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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER- HYRUM, UTAH - BEST OF VEGETABLES TO REGULATE THE WINDMILL CORN, TOMATOES AND EGGPLANT ARE FAVORED FOR TABLE. Successive Plan Outlined to Aid Farmer In Having Cistern Full of Water When . the Wind Is Blowing. Plantings of Sweet Corn May Be Made Tomato and Are Started and Handled In About Same Way! Egg-pla- Three of the most popular vegetables for the family table are sweet corn, tomatoes and eggplant. Sweet corn, to be at Its best, should be eateh within a few hours after It Is ' picked, for Its sugar content disappears very rapidly after It Is removed from the garden. For this reason and because of Its very general popularity, It Is an excellent vegetable to grow In the home garden. It should be planted on rich land and cultivated In the same manner as field corn. Beginning as soon as the soil Is warmi successive plantings may be made every two or three weeks until late summer. Another method of prolonging the supply Is to plant early, medium and late varieties. Another favorite vegetable Is the tomato, which now forms one of the most Important of our garden crops. In the, North,, It I? very desirable to start the plants In a house or a hotbed, and to transplant them once or twice, In order to secure strong and vigorous plants by the time all danger from frost Is past. plants are especially desirable and they may be brought to the blooming period by the time It Is warm enough to plant them with safety In the garden. If the plants are not to be trained, but allowed to lie on the ground, they should be set about four feet apart each way. If trimmed and tied to stakes they may be planted In rows three feet apart and 18 inches apart In the row. Eggplant Is started and handled In the same way as the tomato. It Is, perhaps, less wld.ely known, but Is rapidly becoming a popular vegetable. The soil best adapted for Its production is a fine, rich sandy loam, well drained. The plants should be set In rows three feet apart, and two feet .apart In the row. Free cultivation Is desirable and the plants should be Pot-grow- , n Regulating the windmill and water supply on the farm Is an Important matter. The following plan works well and Is worth many times Its cost,, as with it one can depend on having a cistern full of water when the wind blows. The cistern may be at any elevation or distance from the well and any kind of force pump may be used. It Is made as follows : In the center of the cistern on an nipple, a common float valve Is used, through which the water enters the cistern. Cn the end of the pipe a horizontal check valve Is used through which the cistern Is drained. In the, well, next to the pump, a T and cut-ovalve Is f d FOR FOOD Worlds Needs and Possible Profits Should Stimulate Farmers to Their Best Efforts. ACID SOILS Ground Limestone Is Usually Cheapest and Most Satisfactory Screenings Can Be Used. Gardeners of Ohio Experiment Station Outline Plarfor Intensive Culture of Tubers. , Intensive potato culture raay be practiced by planting a late crop after clover Is cut or strawberries are seed is required picked. for the second crop. Full benefit of the clover jnay be realized by plant stronger than at present. ing tubers just after harvest, accordThe worlds needs and the possible ing to gardeners at the Ohio expert should stimulate ment station. They also say that un profits, together, farmers to their best effort in produc usual yields and high quality of potlon. No chances that can be avoided tatoes may be expected from plantings should be taken on securing good made In early summer on old straw . crops. berry patches. , Sun-sprout- . MISTAKE WITH HARNESS REDUCTION IN LIVING COSTS 1 Poor Practice to Hang It Over or Near Manure Ammonia Destroys Life of Leather. Garden Is Quickest and Best Means of Lessening Expenses and Relieves Food Shortage. A mistake that Is often made Is that of hanging harness over or near manure. The ammonia, rising from the manure sooner or later destroys the life of the leather. Sometimes, too, harness not used in the winter thrown into a corner, perhaps on the ground, and left there until spring. No manufacturer can turn out leather goods and stitching that will stand such neglect. If harness is cleaned and oiled at no other time, it should at least be so treated in the fall, then hung in a dry place when not In use. The garden is th$ quickest and best means of reducing the cost of living. Present food prices can best e reduced by grqwing a new supply of food. It will take several months to produce a surplus of many food products such as meat, potatoes and flour. Furthermore, the effedt of this surplus on the price which the consumer has to pay is doubtful. .By planting a garden the consumer can relieve the food shortage directly In a few weeks. He can substitute his fresh garden vegetables for canned d products and for many of the staples. . high-price- Reduce Feeding Cost The cost of feeding the dairy herd In summer can be greatly reduced by giving to the pasture proper care and management v Plant Lice. Use a solution of whale-oi- l soap, Dissolve one pound of the soap In gallon of boiling water and then dilute, EMIR PASSING THROUOH ut CROP OF POTATOES Dont Worry About Sheep. When the sheep have become accustomed to pasture, and the grass has gotten good heart, there need be little anxiety about the flock. Good Farm Helpers. , Bheep make good helpers on farm. FliesP'S ... hasolp aoMiaa, iao p, five-gallo- There appears to be a world-wid- e demand for foodstuffs. Prices for all staple crops are high and promise to continue above the average level for a year or more. The promise of profits from growing farm products was never .BIG aa.ua, Kill All 500,-00- SECOND Is Popular. t ausa GATEWAY cribes the origin of the Hausa population, which is also known by the name of'Habe, or Habeche, to the union of Bajlbda of Bagdad with a prehistoric queen of Daura (one of the Hausa states) ; and Katsena was the chief seat of learning throughout the Hausa country. Conquered by the Fulanl. The Hausa Confederation, of which Katsena possessed the most influence, extended its authority over many of the neighboring countries, and remained paramount till the Fula, or Fulanl, under Sheikh Dan Fodio, in 1180, conquered the states and founded the Fula empire of Sokoto. The Fulanl people are a mixture of Berber and negro, and where the purest types of the race are found they are or light' chestnut of a reddish-browcolor, with oval faces, ringlety or even smooth hair never woolly straight and even aquiline noses, delicately shaped lips, and regular features, quite differentiating them from the negro race. Though the Fulanl came as conquerors, they Introduced few changes among the Hausa, adopting the existing customs and system of government, except that they, as zealous Moslems, endeavored, naturally, 1 6 spread Islam. A portion of the race has undoubtedly Intermarried with the , DISEASg mu The Three Tramps. W1X Of KATSENA t !? StTmMdV UBOMTOtTSStral a reeeucim n IMMENSE DEMAND Eggplant It U man vital thu Aak yoar phyilclaa, had Typhoid? (emits trom na THE CUTTtt ut SWEETENING-FO- R gssss TOO ECENT publication of the fact that the emir of Katsena had agreed to give to the British imperial war fund the sum of $35,000 a year while the war lasts called attention to an Interesting If unfamiliar state in Africa, and to its capital city, jvhich bears the same name. The state , of Katsena Is certainly one of the lesser-knowparts of the British empire; nor Is this to be wondered at, since It Is only within quite recent years that It was brought under British protection; this fact In itself making the handsome gift of Its ruler the more pleasing p.nd indicative of the keen appreciation of British rule In Nigeria. Formerly an ancient state of the Western Sudan, Katsena Is now Included in the province of Kano, in the British protectorate of Northern Nigeria. It lies 84 miles northwest of Kano, and 160 miles east, by south of the city of Sokoto; and Its population comprises some 0 Regulating Windmill. people Hausa and Fulanl. Of these two races, the older in the used, which Is adjusted to the water sense of having been longest t in the Under this on a heavy pressure. is the Hausa, who form part country n wire, attached to the lever, a of the most important nation of the pail or keg Is hung. Central Sudan, and who, though nigrl-tl- c When the cistern Is full the float (In places possess a strong valve closes and the Increased pres- crossing of Arabthey Fula blood), are and sure opens the cut-ovalve, and fills morally and Intellectually far buperlor the pall, and Its weight shuts the mill to the typical negro. They claim that off. A small leak drains the pail in a their ancestors came from a country short time and allows the mill to turn on again. kept growing rapidly. On the other hand, many growers believe that fresh stable manure should not be used for eggplants, and that the land should not contain unfermented vegetable matter to any large extent. A dozen good, healthy plants should supfamply enough for the average-sizeily throughout the season. ' Mu family. up-turn- To sweeten an acid soil, a sufficient amount' of finely ground limestone or slaked lime must be scattered evenly over the plowed ground and worked into the top soil. Ground limestone is usually the cheapest and most satisfactory In general, though It takes effect more slowly than quicklime, slaked lime or hydrated lime, and a larger quantity must be applied to get the same results. The screenings from an ordinary rock crusher can be used. Coarser material has little immediate effect on the soil, but If a much larger quantity of the coarse material is used it will keep the soil sweet for a longer time. ' Screenings can be obtained at from 25 cents to $1 a ton. In some cases where hauling from the railroad is expensive and where limestone Is accessible, .small grinders can be used to grind the limestone on the farm. t TYPHOID . n Hausa, andacqulred thereby a stronger nlgijtlc character; but the ruling caste have preserved the purity of A young couple from the corn coun try witnessed the film production ni The Birth of a Nation recently their honeymoon. The bride w, much impressed by the music Next day she entered a music store I want to get that song, The Three she said. Tramps, The salesman looked through the racks, then searched the publishers lists, but failed to find the song. Is it a new publication? she asked l the customer. ; No, its old. Can you hurfi it? Yes, it goes like this: 'Tramp tramp, tramp, the boys are marchi ing " on - a - - - ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESNT HURT A BITI foolishness! Lift your eorni and calluses off with fingers Its ljko magicl No Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers If you apply upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnhtl authority. For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid ones feet of elery corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment it is applied and does not even Irritate the surrounding skin while applying it or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of our readers. If your druggist hasnt any freezone tell him to surely get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house. adv. The Modern Way. What is your diagnosis, doctor?" Well,! find that you have a little Inflammation in the ears; your throat Is slightly affected ; your digestive oare not functioning properly rgans and there is evidence of bronchitis. But can you fix me up? Well, I advise that, you go to Doctor Taphem for your ears ; across the street you will find Doctor Swallow, who is a throat specialist, and Doctor Pepsin will understand your digestive difficulties. As to your bronchitis, you should see a good lung expert at once. Palace of the Emir of Katsena. But 'Isnt there anything the mavery far east, beyond Mecca; and their blood, and It Is, of course, from tter with me that you can cure?in1 your Yes, you have a $10 bill some corroboration of this is furnished this that the present emir of Katsena that. of relieve wallet. you Ill by the fact that the Hausa language is sprung. has several striking points of resemKatsena has been under British pro- Philadelphia Public Ledger. blance with the Coptic, and also with tection only since the year 1903, when that spoken by the Berbers south of Sir Frederick Lugard visited the state CUTICURA HEALS SORE HANDS Tripoli and Tunis. It Is also note- on his way from Sokoto, and the emir , worthy that the Hausa, alone of all the and chiefs accepted British suzerainty That Itch, Burn, Crack, Chap and native Inhabitants of tropical Africa, without fighting. In the following year, Bleed Trial Free. have been able themselves to reduce however, the emir was unfaithful to their language to writing. The char- his oath of allegiance, and he was deIn a wonderfully short time in most acter they use is a modified form of posed, and his successor, the present cases these fragrant, Arabic ; the language Is rich and sono- emir, was installed In his stead. Since emollients succeed. Soak hands on re0 that time the history of Katsena has tiring in the hot suds of Cuticura Soap, rous, and contains no less than words; and some fragments of been peaceful and progressive, under dry and rub Cuticura Ointment into Hausa literature are In existence, con- the enterprising and loyal rule of Its the hands for some time. Remove sursisting of religious and political poems, emir, and its future augurs exceeding plus Ointment with soft tissue paper, together with a limited amount of na- well. It may be mentioned that only Free sample each by mall with Book, 1 tive history. It Is estimated that about recently the emir was married to the Cuticura, Dept. a third of the people are Mohammedan, daughter of the emir of Kano, who has Addpess postcard, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. and U third heathen, while the re- also made a welcome gift to the Immaining third havp no definite form, of perial exchequer. j Economy. religion at all. An amateur gardener of Irvington Are Peaceful and Industrious. has learned to have his potatoes and Seven, Lucky Number. afLarge numbers of the Hausa MoSeven in the eyes of the supersti- plant them,' too, and his plan may are who hammedans make the pilgrimage to tious is to others (julte as lucky as 13 is un- ford a suggestion Mecca every year, and they are a back yards and vain planting gardens lucky. It is always the seventh child cant lots. peaceful and .Industrious people, liv- that is gifted with second sight and ing partly in farmsteads amid their the seventh In place of cutting the potato up In who is perfectly pultor as excellent crops, being agriculturists, sure to be Is good luck to be the usual way into as' many pieces and partly in large trading centers. born on lucky. It Irvingtonlan the are there eyes the seventh day or at seven a They have developed a variety of In- o'clock, simply peels the potatoes, cutting fortune Is and, Indeed, occur. tilling as such the of dustries, little deeper where the eyes making cloth, divided into varifius signs of seven mats, leather, and glass; and not only and the the part of the potato which events of life are sup- Thus to great do they trade with foreign parts, but the peeling hanging to the eye to occur during the ages which clings posed themselves will afford nourishment for the plant they journey far afield as may be either equally divided by seven until It takes root, and he saves about traders, small colonies of them being or contain a seven. ' met .with in towns as widespread as half the Inside of the potato for the not But Is In It such merely superAlexandria and Lagos, Tunis, Tripoli, pot. Sunkin. In Sierra Leone and the Gold stitions that seven becomes a mystical ne took the hint from an old negro Coast territory they form the back- number, for wherever you turn In who has had such success in raising bone of the military police; and, un- Biblical or secular history you find potatoes that his tater patch Is der English leadership, again and the seven repeated indefinitely, says famed In his neighborhood Indianthe Philadelphia North American. again tfiey have shown themselves to apolis News. be admirable fighters and capable of a Hard on Politicians. "Good Newt. high degree of discipline and good conduct. And he gave it for his opinion that Her Father Whatever my daugb' KatseAa Is of special Interest In that whoever could make two ears of corn ter decides upon, sir, I will abide by. It Is the oldest of the Hausfi states, or two blades of grass to grow upon Her Suitor Good I She had decided and harks back to a time when thq a spot of ground where only one grew that she will marry me If you will Hausa were undoubtedly a great peo- before, would deserve better of manthe means, ple as, under British rule, they may kind and do more essential service to There exist manu- his country than the whole raice of be once again. When VourEyestieedCare scripts which carry Its history back politicians put together. Dean Eye Remedy Try Murine for a thousand years. Tradition as- - Swifts "Voyage to Brobdlngnag. Ho Smarting Just Byo Comfort. W fleIn?n. or malL Writ for Free Hre - super-cream- y 10,-00- '' t 1 sup--pl- brnggtita HUBINE EYE REMEDY CO., CHICAUW y , |