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Show A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR New Weather Worde. The esteemed weather bureau has sprung 'a new one. It Is the woi'd smog, and it means smoke or fog. The bureau explains that very freyour flOIBT WILL III BIFUNDBD by TOUT drnggll Without uny question 11 tills remedy does not UenoH mixwhen the are times there quently everycuita of Asthma. ltrouchlal Asthma, or Difficult llreatliluif No matter Ita; bur ture Is apparent In the atmosphere, Fever violent tbe attacks or obstinate the ease und It considers the new word a great little Idea. Very well, smog let It be. But why end there? Lets call a mixture of snow and mud smug, a mixture of In either form Pipe Mixture or Powder) snow and soot snoot," and a mixture positively gives(Cigarette. INSTANT KKL1HF In every case bus and cured thousands who bad been permanently of snow and hall snail. Thus Ave considered Inouruble, after having tried every other means of relief In vain. Sufferers are afforded an : a have forecast weather might opportunity of availing themselves of this guarantee offer as through purchasing from Snail today, turning to snoot to- their own regular Druggist, they are sure tbell money will be refunded by him If the remedy falls. night, tomorrow snoggy with smud. You will be the sole Judge as to whether you are Builders Guide. beDeQted and will get your money back If you are ASTHHA XS?flfllR01!I . HSTMMADOlil Money-Dac- k Remarkable.. It has been a remarkable summer. Yes. I dont recall a summer tha lins given people so many things to tnlk about besides the climate." not. VVe do not know of any fairer proposition which weoould make, R. Schiftmann Co., Proprietors, St. Paul, Minn. BABIES SKIN-TORTUR- Sim 8leep, Mothers Rest After Treatment With Cuticura Trial Free. LOSSES PREVENTED by CUTTER S BLACKLEG PILLS Send today for free samples of cura Soap and Ointment and learn how quickly they relieve Itching, burning skin troubles, and point to speedy heal-meof baby rashes, eczema and Having cleared babys skin keep it clear by using Cuticura exclusively. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. western stock Low-price- d fresh, With the Fingers ! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain nt itch-Ing- s. reliable; preferredby men 1 because they proteot where other vaccines fall. Write for booklet and testimonials. pkg. Blackleg Pills, $1.00 50-do- o pkg. Blackleg Fllfe, $4.00 Use any injector but Cutter's simplest and strongest. The superiority of Cutter products is due to over IS years of specializing in VACCINSS AND SERUMS ONLY. Insist on CUTTER'S. If unobtainable order direct. TRb Cutter Laboratory, B.rtal.y, California 4 hard corns, soft corns or of a corn can shortly be The lifted right out with the fingers if you of womm: will apply on the corn a few drops of - What It Does. Registered freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. What does golf do for a man? Herefords Exclusively At little cost one can get a small bot"Well, for one thing, it makes him 75 pood, registered tle of freezone at any drug store, which decide to take his vacation in the winbnlla for Bale. WRITE VS. will positively rid ones feet of every ter when he can go south. corn or callus without pain or sore..PARKER'S ness or the danger of infection. HAIR BALSAM A lawsuit A is of the thief toilet time and preparation of merit. This new drug is an ether compound, to eradicate dandruff. In a Native Street. Helps money. For Restoring Color and and dries the moment it Is applied and Beauty toGray or Faded Hair. does not inflame or even irritate the 60c. and $1.00 at Druggists. Kipling, the East and vite you to partake of coffee and Turkis an neither Marriage at Tunis, the earthly ish sweetmeats with him. surrounding skin. Just think! You DEFYING nor the other place. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. can lift off your corns and calluses Tunisia, on the coast Many of the bazaar shops are facof Northern without a bit of pain or soreness. now Africa, but in ac- tories as well, where the specialists If your druggist hasnt freezone he can cordance with age-ol- d tradition the sit In full view weaving baskets, fasheasily get a small bottle for you from twain do not assimilate, observes a ioning red and yellow slippers or makwriter in the Kansas City Times. his wholesale drug house. adv. ing bizarre ornaments and tiny cups Tunis is a city of captivating con- and pitchers of hammered brass. All trasts, because within the one there of the merchants are good natured and Bone Surgery Marvels. A reserve officer in - the United are really two distinct cities. A great not importunate. They long ago learnOriental gateway called the Porte de ed that the Christian States medical corps who recently re dog has a long turned from Great Britain is loud in France separates the purely French purse, and they greet him because of town from older Tunis the new from the purse and his praises of the work in bone sur despite the Christianity. done in gery being British hospitals. the native. Everywhere in Tunisia one sees eviAn excellent example of French rule dences of He says: "They can take a rib from prosperity. The people are Is typified by the two Tunises. The a man and use it to replace a crushed happy and contented, which speaks volbone in his arm. Patients who in utmost order prevails everywhere. umes for the brand of government adThere are apaches and other bold ministered under the French earlier times would have been consld ered permanently disabled are now types of criminals in Paris, but none In Tunis. The military is keen, alert fixed up in a few weeks so that they and efficient. can go back to the front. In a The civic administra- ODD single GALLERY OF THE DEAD month, in one hospital, we had 1,350 tion is maintained on a high standard. bone cases, and 1,000 of them were France holds that country under a Catacombs of Guanajuato, Mexico, ready at the end of the month to go Where Mummlfiefi! Bodies Are Genuine benevolent back and fight again, Small PU1 protectorate. However, bears Small Dose Placed in Long Rows. Tunis still has Its bey, growing only in signature Small Price but still name, the up Naval keeping Maneuvers. Japanese panoply One of the sights of rule under the direct superThe grand Japanese naval maneufrequently visited tourists Mexico in by Is the gallery of vision of vers which will take French the government. The the b!ooddicatetheabsence of iron in place off Tosa dead at Guanajuato (pronounced has will consist of the his athis bey court, and guards condition which will be greatly helped by first, second and The town of that third fleets and several reserve tendants. He presents himself openwhere the catacombs are sit says the East and West News. ly to the people from the window name, is one of the most -- quaint uated, above his The and all dwelling every day, guns mounted on the Z and In that grotesque counfascinating who wish to do so have the right to and Ise will be put to practical test. All vessels him for redress of wrongs. try. It lies within a days journey of Just the thing for a Soldiers Kit participating will petition AS he has all the enjoyments and none the City of Mexico, with railroad comssemble at Hiroshima bay In the Inof the responsibilities of his high of- munication. The churches and paintland sea, and the contending forces Mil use Kure as the base of he cannot be said to have a sor- ings of this city have made it fice, operatbut the most peculiar of its ions. The sham battle will last ten rowful lot in life . is found in its catacombs, attractions Pays. City of Winding Byways. or mummy chambers. Passing through the gateway into On the hillside overlooking the city A Culinary the older city, the broad boulevards, is the Home Necessity. of the Dead, which an P It Is awful this raise in bread. the cafes and the joie de vivre have swers the of a graveyard and purpose phe La, me, John, breads got to disappeared. Here are the narrow, yet is not the same as one In the comraise, hasnt It? winding lanes which have served as mon acceptance of that term. It is a streets for 3,000 years. They are lined veritable or House of BurPantheon, native with houses, flat roofed and ial. In its thick walls the tombs Quite Appropriate Motion. creamy white In color, thronged with are are rocMng these days. Jhfnes arranged, tier upon tier, of identi New, scientific idea in pipe construction removable inner tube keeps your Berbers, Arabs, Moors, East- cal size, like so many numbered Quite right; too. A throne natives pipe rocking free and clean at all times. Send $1.00 by mail to pigeonern and black wild is the cradle of tribesmen Jews, holes. like liberty. mummies up the Wrapped from the desert. The native city al- bodies of Z CLEAN PIPE COMPANY, 213 West Forty-Nint- h the dead are here placed, Street. NEW YORK is Intensely alive, as bustling and each in A weak mind Is ways its little recess, and they are like a microscope, He What Wished. as of life full French its Which Walls. registered in a book according to the magnifies trifling things but Titles of books are confusing to A row of villas In suburbia were neighbor outside the gate. The motley number thereon. To Insure care of Cannot perceive great ones gothose who study them, and even more display of colors and costumes, the the dead a certain fee is ing up and when alapace, were they yearso to the parents who have- to creamy burnouses, scarfs of rich bro- ly, and if it should not expected buy most finished the builder and his forebe forthcomthem. A few days ago the Greencas-tl- e man made a tour cades, the full white trousers of the ing after a period of five of inspection. The years, the public schools opened, and S. C. former left his. assistant women, the red fezzes and variegated bones are taken from: their in one house pigeon Sayers of the store of Sayers & Ham- and went into the house turbans, the flowing robes of priests, holes and thrown in a adjoining. heap In the cata- ilton, was stunned for a few minutes all combine to make a brilliant and comb below with countless Can you hear me? called the buildother flesh- when a school patron asked for er, tapping on the dividing wall. fascinating picture. less bones and skulls. Another body Physic and Health and a Compound Yes. About the native coffee house is then placed in the recess and the Arithmetic. He for a min Can you see me? swarthy faced men are sitting or process of eviction is in time repeated. ute and handed thethought woman a No. "Physiof the squatting, sipping tiny cups This treatment of the dead would, ology and Health and a Complete The guilder rejoined the steaming Turkish beverage, each por- of course, be impossible in a moist cli- Arithmetic. foreman, News. Indianapolis beaming with satisfaction. tion freshly made for the consumer. mate. In Mexico at that high elevaNow, thems what you can call The narrow streets are filled with hu- tion the air is as dry as an oven, and walls! he said. Hows This? midity, the peddlers with their well- as it has rare aseptic qualities, the for tiiTt6 ffer case of laden donkeys having the right of flesh of the dead dries up and ultimate- Jaat cannot be curedanyby HALL1catarrh CA. Enemy Precautions. way. HALLS CATARRH ly crumbles to dust, giving out no odor MEDICINE is "What taken did Bill do when you told him and acts internally most to or of the taint the air. Not alTo the tourist attractive , decay cBlood 0I the Mucous you wanted him to dance at the of dis? the now is the Tunis of bazaar for tenold and a then however, ways, part Sold by druggists for over years. forty trict. These souks, or bazaars, are ant does not dissolve Into his original Price 75c. Testimonials free. He took French leave. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. almost as picturesque and diversified elements. The dryness of the atmosas those of Cairo or Constantinople. phere simply mummifies him, and his An Ambitious Collegian. Selective Draft. The lanes here are roofed over, and perishable clay puts on the appearance She Are you a freshman? Much In such immortal down the of a filters case amusement was caused in the upon age. the light square the He (confused) I try to be. cubicles, each stocked with goods and body Is saved from the pile of bones house of commons by the official admission that by a regretable clerical guarded by its proprietor, sitting nnd taken through a trap door down a cross legged at the entrance. spiral staircase to the grim corridor error the national service department had notified the At Times. beneath, where It is placed with a grisA Street for Each Line. speaker that of other Dont to they like hot water in the there army you mummies, proposed ly transfer him a to is there sepIn the souk district new at Wolverhampton at house? arate street for the dealers in the va- to lean up against ofthe wall while aboutemployment one dollar per day, with a weekNot when Im in it. the last trumrious lines. Here are the streets of awaiting the blowing war Is bonus of a little more than a a call. ly It ghoulish pet company, and the snddlers of the perfumers, A Visual Mix-Uyet many visitors go up the hill to dollar on the ground that such emslipper makers, of the jewelers, of the hdve a look at a scene so was The ployment deemed and of only nastrange way for a game like this on. so One may greater cloth merchants, and tional Importance than that on which Is to go it blind. unusual. the and but examine and buy; pause he was now engaged. "Well, I cant see It. wise tourist does, not buy without chafNatural deInheritance. feel would fering, else the seller Has Another Think Coming. June "Does he get his mechanical When Your Eyes Need Care frauded of much of the enjoyment of man who thinks he knows It all The If he becomes really Ingenuity from his fathers side or his the transaction. Murine Eye Remedy generally marries a woman who NO Try interested in you, or if you have made mothers? Bess From his mothers; teaches Smarting Jag Bye Comfort. 60 cents at him a lot more. Life. 4 good purchase, the merchant will In she was a poetess Sore corns, any kind Hereford Corporation Wymind ;tr iYiVr;..XsvA 40-19- 17. For Constipation Carters Little Liver Fills Colorless or Pale Faces Whan-a-wha-to- Carters Iron Pills ). ves-Bel- s, h t-- ro world-famou- CLEAN PIPE $1.00 s, i j CLEAN YOUR PIPE IN A JIFFY 1 ! E-- high-strun- g POSTUM J100-0- has been adopted as the table bevetage in many a home because of Sur-lac- es eer-man- its pleasing flavor and healthful nature I fiYKK-BBBUWJJCoCulCA- GO |