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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE COURIER Suits Dry-Cleane- d Ilyrum Clothing Co. REPORT for $1.25, at Adv. Ladies White Canvas Shoes $2.95 Made to the Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, of the ConCo. Adv. Entered at the Petoffice at Hytutn, Utah, Ilyrum Clothing dition of the Hyrum State Bank, a second class mail matter, under the Act For Fire Insurance go to Hans of March 3 1879 Mikkelsen, Hyrum Tithing Office. Located at Hyrum, in the County Buy your Hats, Clothing, Shoes, of Cache, State of Utah, at the J. A. Wahlen. Publisher & Manager close-o- f business on the 20th day of etc. at Newbolds you get the best 1917. Friday, July 6, Adv. June, and cheapest. Local News An the fam-moHenderson Corsets, just re- Up-to-Da- te Line of 1917: resources: t V Suits Cleaned on 24 hours time. Adv. Hyrum Clothing Co. ceived. Call in and let us fit you. Williams Economy Store. A fine son was born to Mr. and Adv. Mrs. Geo. G. Darley of Wellsville If you are in need of a Mower this week. or Rake, dont forget to call on Mr. Don Shaw was up from R. A. Eliason, he has just what Pleasant Green Utah, to spend the you want, and sells reasonable. 4th with former friends in Hyrum. Just received a shipment of Ladies Shoes, in white, grey C. 0. Thompson of this city, spent the 4th, with her daughter and shampaign colors. Williams Economy Store. Mrs. Berthel Thompson in Brigham. Adv. f T v f? ?t tt T us Soaps are Advancing IT WILL PAY YOU tT TO BUY NOW. We have all the ? Soaps, Powders Talcom and Toilet Articles. Perfumes, Up-to-Da- te fV f HYRUM DRUG CO. I X Up-Mr- s. to-Da- te si We will give you Special Prices on Mowers Cash during the next two weeks. '' cty. . ' do Temple work and also to visit relatives and friends, a few days Mr. Earl Jacobsen of Salt Lake has been visiting his brother, Chas. since. Mrs. James L. Jensen, and grandLiljenquist of this city the past few daughter Lila Nielsen, returned days. Mr. C. W. Cannon of Salt Lake Friday evening from a pleasant one of last years High School In- visit with her daughter, Mrs. Javan J. Petersen, at Cary, Idaho. structors, paid Hyrum a visit on Niel, a son of John H. Gibbs, of the 4th. this city, was accidently thrown Fox Trots The latest'in and One Step the Elite Jazz from a horse one day last week, a severe shaking up and Band, at the Elite Hall Saturday, receiving some bad bruises and cuts on his Adv. July 14th. face. However the lad is out and Mrs. C. M. Christiansen of the will soon be alright again Pioneer ..Hotel was in Ogden on a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw and visit with her daughter, Mrs. chidren, came up from Magna, Beth, the forepart of this week. Utah, the forepart pf the week, Quite a crowd left this morning having especially come on account with the Sunday School Excursion of the serious illness of Mrs. Shaws As the tickets are good j to Saltair. brother, Albert Williams. for three days, all who wept will no Mr. and Mrs. Dr. EliasOn and doubt have a good time children left this Friday morning FOR. SALE CHEAP house and on an extended motor tour through lot adjoining the property of Mr Southern Utah, especially Sanpete C. F, Olsen, near the 0. L. & I valley, where the doctor formerly Station. Apply to Bp. Jas. J. Facer lived and commenced his practice Adv before or Maria Anderson, Hyrum. to coming Hyrum. Hyrum was certainly favored in Mr. and and Mrs. Les Williams, being honored with the presence of and two children, came down from Jndge McKinney from Salt Lake Rexburg the forepart of the week City. The Judge is a very sociable to visit relatives and friends in this and agreeable gentleman and was city. Les returned to Rexburg Frimuch impressed with the beauties day, while Mrs. Williams and childof Hyrum and its surroundings. ren will remain a few days langer. ' Through an oversight the nane of FOR SALE CHEA- P- The Mrs. C. F. Olsen, was omitted from Soren Hanson home on Main the list of the ladies named that Street. Close to High School, attended the party given at Mrs suitable for house or boarding Ernest Petersens one evening last hotel. Alsr good building lots, week. The error was entirely unin- close to High School. Apply to tentional, and we beg pardon. Jas. J. Facer, . 1- -4 Schuttler Wagon. If You Yant a Bargain, Come and See Mrs. H. 0. Weeding of Firth, and of Marion Ogden, spent Idaho, formerly of this city, came daughter the 4th, with relatives and friends down with the people of Shelley to . 9 Also on one 3 Mr. and Mrs. ,Jos. Wallace in this city. for - Mr. Albert Williams, who has Tell your friends about that new been seriously ill since last Satur-ban- d at the Elite Hall, and be there day, is reported as being somewhat Adv. on the improve. Saturday, July 14th. We Us. sell Buggies Jor less than others do (QUALITY CONSIDERED.) Also Barb and Netted Wire. We talk Quality and Price. 10-pie- Word was received today from St. Anthony, Idaho, that Robt. A ' Leatham, a former resident of Wellsville, died in that city on July 5th.- - His remains will be shipped to Wellsville for burial, the funeral will likely be held on Sunday. The annual 2nd ward Sunday School Outing will take place next Take the Thursday, July 12th. whole family for a good time to our beautiful canyon. Program, reto sat and amusements freshments isfy all. Other schools are invited to join. I sworn according to law; deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true, and correct statement of the condition of the said banlc' at the close of business on the 20th day of June, ALLEN' BROS. HYRUM, UTAH- - THE PEOPLES STORE. 1 1917. Uarry W. Oakes, Cashier. Correct Attest: A. A. Allen! C. J. Christiansen Robert Baxter, " Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of June,. 1917. John seal W. , i State of Utah, $3.95 ) Office of Bank Commissioner, j I, W. E. Evans, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, arid correct copy of the statement of the above named Mens $5.00 Rubber Sole, English Shoes Jensen, Notary Public. My commission expires on 1st day of Oct., 1918. Hyrum Clothing Co. com- pany, filed in my office this 2nd day of July, 1917. ' W. E. 'Evans, Bank Commissioner Hundreds of Felt and Straw Hats Hyrum. at $1.00. Now is the time to get a Star Bp. Peter Monson and wife of good hat for less money. Goshen, Idaho, have been in Hyrum Clothing Store, next to Eage Hotel, visiting relatives and friends the Logan. past few days and also incidentally spent the 4th here. They motored to Ogden the forepart of the week, re- turning on the fourth, accompanied on the fourth by Mrs. E. Olsen, who has been staying witha sick sister of hers for some days past, Water users living east of Center A party of the prominent ladies Street, desiring to sprinkle lawn, of our city very agreeably called on may do so between the hours of Those living Mrs. Doris Lauritzen last Friday 6 a. m. and 9 a. m. afternoon. The time was spent in west of Center Street, may use water between the hours of 6 p. m. social chat of incidents of days. The ladies prepared a nice and 9 p. m., each day, until further luncheon from things brought with notice. y Any one found violating the them,' and a real pleasant afternoon dinance old to the and which was spent, very pertaining regulating much appreciated. - Those present 1 the use of city water, after July were: the Mesdames T. N Liljen- - 1st, 1917, is liable to have the water quist, D. 0. Nielsen, Albert Savage, shut off without notice, or be prose-BenNielsen, N. C. Mielsen, L. K. cuted by law. Chas. C. Petersen, Larsen, Lorentz Petersen, H. R. Adams of Mrs. Logan Hugh City Water Commissipner. AdamB, and Miss Walborg Petersen. Hyrum City. by-go- The Old Reliable Store. Harry W. Oakes, being first duly ne Its worth up town to see the STRAW 'HAT Section at THATpHERSS. There never was a more beautiful line ever shown. You could imagine yourself in the factory and country, where PANAMAS are made. Special Sale on Corsets and Sport Dress Goods THREE DAYS ONLY I y- - Friday, Saturday and Monday ' or-lad- 1 dt ! r . lasom North Main Street, Logan. Arimo Block |