Show OLD SLOWLY an ot the white house says president cleveland has become very fond of whittling and that the touching old song silver threads among the gold is his favorite tune tone tast seems to 10 be the present tune in congress too ex the president to la now 69 59 years year old and he be may be getting gray there should be no discouragement in it for the reason that many men ten years and some even twenty years yearb younger than he have not dot only grizzled and gray but quite white headed beaded there is a tol erubey large contingent when all tooted footed up who are over years aldand old and reasonably vigorous and the it those who are olur than mr cleveland and as as a dollar Is not only beyond computation by reason ot of its vlas va tuese but includes more names ot of eminent men than are found la in the class beneath him in years mauo mand experience as a rule is in unripe and his hia judgment immature in some measure before attaining the rie ace of 60 and while his physical powers way may and usually do decline more or less leaa by or before that time if he be has lived even a reasonably regular and tolerably temperate life he be will enjoy a more near iv full orbed drad intellectuality and have greater reasoning dower cower by reason of the passage of the threescore three score years men like bismarck gladstone and many nearer home attest the truth of these statements they are more than octogenarians rod and are not only as sound in mind and vigorous rigorous in ex as at any time d urine during their lives but arti are physically well preserved and reasonably strong the idea which has in some circles that abat a man who has reached the half ball century mark is old grows out of the B of the pace at which those who entertain such idea are living mure more than anything else and from wat 11 at standpoint is eminently cr orreon the be more rapid the gait the sooner erthe the walk is in over an individual who has not lived so tat fat t should be at the abe zenith rodith of his bis physical prime between his fi fiftieth and sixtieth ye ars rod and of his mental prime for at least twenty years later with the abe reasonable hope of being able to celebrate the century mark in his lifes career at the same time we are glad to learn that the president can sod and don doea whistle while sometimes a source of ii it enuine atino annoyance yance to others there to te oo no doubt that a habitual whistler is in possession of a light heart and an easy conscience to be an accomplished performer perform erl oo on this natural valian in trumont is to be able to drive dull care way tway and have havea a sort of companion ship under almost any circumstances |