Show A PIONEERS STORY floOK liAND idaho april 28 1897 I 1 am a son on of john Robill who embraced the gospel in the state of 0 maine where I 1 was wai born on october 1887 we came to nauvoo eight of 01 us a in the family two years before the prophets were martyred marty red I 1 know them when they mey were alive and I 1 saw them hem alter after they were brought from carthage alter after the martyrdom together with all those now livi iiii who were there in those days day I 1 well remember meer what we had bad to pass through without mentioning to lo detail what happened up op till the of 1840 when we began creaking crea aing abe mrs mr river on en the ioe ice tor for the west weal though I 1 was young I 1 remember well wail that nearly all the time during dating febra ary and march we had bad snow rain mud moo sickness lo knew death and some dancing and aad of various kinds kinde to cheer aid ai d drive oft the grim moo iter walle we were leation our comfortable lioness boblak so bo we wound out cur way westward wei until we came to what we called summer terr where we until we went wat into winter quarters through that winter we hue baa a great deal of sickness in our family by but no deaths and in the pring of 1847 president deat young I 1 con n sled all w who ho w dished to cross tb abe a plat phalna n a that year tear for the west to be sure aure sau nu take provisions proT laloni enough to last jail them eighteen months iB and mesa aeed to sow sho anu plant to raise a crop the next year my father fathers acted eted to that counsel loaded bla wagons aud started arted it siad and wao wa among the he brat to land on abe wt west batik back of 01 the elk horn born river which was wai about twenty five miles from winter quarten Qu arten there we waited toe for further orders an aa we were in a wild indian country we had bad to more move with some ome considerable caution when the he saints had bad nearly all arrived we were organized into companies of hundreds hund rede fifties and tons tens we were in elder taylors taylora company and bishop hoagland houglandd Hoag landd lid ten not belag large enough to drive a team and as father bad some borne loose stock I 1 bad to drive them hunter and myself drove the loose drook for the company most of the way the bishop riding a mare twenty two years yeara old I 1 was baptized into the church ol of christ by elder taylor in the platte river we had baa some ome ups and aad downs crowing croe eing the plains but they did not noi grythe people as an they were tried in illinois brother joseph horne home was wag in our company and also brother goo Q cannon I 1 think the me latter wi will I 1 remember a little pair ol of cows cowa lie he oro drove in his team phiou ne lie called callea jack aim and oil we landed in salt lake valley with that company in god order the first brat art of october 1847 and we ali ai went to work preparing tor for the win WILI ter we made acobes adobes and built u houses of course we did dothage not have any floors in them that winter but bui they were warm and sheltered us ur very well from froin the weather we had bau an open winter and the tock stock did very well on the ranges of course we hau bau to keep up some teams team to do CIO our work with and we used to out some ome hay bay on OB the ice for them the gram that grow grew in the sloughs when the water frozen we used to out cut on oa too toe ice bo we managed very well through the winter for our warne team the spring many people were short of provisions so we had to dip route roots and gather greens gleans to subsist upon many mo ate beef caught fish and managed the best beat they could till i sar arvest vest we were sometimes a little hungry but the lord opened the way and we did very well considering the circumstances until the harvest oi 01 1848 you all know the balance up dutil april 1897 ROBINSON |