Show CITY WORK IN FLORIDA in the western part of florida is a portion of land lying just east of the river which judging from appearance has been beem plantations so long that it looks tired of the name and here and there forests are growing new the soil varies from the rather monotonous sands so common in these parts to the more resisting clay which nature has carved into dells the which she has wooded with magnificent trees and decorated with moss awnings the undulations of the surface are called hills hill shere here and upon one of these hills one of the most imposing stands the capital a city of about inhabitants its capitol and churches and other buildings requisite in the makeup make up of a modest city such is the city of tallahassee certainly nothing striking or noted in its appearance save it be some few old spanish residences still there is something of note it is this about two years ago two of our elders took up their labors in that city and in a quiet peaceable pea cable way proceeded to a house to house canvass when without warning they were seized and dragged before the city magistrate after an unjust and abusive proceeding they were driven from the city with the alternative of a fine of which virtually meant imprisonment now the gospel has been proclaimed upon her streets the warning voice has been lifted up in fearless tones to reprove the unrighteous and to gather out the poor in spirit they that murmured have had a chance to learn our doctrine every house has been canvassed aalthe same ofte of ah i proffered to all who would receive A victory though modest yet a victory and we feel that a work has been done the fruits of which will be shown in future years it to Is needless to say that thai the unfortunate elders passed through a humiliating experience or that some of the good people were astounded at our boldness the task wa was q not a perilous one and we would not have you think that we ahsu assume m e the praise or glory that belongs to him in whom we are learning to to trust he it was who wrought the change in the hearts of men fought our battle and won the victory we struggled onward by the power of faith upheld by a beloved and united band of brethren in faith and P rayer prayer three two day fasts were observed by our conference previous to the work one was for city work generally the second for city work with special mention of jacksonville the third specially for the work just completed upon these occasions our souls were poured out to our god that grace might be given the people their hearts softened a way prepared for the proclaiming of his message and for faith that we might do our duty on october everything being in readiness elder samuel isom and myself set our faces seeking out a secluded place we approached our heavenly father again in fast 40 A ing and prayer dedicating our work and ourselves to him invoking hla his blessings and petitioning his aid to success we began our task with a feeling of calmness and resolution governor bloxam treated us with all due courtesy and seemed pleased to spare a s few moments with us he said gent clemen our laws are strictly against mob violence and personally I 1 am opi posed to a practice so demoralizing As a matter of justice I 1 shall see that the law is enforced regardless of senti ment or creed if these are not the 4 exact words they contain his ments v the mayor not the one of two years ago a genuine man if you will allow the expression gave U us a hearing gentlemen he said you are at perfect liberty to preach the doctrine you claim to advocate upon our streets and to canvass the t city and more ill see that you are protected s no unfavorable course was tan taken against us even the papers were 1 quiet we could not however get halls or public buildings free the 1 latter not being allowed tor for religious services the street was our choice after all the hotel leon opened its doors to us the canvassing we did I 1 in such a way that no grounds for of 8 tense could justly be taken that charges might not be brought against i us yet that we might get our lite litera ra ture into as many homes as possible A t our stronghold was the street cor 4 ner where we spent much of our q time the morning we took tor for can j bassing vas sing the evening for preaching 11 ll and seldom did the shades of night H 3 come without finding us thus en A I 1 ea f but twenty nine rejected our tracts in our canvass while we disposed of thirty three voice of barnin warnings gal and during our stay of ten days we held nineteen meetings we quietly took I 1 our departure from the city feeling that we had done our duty ve i J closed our work on the of novem ber I 1 w first the sacrifice then the blessin blessing our fa stings would seem sufficient indeed the results are satisfactory for 1 M we have already worked several ei cities A H but not without being put out to th the too teat q t jacksonville a city of 21 tide te state was entered by J Z and companion on the list of june with fasting and prayer in fulfillment of a prophecy by elder E S kimball they were entertained at a leading hotel the first night it is an impressive testimony to witness the softening of a mans heart while addressed by two mormon boys humble yet determined in spirit this was their experience with the mayor A vacant lot was secured and preaching and canvassing begun twelve successive nights passed without shelter meals were more regular than beds A meal was generally provided every other days day yet the work went on en they never faltered the lord saw their determination and they were not forsaken rooms were proffered by an unknown friend a boarding house was thrown open ope with invitation to eat and preach friends were raised up who seemed pleased to shelter and feed them we know not the lords way always but he is certain to bless after he has proven the first great test made we might look for happy results to follow the work the working of gainesville flavol lowed by elders samuel isom and L W Rob bobbins birs hotels were opened to them friends were raised up the streets and one hall were at their service while many little courtesies were shown the description of the work in valdosta dosta ga is much like the bist historians descriptor on of times of peace all the hotels were proffered as homes court houses and opera houses were free and streets were at our service the people who were so kind seemed impressed as those would who had been worked upon by the spirit the brethren elders S isom and W G fisher expressed themselves as having but to enjoy the ease of their work cities like countie count legare sare natall not all alike but faich faith Is the keynote the moving power the full dependence of an elder in all cases some ordeals are of a trying kind in thomasville thomas ville ga elders john Z brown and jabez faux who labored there while holding their first meeting on the street were saluted by a volley of eggs of the cheaper kind with calmness and dignity the meeting was carried on to a close without even a reference to the affair though an occasional egg found expression on the near succeeding this were the kindly expressions pres of leading citizens and proc against such treatment at their next meeting a leading aitt xen aen proffered his house as a home to the elders A mob that had been instigated by a divine to draw the elders from madison fla dispersed and danger averted by the power of god god moves ir in 1 a mysterious way his wonders to perform we agree with cowper that the clouds ye so much dread are big with mercy and shall break in blessings on your head we rejoice with our co laborers in our glorious opportunities and strive earni earnestly estly for the faith once delivered to the ancient saints respectfully FRANK H CUTLER president of the florida conference |