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Show t SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYKUM. UTAH Robert S. (Cupid) Sparks, chief of the marriage license bureau at Los AIM IRIS Angeles, for nineteen years, bus been transferred to clerk In the superior court. It . is considered a demotion. Sparks was censured when he kept the Fairbanks-I'lckformarriage license secret several days. Women of South Sr. laul, Minn., claim the distinction of being the first IMPORTANT OF THE .CORO sex to vote under the proviof their VENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST sions of the federal suffrage amendMANNER POSSIBLE. ment. They voted Friday in a ORDERED TO DANZIG d bond-electio- Hitter u,ppnlnfl That Are Making All from information Gathered Globe Quarter of the Given In a Few Line. INTERMOUNfAIN. United States A proposal that the act simiexclusion a Japanese adopt rein now force, measure lar to the debate heated to a led Chinese, garding of the In the convention of the League Denver. Southwest, at Denver may win the name of the declare great unwashed. Local dealers there is a shortage of bathtubs and to plumbing fixtures that threatens curb personal sanitation there. The Colorado supreme court has refused to take action in the appeal for seven stay of execution to liberate in union leaders, traction jail striking for contempt of court for calling a strike of car men, until a complete record of the case in the lower court has been submitted. A mysterious feud which ended near Lander, Wyo., with the shooting and seriously wounding of Mrs. Nancy Wales, and the slightly wounding of her husband, is being investigated by The shots were fired from officers. ambush while Wales and his wife were in the yard at their ranch. State tickets were placed in the and Demofield by the ltepublicans crats of Idaho on August 23. Senator Nugent was renominated by the Democrats and Frank Gooding will make the race for the senate on the Re' publican ticket. H. D. Sager, GO, of Boulder, Colo., was instantly killed when his automobile skidded and plunged over an embankment. Other occupants of the car were uninjured. DOMESTIC. The food price pendulum has started the return swing and before the resting point is reached further living cost declines will be measured, food dealers ' at Chicago declare. The public has had too much jazz and is turning toward more natural music, said Paul B. Klugh, president of the Music Industries Chamber of Commerce, in an address at New York, before the National Association of Masters of Dancing. People are buying fewer shoes and more dry goods, stationery and hardware on the Pacific coast this year than they did last year, according to the monthly review of business conditions, T, Niino, Japanese, "ho killed his Japanese sweetheart In Kings countv. Culifgniia. her father would liot let her marry him, was hanged state prison at San Friday - at the Quentin. Longshoremen stopped work on four big White Star liners at New Ybrk in protest against the action of the Baltic crew in allowing British authorities to take Archbishop Mannix, prelate, from the ship on her last trip to England. State history was made in the little drab municipal courtroom at Akron, Ohio, on Thursday, when the first jury of women returned a verdict for the defendant in an eviction case. The decision of the jury saved a. newly wedded couple from being evicted from Shirley Blakely, 24, of Kansas City, confessed having stolen furniture at $3000 from St. Yibianis cathedral at Los Angeles, according to the police. He stole furniture In order to marry Ituth Creed, 16, of Pasadena, he told officers, after he had rescued her from a white slave den. Ten thousand dollars in gold dust, bags of coin and water soaked currency was taken from the safe of the sunken steamer Princess Sophisa, released by divers, says a dispatch from Juneau, Alaska. The steamer was sunk several years ago. Permission to construct a branch line to develop the North 1lntte Irrigation project has been asked of the! Interstate commerce commission by the Union Pacific railroad company. The line would extend through Scotts Bluffs county, Nebraska, and Goshen county, Wyoming. A proposal to bar from membership Japanese who served in the world war Was voted down by the state convention of the American Legion at San pro-Iris- h val-ue- d 29-mil- e !ego. Russell N. Smith of San Francisco ud W. II. Yredeuburgh, Jr., of Freehold, N. J., were found drowned pinned under their overturned automobile in a pool of water along the state highway, five miles east of Livermore, Cal. SEE THAT OJJR SHIPS HAVE FULL PRIVILEGE OF WILL LANDING n. Announcement of a reward of $300 for the arrest of the man who has fallen into the habit of holding up the stage between Cedarbrook and Miami, in the mountains near Yosemlte national park, has been posted by Governor Stevens of California. The holdups have occurred every year for the last twenty-tw- o United States in Accord With France and Italy In Stand Taken Regarding Polish Occupation of Russian Territory. years. WASHINGTON. The right of women to the ballot was formal! made a part of the constitution of the United States on August 26, when Secretary of State Colby proclaimed ratification of the nineteenth amendment. Gordon Woodbury, formerly a member of the Now Hampshire legislature, has been appointed assistant secretary of the navy to succeed Franklin D. Roosevelt. Operating incomes of seventy telephone companies in the United States for March amounted to $7,309,970, an increase of $853,233 over March, 1919, according to reports issued by the interstate commerce commission. Attorney General Palmer has instructed United States attorneys to investigate alleged conspiracies and combinations among dealers to increase coal prices. Nearly twenty nations will he represented by speakers at the fifteenth international congress against alcoholism, which convenes in Washington, September 21, according to the tentative program made public by the American executive committee. FOREIGN. British labor is demanding that the government take immediate steps to bring about peace between Russia and Poland. The laborites take the attitude that Great Britain, chiefly instrumental in forcing the bolshevik! to modify their armistice terms, should now exert possible pressure upon the Poles to compel acceptance of the proposals which were previously approved by Premier Lloyd George. The United States has been requested by the Serbian government to appoint representatives to an allied commission to investigate the conflict between Albania and One hundred and fifty Christians have been killed at Ajlun, a village about' fifty miles northeast of Jerusalem, by a band of Bedouins, according to a dispatch received from Haifa, Palestine. The Polish legation at London has issued a statement of the Polish premier, Witos, that Poland still desires an armistice and peace with Russia not desire to appropriate for- territories. Due to war influences, ten European nations engaged In the World war show a potential loss in population of 35,320,000 persons since 1914, according to a statistical research. Unofficial reports would indicate that the bolshevik! lost nearly half of their effective fighting units in Poland. The number of reds engaged was estimated by General Haller at The number of prisabout 300,000. oners taken by the Poles was said to be nearly 80,000, while about 60,000 have crossed into east Prussia and been interned. The entire business section of Dundalk, Ireland has been destroyed by fire, alleged to have been set by Sinn Fein sympathizers in reprisal for the burning of property in Belfast and Lisburn by Unionists. Three persons were burned to death. When rioting was resumed in Belfast ou Thursday, military forces summoned to the scene of tlie disorder fired on a crowd, killing one man and dangerously wounding two girls. The northern Polish army is continuing to move up in the region between Sierpe and Sohlau, near the East Prussian border, and are marching on Clierzellen, to the east of Mla-wto cut off the retreat of the remaining soviet forces. It is announced that Great Rritain and Italy will refuse recognition to the Russian soviet government if it does not withdraw Its demand, presented as a part of the peace terms at Minsk, for a proletarian army in Poland. A conference of Irish moderates, called to enable every shade of home rule sentiment to unite in a statement to Premier Lloyd George relative to the future government of Ireland, is being held at Dublin, many women being in attendance, as well ns a number of priests. A dispatch from San Jose, Costa Rica, says congress has passed a law giving the right of suffrage to all citizens, including women. ' Jugo-Slavi- CARGOES. a. a, Washington. It was announced by Secretary of the Navy Daniels on Saturday that Admiral lluse and the American squadron now at Reval had been ordered to proceed from that port to Danzig. Later In the day Secretary Colby held a conference with Admiral Knapp at the department of state. It was learned from an official source that a complete new set of instructions were sent to Admiral Huse. They are so revolutionary, in fact, that they constitute a material change of policy on the part of the United States. First and most important of all, it is ascertained, the American government has determined not to insist that the Polish armies remain within the ethnic borders of Poland, but that they shall be permitted to proceed a sufficient distance into Russian territory to safeguard Poland against further Invasion by the soviet armies. In this the United States is in thorough accord with France, regardless of the attitude assumed by Great Britain, Italy and the other nations. Poland has nlready been informed of this change, but is warned that her armies must not proceed far enough into Russian territory to arouse suspicion as to the good faith of her purposes. It is expected by the state department that this liberty of action to Poland will be more effective in bringing about peace than any other suggestion yet made. In granting it, the United States and France virtually accede to the urgent request of Poland that a provisional stragetlc line be fixed preliminary to a final boundary that shall be agreed upon by all nations, Including Russia, at a council of ambassadors. ,, Dispatch of Admiral Huses squadron to Danzig is in accord with the determination by this government that American merchant ships shall have the full privilege of landing cargoes at that port. The first American test will come when the Warsawa, an American ship loaded with munitions and supplies, and now two days at sea from Antwerp, arrives at Danzig. Discussing the overnight decision to send the squadron from Reval, Secretary Daniels said, I can only say that it was at the request of the state department, to protect American interests, It Wi learned here that France is already acting under the policy. After wrangling for two days witli Sir Reginald Tower- - ft French cruiser took the Situation in hand and began discharging arms and ammunition for the Poles at Danzig. It was announced that it was hoped these supplies could be delivered to the Polii forces by necgood will of the workmen, but if used. he would force essary Sugar From Timber. Speaking of the suggestion of saw-dusugar, a Ceylon planter says: While I cannot vouch for the sweetening properties of'timber in general, I know there are trees which yield sugar. We might have been sending you considerate quantities from Ceylon had an experiment made then been more efficiently carried out. Palmyra tree's which yield a sugary syrup, were tapped, and modern machinery Installed to refine the juice, but for some reason the native workers could not be prevailed on to carry the stuff down from the forest to the works. There Is still a future for palmyra sugar, when the is lived down. ESCAPED AH st - OPERATION By Taking Lydia E, Pink" hams Vegetable Compound. Many Such Cases. Sometime ago I got so juble that I thought I would have to be operated on. I had a bad displacement. My right side would pain me and I was so nervous I could not hold a glass of water. Many times I would have to stop my work and sit down or I would fall on the floor in a faint. I consulted several doctors and every one told mo the same but I kept fighting to keep from having the operation. I had read so many times of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and it helpetj my sister so I began taking it. I have never felt better than I have since then and I keep house and am able to do all my work. The Vegetable Compound is certainly one grand medicine.' Mrs. J. R. Matthews, 8311 Sycamore Cairo, k Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria And That May Come. Some of the old English inns have quaint signboards. Yes. We have the horse, the stag, the boar, the bear, the lion in fact, you might say the whole animal kingdom is represented. There Is one noticeable exception. The camel. Age- Birmingham Herald. Cold In the Head Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds in the head will find that the use of IIALLS CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. His Company. Several people have told me they had made election bets which would not allow them to shave until I have been elected sheriff, remarked the confident candidnte. Well, commented Senator Sorghum, if you want to know my candid opinion, a man with that kind of a constituency doesnt deserve to be elected. A Man and SAY DIAMOND DYES Dont streak or ruin your material in a poor dye. Insist on Diamond Dyee." Easy directions in package. v 111. Street, Cairo, 111. Of course there are many serious cases that only a surgical operation will relieve. We freely acknowledge this, but the above letter, and many others like it, amply prove that many operations are Recommended when medicine in many cases is all that is needed. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. in New York City alone from kidney trouble last year. Dont allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against this trouble by taking GOLD MEDAL The worlds standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Hollands national remedy since 169 ft. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Look for the nemo Gold Medal on ovary box. and accept no imitation Shave With Cuticura Soap CORNS The New Way Lift Right Off Without Pain , Without Mug Forgiven. "Can you help me out, sir? said the seedy looking stranger. Ive batf some hard luck. I suppose you've seen better days? replied Mr. Twobble. 'Oh, yes, sir. I once got $75 a week for playing in a jazz orchestra. said Mr. Twobble, as be Well, thoughtfully thrust his hand into his pocket, Im a humane man and I wont hold that against you. Heres a quarter. Birmingham Age-lleral- One thorn of experience is worth a Drop a little whole wilderness of warning. Freezone on an aching corn, instantly lhat corn stops hurting, then shortly West for Session Virginia. Special lift it right off with fingers. Truly Charleston, W. Va. Governor J. J. you Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of would he declared Cornwell on Sunday for a few cents, sufficient to "Freezone call an extra session of the legislature remove hard corn, soft corn, or every woto enact special legislation that corn the between toes, and the calluses, men might vote in November, in view or soreness irritation. without ' FOR of the fact that the legislature had failed to act on his suggestion to pass Can Speak for One Woman. such laws at the last session. One never knows what will please 'V 6 Bell-an- s n woman. Hot Bailey Beaten in Texas. In the Oh, I wnuklna say that. Sure Relief United States Former Tex. ease of my wife anything beyond our Dallas, TV. been has Bailey Tranmeans sure to." Boston Senator Joseph is LL-A- NS decisively defeated on the face of the script. f to FOR INDIGESTION latest returns from the REMOVED by Dr. B rry POSITIVELY Democratic so gubernatorial is a not much the decide Being ignorant Freckle OlntmeDt Your drarelel or b FRECKLES Co. mill, tic. Free book. Dr. G. H. Ortrrji race. His opponent, Congressman Pat- shame as being unwilling to learn. 297S Michigan Avenue. Chicago. rick Neff of Waco, has been elected. Doesnt hurt a bit! I Sure 7 water A UE run-of- Coal Miners Threaten Strike. Action that Pa. Wilkesbarre, amounts to a general strike order to 175,000 union miners of the anthracite coal field, was taken Sunday by 300. a delegates of the miners locals, after all lasted day. bitter session that Auto Racers Burned to Death. Santa Rosa, Cal Two automobile racers were burned to death beneath their overturned car and a seven-year-ol- d spectator was killed instantly when a light car in the Sonoma county fair races here Sunday blew out a rear tiro, left the track and crashed into a tree. Rheumatism Back on the Job With Its Old-tim- e Fury In Its Torture. blood of the germs that cause the No Let-U- p If you are afflicted with Rheu- matism, why waste time with liniments, lotions and other local applications that never did cure Rheumatism, and never will? Do not try to rub the pain away, for you will never succeed. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain. Remove the cause, and there can be no pain. You will never be rid of Rheumatism until you cleanse your disease. S. S. S. has no equal as a blood purifier, scores of sufferers 6ay that it has cleansed their blood of Rheumatism, and removed all trace of the disease from their system. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your drug store and get on the right-treatm- ent to-da- y. If you want special medical advice, address Medical Director, 102 Swift Labo- ratory, Atlanta, Ga. end Mornintf. Getting Your Money's Worth. VStYIIDNP Nliht Have Strong, Health, Mrs. Browne Your husband now v Eyet. If they Tire, Itch, spends nil iris evenings at home. mtse Smart or Bum, if Sorq, Bolshevik! Recapture Grodno. Yes. He wants to get Banks Mrs. Russian Bolshevik ns much use out of the flat us posIrritated, Inflamed or Copenhagen. Granulated, use Murine forces Rave recaptured Grodno, says a sible before the landlord raises the often. Soothes. Refreshes. Safe for Berliuk-sk- e Koenigsburg dispatch to the rent again. London Answers. Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Tidend. The report adds that the Free Eye Book. Mwln Zyt Rub tif Co., Chkttt Poles also have been forced to evacuYour rnnk among men depends on ate Blalystok. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. how you help them to rise. 36-19- 20. & |