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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE COURIER Friday. Oct. 5, 1917. Entered at. the Pontoffice at Hyrutn, Utah, second class mail matter, under the Act of March 3 1879 a J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager Local News 4 4 4 44 ft? 4 4 4 4 444 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4. Do it now, Advertise. Boys School Suits $2.95. Clothing Co. Hyrum Adv. Buy the boys school suit now and save money. Hyrum Clothing Co. Adv. A fine baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Jensen, Tuesday. AllO. K. Ju3t received a complete line of Cabbage. Apply to work gloves at reasonable prices, ' Adv. Hans Mikkelsen, Hyrum. Ady. Hyrum Clothing Co. Mr. Roy Olsen, who was home on Use KREAM KRISP for cooking Adv. a visit the past week, left Tuesday in place of butter. on his return trip to San Diego, FOR SALE 2 good Jersey cows. FOR SALE Apply at this office. Adv. Cal. FOR SALE Purebred white FOR SALE good hay. Apply hens. Apply to to Mrs. Hans Anderson, Hyrum. Ad Leghorn laying Mrs. H. P. Anderson, Hyrum. Ad. Victrolas $5.00 down and $1.00 A numbtr of people from Hyrum a week. Hyrum Clothing Co. Ad. and surrounding towns left for for Salt Lake this week to attend Oct. Horse, buggy and harnes Adv Conference, and the Utah State sale. Hyrum Clothing Co; Just arrived New Fall line of Fair. M ens Hats. Hyrum Clothing Co. ad Word came from Salt Lake Mr. Don Gill left Tuesday for Thursday that Battery C., Utah Loveland, Colorado, to work during Field. Artillery will entrain for Camp Kearney at Linda Vista, Cal., the winter. Oct. 11th, with full field equipment. Mr. Charley Nielsen, the miller, A mining expert from Salt Lake, is suffering from an attack of has been looking at some mining in East canyon, and reports Miss Nina Johnson is spending property his findings quite favorable. Indithe week end in Millville and Logan cations are, that something will be visiting friends. doing in a short time. Neckties all the latest styles The Primary Assn of the 3rd just arrived Hyrum Clothidg ComAdv. ward gave quite an interesting propany. gram at the ward chapel last Sunof beans, WANTED Carload day evening. They also had on exy and 75 bushels of hibit the Red Cross Work which Adv. Jensen, Hyrum. is done by the children during Miss Bessie Brown has been con- primary hours, and is certainly very fined at home for several days on commendable. account of illness, but is reported Hyrems popular orchestra, The as being on the improve. Silver Players are making quite a Mrs. Ou H. Birch entertained the record. They have- played to danGolden Hour Club last Saturday ces in nearly every town in the valafternoon, a nice luncheon was ley, outside of Logan, and have been served and an enjoyable time had well patronized and complimented by the ladies. for the excellent music furnished. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savage anThe Misses Hazel Smith and Nell of their nounce the marriage Savage entertained Monday evening daughter Nell to E. Perry Van Leu- at the home of the latter, in honor ven, to take place at Salt Lake City, of Roy Olsen who wa home on a October the thirteeth, nineteen furlough. A delicious chicken supseventeen. hundred per was served after which games and social chat occupied the evening until a late hour when all present wished Roy success and a safe reErnest P. Oldkam, M. D. turn home. Those present besides LOGAN, UTAH the hosts and guests of honor, were Office No. 4. the Misses Sybil Frogner, Bethea Store Over and Isabelle Savage; Messrs. Cutler 230-21. 3 Phone, i Roy and Nelton Smith, Glen Allen, t Special Lines Diagnosis and Surgery tauimatttutjnHJttstnjitjnauntnntnttx) Willis and Emmett Savage. crab-apple- s, Le-lo- SPECIAL SALE Three Rule Store 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 AT FOR TEN DAYS ONLY 1 4 4 44 $ $ 4 Commencing Friday, Oct. 5th, to 15th $ 4 4 4 4 $1.25 and 1.00 Voile Waists, for 75c. 4 4 Ladies Shoes, Reg. $7.00 Special Ladies Shoes, Reg. $4,9S Ladies Shoes, Reg. $4.00 4 4 4 $6,00 Childrens Shoes, lO per cent OFF $3.98 Mens Dress Shoes, 75c OFF $3 25 Mens Work Shoes, 50c OFF ner pair 4 Mens Patrick, all Wool Mackinaws, Reg. $15 Value, for $10.00 I 4 Men's Pants, at Less than Cost $ 4 4 4 $$$ 4 24 CENTER STREET, LOGAN. 4 .4 4 4 4 4J 4 4 4" 4 4 4"4" 4 4 4 4" 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. Conference October State Fair September 6, Inclusive. - 5-- 29 6 $ 4 4 4 4 4 .4 4 f 7 th to October rate tickets on Low 4 4 sale September 29th., to October 7th., return October 5th and 6th., via THE ELECTRIC WAY.- - Ad. 4 f V ? We Have Just Received : 4 V v - To Our Patrons - There are a number qtehave not of our Subscribers that paid for their paper for a year or more. We would appieciate it very much if those that owe us would make an effort to pay up, as we need the money to pay our obligations. We are now1 sending out statements to every one that owes us and we hope that those who receive them will call and straighten up their account, and save us the trouble of calling on them personally. Respectfully, A beantiful line of Box Paper Tablets and Correspondennce Cards. 4 See our line of Fountain Pens, Watches Clocks and Flash-Lights. 4 $ A BIG STGCK I HYRUM DRUG 4 4 4 4 CO. 44444444444441 444444444444 ffjaui'i Hy win h qwr Hew Time Table South Cache Courier, Per. J. A. Wahlen. Pub. Shamhart-Christianse- 4 September 26, 1917. The ELECTRIC Way Winter Schedule CALLS Authority For Your Boys Suits Jo'n the Nearly 50 Years! 1,300,000 women who turn to McCALL'S every month for correct fashfor ions, patterns, for economical buying, for fancy needlework, for good stories for pleasure, for helb, for style. McCALL Patterns fit. Go to THATCHERS 75c a Year Youll Like Thatchers Clothes Wellsville 7:11 7:19 7:27 Providence .. 7:30 Hyrum Millville (Runs between Mendon and Richmond 9:29 11:34 2:34 5:37 7:31 9:36 9:45 5:45 9:54 5:53 52 11:55 2:55 5:57 7:52 9:58 Only.) 11:32 11:42 11:51 11:55 A.M. P.M. 7:38 10:00 12:01 3:02 6:05 8:00 10:04 12:01 Logan Hyde Park.... 7:51 10:13 12:11 3:12 6:18 8:12 10:20 12:13 All Trains Make Direct Connections at Ogden With Bamberger uj Trains to and from Salt Lake City. Daily Freight Service in Both Directions. f V rr"E! NOW READY! yt f V Merchandise, Coats, Suits, and Millinery, For all Ages. fy CARD AND ASK FOR ropy nf McCALLS; or Slooo PIN-- i Ofltr to w omen, or List of GIPTS H'loiH cost, or BICYCLE Oiler to hoys given nnd ,,r Int, .st PATTERN CATALOGUE; or (.ills O 'er to AGENTS, or SloO.OO Puzo Oiler lllg i to jour CHURCH. Address SAMPLE The Store is all aglow with our New Fall and Winter t SEND A TOSTAL ? Eiason Sisters, Logan TRAVEL THE ELECTRIC WAY No Smoke! I'.V v fy tf t See Here! THE McCALL CO., Mill 235-25- 0 Wcsl 37lh Street, New York, N. Y. W. A. WHITNEY, y EVERYBODYS STORE 4444444444444 4444444444444 J. W. ELLINGSON, Traffic Manager. General Manager. cnEsaaESEKS! We have some nice, blue serge pants for school boys. We also have someswell gray suits for small boys, we will sell f y No Dust! No Cinders! Comfort All the Way. at 30 per cent these off. 20 per cent off on Ladies and Misses Coats. OUR FALL LINES ARE NEARLY ALL IN. Now is the time to getwhat you need. Buy at home, there are many reasons why should. REMEMBER THE PLACE. ALLEN BROTHERS, Hyrum you |