Show THE SALE OF STATE BONDS the state board of loan commission erg ere comprising the Governor secretary of state and attorney general have hare Is tred the following rules and brula biolas with reference to the bond isalt there shall be issued two hundred bonds of the denomination of one thousand dollars each said bonds shall be issued for the purpose of meeting a casual deficit or failure in revenue for necessary expenditure for public purposes and for the payment of territorial indebtedness assumed by the state said bonds shall be dated july 1 and be made payable july 1 1916 and shall bear interest at the rate of 4 per per annum for which the proper interest coupons shall be annexed to and made a part of said bonds payable semiannually on the first day of january and july of each year both principal and interest payable in united states gold coin the principal to be payable at the office of the state stai e tre treasurer aurer in salt lake city utah and the interest to 10 be payable at the banking house of united states mortgage and trust company in in new york city or the banking house of state bank of utah in salt lake city at the option of the bondholder fach each bond shall be signed by the governor and secretary ot of state slate in their own proper handwriting having the great seal of the state affixed thereto and shall be countersign counter signel ei by the state treasurer in his own proper handwriting and each coupon shall have an engraved facsimile of the signature of the state treasurer attached thereto and registered by the state auditor in a book to be kept for that purpose bidders shall be satisfied as to the lei dalily of the issue belore before the hour for opening the bids each bid must be accompanied compa nied by a certified check for 5 per cent of such bid all bids must be sealed and addressed to the state board of loan commissioners at salt lake city utah and the board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to consider any proposal that may be for the best interests of the state each of said bonds shall be substantially in the following form UNITED STATES OP OF AMERICA this bond is exempt from taxation for any purpose under the state slate or municipal authority low 1000 THE STATE OF UTAH 1000 pursuant to article at tide XIV ot of the constitution of the state of utah and an act ot of the legislature of the state of utah entitled an act creating a hatate board of loan commissioners providing for the issuing and disposal of state bonds and for the refunding of the bonds of the territory or state already issued approved april 2nd and A D one thousand eight hundred and ninety six and in pursuance of the rules and regulations of the ibe state board of loan commissioners the state of utah promises to pay to the bearer at the office of the state treasurer of said state on the first day of I 1 uly july A D one thousand nine hulo hundred and sixteen t the he sum bum of one thousand adli dollars ars with interest thereon from date until paid at the rate of 4 per cen turn per annuel annum payable able semiannually semi annually on the first days of january and july of each year at the office ot of the united states mortgage and trust company in the cit city y of new YO york rk or its successors or at the banking house of the state bank of utah in salt lake city or its successors at the option of the holder of this bond on surrender of the respective coupons for said interest hereto attached both principal and interest payable in united states gold coin this is one of a series of two hundred bonds issued by the state of utah all of the same came tenor and date ot of the denomination of one thousand dollars each and numbered consecutively from one to two hundred both inclusive and the faith and credit of the aste are pledged for the just payment thereof in witness where whereof oft the governor and secretary of state of the state of ot butah Utah have hereunto signed their names and caused the great seal of the state of utah to be affixed hereunto and the state treasurer of said state has countersigned counter signed the same this first day of july A D one thousand eight hundred and ninety six governor of the state of utah atah 9 secretary of the state of utah SEAL countersigned Counter signed state Trea of the state of utah FORM OF COUPONS pony forty coupons shall be attached to said bond and shall be substantially in the following form the state of utah will pay to the bearer hereof twenty dollars goldon the first day ot of at the office of the united states mortgage and trust company in the city ot of new york or at the state bank of utah in salt lake city being six months interest on bond no JAMES CHIPMAN state treasurer of 0 the state of utah sealed bids will be received at the office of the board in salt lake city on monday the first day of june 1896 at 2 p na for any and all of the said bonds |