Show THE HALL hulics this transient repository for the heirlooms heir looms and relies relics of the pioneers is now being denuded of its decorations the questionable griffins have sold and moved the eagle has gone from above the graceful pediment and it is said that the fine replication of ballins Dal lins famous statue of the signal of peace is to grace the interior of the city and county building where for a few decades it may charm the student of indian character until some other artistic creation may secure a more worthy prominence it seems a pity that the city is not in a position to remove and re erect this structure in liberty park which should be the gathering place for all 01 our schools high district or sabbath as the case might be there is need for a building in the park for the exercises usual at all such times and to have placed this one there under proper care and with some improvements it being already a reminder and a relic might have remained for a generation or two public opinion would have favored it and a properly presented petition might perchance have secured it from the commission at a nominal figure but alas what is business is nob odys and the graceful or as some would say flimsy fabric will speedily be no more still more fateful is the distribution now begun from the interior somehow there seems to be a lack of public method of permanent retention by the state the historical society or one of the museums might have been devised by which the utensils and relics of the pioneers could have been kept intact as a memento of the public appreciation of that band of nearly two thousand to whom we are all more or less indebted with some suitable locality it is believed that the collection could have been not only kept but very much enlarged and more than that have yielded revenue enough for its maintenance and extension the I 1 brigham young lion house could be made into an admirable central repository for that purpose and some combinations might be suggested that would convert that historic building into an educational center for all ages and sexes and for strangers and tourists as well as for the people of this city and state but organized society is poor individuals axe are poor and when everybody feels poor they are poor indeed in the years gone by we attempted great things we expected great things if our souls have shriveled from two or three years depression pres slon what kind of souls must our pioneers have been for their prospects and hopes in spite of persecution and tra travail all axe are unrealized as yet by their fax far more thrifty and able ests or perchance the current has become turned and overflows in other channels A truce to moralizing moral izing and back to the situation it to Is evidently the intent of the commission as it was their promise gise to deliver all things committed to their care at the place from whence they came but it is seen that close by pers persons ona are moving th their own on presentation of their receipts to those in charge A very few days and d the dream of perpetuity as well as the reality of the past and present will all have vanished save as a memory or as handed down to the yet distant centen nary b by the skill of the photos eapher and the page of history vive la jubilee and its wonderful adjunct the notable if vanishing hall of relics H 7 |