Show I 1 THE CACHE SEN quite a fur furore ore has been raked raised in certain quarters qu aiters ot of late because of ig vents at church meetings some gome of I 1 them of more or less importance to the fc parties immediately concerned one at note is ill the recent publication of al proceedings at logan it to la re ported that in that city a private meet I 1 tag mg of church local officials clale was held at which a few of the general 1 joers J 8 were present probably lose lees awn a score of persons altogether lond and that certain matters were als 1 bussed there in a way warranting a 1 double leaded sensational expose and a j great reat mass of wise editorial comment tn a paper in this city without pre Hi ming to say aay whether the report fur finished bad is in all ail particulars true or not I 1 for the reason which Is ie given below lay e beg to suggest to in view of the many of a similar character whick blob have appeared and have been disproved is proved recently that those who wad ad the sensation will do well to give althe the matter sober second thought before allowing owing themselves to be specially by JIL it the NEWS can te clare with confidence that in all these reports wherever there ia to Is an attempt to show bow that baere is any politics political bearing or effect intended by the events narrated the repart to that extent Is untrue and the ime base motives underlying it ought to be so 0 o plain as to render it unworthy of be me As to t this his cache incident if the x opening statements of the report of it te true there is but very little that fc beede to be said granting the former JW assert that the proceedings of a private church meeting a quorum I 1 60 to speak are neiti neit or er the bui of the newspapers nor of the public bubb meetings mee tinge are convened for fir the purpose of lay laying ng before a oer car aln chosen body of men certain or subjects in their capacity it if the matters so presented are M OF of sufficient concern ana adu hould properly be brought before the public they COMO come up to in open libe meeting eting where not only all members of the church but generally non members also alo may be present until such presentation they are airs deemed confidential are so regarded by honorable honarable men and respected as such by newspapers it if MOD men at al 1 borget the obligations and pro dative usually considered incumbent apon upon them under mob euch circumstances i there affire is in no reason why others unless with hostile and not very honorable motives should follow their example those who desire to discredit and injure the parties concern concerned edg or who want to create dissension mis understanding and distrust while all 11 the time crying for pence peace and harmony autt and good will will lose no opportunity even to the extent of eavesdropping or listening to tale begir bearese ers 0 0 accomplish their purpose we submit bow however evir that the real motives in the case ought not to be so clumsily concealed and we submit further farther without passing ngat at all upon abb accuracy ot of the report or the speeches alleged to have been made that the proceedings of a high council meeting in logan or anywhere else elee since they concern only those present and could not be construed as applying to or being intended for the general pub licare a I 1 proper subject of discussion neither by the public nor by the purveyors of news the press |