Show immigration restriction during the last four or five years immigration to this country has not b been een considerable but lat efly it la 18 claimed it has again commenced to increase the fact adds interest to the me restriction bill now before congress in many quarters it has been felt for a long time that some measure ia needed that will close our shores to some extent to the surplus population of the world during the last of congress the immigration I 1 law w one ot of the leading to topics IC Cs of ed 4 slon and it was agreed that t an deduc dional test was needed that people n able to read and write some same language ought to be excluded from the U unite ni to states the measure stranded on I 1 tny corliss amendment which c plated the exclusion of cana canadian di laborers on the border from on the united states side aide of the line an effort will now be made to pass alt tha law with the educational test teat and without 0 ut the corliss amendment its effect will be chiefly to cestr restrict let immigration from the countries of southern europe eai where as is well known the illiteracy of the peo people ale is greatest the increase of population in be united states has been er enormous during the past fifty years in 1847 the patt was twenty seven and ek a adf millions and now it is nearly ft noc quite seventy millions yet this drapl growth need not cause any alarm 11 for 0 r there is plenty of room in this vast t country for many years to come acome in england for instance there are inhabitants to the square mile while in the united states there are as yet only 18 the state of texas alone Is equal in area to france great britain and germany these countries find and room for about inhabitants while texas has only two millions but while the question of over lation does not seem to be of immediate concern it to is high time that some discretion should be exercised in regard to the class and quality of immigrants immigrant mie seeking eking our shores manifestly it 1 is the criminals and the physically disabled persons rather than the illiterate that should be excluded among the latter sometimes axe are found the sturdy homebuilders home heme builders so necessary for the development of the count rys latent re kurceba Kur rees cea while from the former are re oc rutted ted the enemies to and charges upon society and the government it iseff the best beat patriotism ik 16 of course to be found among those who have at least education enough to understand ad value american institutions and a love tor for these ought perhaps to be exacted as a first qualification but the country would suiter suffer less from ten thousand poor and unlearned but honest newcomers new comers than from a hundred educated trouble breeders bleeders and CITY OP OF REFUGE NEEDED kentucky has a murder trial that is attracting attention because of a principle involved some time last july jacob harris killed his cifes lover thomas H merritt harris had suspected his wife for some time and on the evening of the tragic event followed her for four hours armed with a revolver borrowed for the occasion at last he saw his rival sitting on a bench in the park in company with his wife he watched them and then crawled up behind them when merritt found that he was watched he ran but harris emptied his revolver at him and he tell fell dead about fifty from the bench where he had been setting the wife left too before the enraged husband could settle with her in the way he intended to do at the ensuing trial harris told his story judge falconer declared axed that the crime was wag murder but as merritt had destroyed harriss home and wrecked his life the act was justifiable under a higher law than the crimi criminal nl code A few days ago the fayette county grand jury reversed this theory of a higher law than the criminal code and indicted the slayer of merritt for murder in the first degree the question therefore must be discussed whether there exists any law entitled to judicial recognition higher than that framed by the legislature of the state what the responsibility Is of man or woman who undertakes undertaken the role of an avenger in truly ancient style in the case of hartis harris there was no need of a sanguinary revenge why did he not reason with his wife when suspicion first took possession of his soul who knows known but that in this r respect act was for her contina continuing ng in the erring course from all ail accounts he dogged her steps prepared to kill both the guilty parties as an 4 soon as he had evidence enough in his judgment to warrant the deed that to is whenever he thought he could do so BO with a reasonable hope of escaping the consequences of the homicide the whole affair has the appearance of murder the sentiment that a private person or any number of private persons has 4 a right to usurp the authority delegated to the legal representatives of the people must be stamped out it is A a revival of the barbarous custom that permitted relatives or friends to revenge the blood of a murdered relative that custom if it is to be countenanced at all should beas be as it was in ancient times less barbarous than ours in this particular associated with convenient cities of refuge tor for the protection of those who otherwise might be slain innocently ly |