age should make it a point to be there. VC UTAH of National Ruilders Bureau BRING US THE NEWS. SHEPPARD AND CO. of Idaho Falls have several farms for sale on extremely easy terms. Finest soil in the West. If interested, call at their office, write or phone them. Do it now and obtain the raise in price Adv. yourself. Its Blood Precloua. The blood of the rhinoceros Is C and ly esteemed by the Burmese of kicd9 all nese as a medicine for menta. Whenever a party of buner are successful in shooting a tn 7 os they are less numerous than u care used to be the native beaters ly draw off the blood and bring bamboo Rangoon stored in hollow we E Its worth The precious liquid Is silver. 1 a |