Show RAWLINS ELECTED TUESDAYS it was generally expected that inter eating and ana perhaps baal would occur in the be senatorial con contest leall today at the noon session of the he joint assembly and while there were aloie ch changes angest they did not bring the nearer to the view than it has ban beott from the beginning when the name of B R C chambee Chamb ef who heretofore bad voted for moses thatcher Tb atcher speaker parking Perk lne without MUM any explanation aleo voted for mow kola utcher he has heretofore sup eup fiend enoD wright and parry and voted for bowline Is henderson A P a rawlins ballins supporter eu of in hr absent on OD account A jete family the three for lafayette holbrook hoi brook box an voted ted we the four populists Pop ulleta lists for H W law senator CAD cannon voted for 0 S powers the record ot thle this ballot wan wa artor rawlins Se naton caine of of johns olDs smoot snow Sf flaton bl total 6 representative N ccok COA kenner 1 Nian loa on calif S beamon ilund parry murdock Murd cob mons holiney Hoo iney shepard stewart wilson A jr grand total 18 allred senator Sena toH ifor r aaker total 8 Kep Maen F wood rit orty hopkirk cimball maxfield taylor abay way X wiB teu rIou g total jjr ll 11 grand arand to total to 14 vor thatcher se natorp chambers chamber 00 Neb Nob ekr rideout Bide out rb A total whittaker D S cook creer labarthe gibsob Barthel Fo forenzo reneO roylance Boyla oce sloan by eken ek ln price Thor esou 0 Sown Bon ller ion total 1 1 grano total 22 abr lisla yetto holbrook senators 0 lae hansen AKim balt brobis Bobi aon on total 8 3 jo ifor law lawrence relace senator harbour I 1 A representatives dresser Dree I 1 1 nal total 8 3 grau grand K powers 13 senator cannon r follows fol lowe were as be 0 totals total 18 lins 14 enderson end 22 s last lt St 8 colbrook Sol brook 4 I 1 p to a choice 82 2 mx oddis additional lons ballots brought no ID tho the above record VOTE 0 ipso wo ballota for united states senator j JIW token today but so BO far as the too leading can candidates are concerned vwe ter was not the slightest change the situation aitu atlon BB as it stood yesterday balloting after taking the joint session dissolved 1 I tiro at noo couo a tomorrow the three gave Allo ceorge orge M cannon canno 13 a complimentary VW teto while the four porn limb hf rewe remembered 1 warren foster in the some WAY THURSDAYS VOTE the mrs ballot today the thirty ft to in all resulted reaul kesul ted precisely leely as aa old did th ha I 1 laet t one yesterdays so eo lar far as aa the af leading were con tinned owned except that speaker atrkins ateo bo has baa been supporting thatcher Tb atcher 4 for or fisher S harris harria j and collis callie atio boo ficen a rawlins man voted AWIL br B C chambers bomber this thia ballot gave 17 henderson Hende raon 14 and 21 the four populists lists voted for arp E K la bathe and the three republicans voted for thomas kearns senator cannon agan again voted for powers A P soren son ron was waa till still absent the only change in the next ballot was waa the detection defection of martin wao D jolt jelt I 1 hatcher batcher and voted for her bar tte oar oa the next ballot the abe the OW only change was made by BOnn bennion iOD ir IA 5 S who left ballins and voted for harrim this thie gave the latter three votes votee viz vim bennion beaulon martin and perkins Per kloe callis voted each time for chambers this caused a low lose of two votes each to thatcher and Bawl lne nt henderson Hende raon held bl his 14 solid on the announcement of the result of the third ballot roylance a thatcher Tb atcher supporter moved that the joint session dissolve carried the record of the lat ina la t ballot was as follows for senators caine evans bonnon Jon jolan non pon smoot snow wright total 6 representatives 8 N cook kenner lammon Ij ammon lund parry murdock Muru ock romney Bonau ej shepard dt ewart wilson Wil flun total 10 grand total 16 fr henderson Sons dorp allred hamar shurtliff total 8 represents tivee anderson And ereon duffle duffin greenwood hordy hardy hopkin kimball mckay O obreen len tayloe I 1 Y total 11 grand total 14 for tb atcie r sen senatore store Cb chamber amberg monson Rider jut robison Robi aon whittaker A Nob total 7 rep bep rementa 0 B S cook coob creer dot win bin forebee Fo For rehee ahee gibson labarthe LaBart be price bay roylance Boy Roy lance lanoe sloan N C Tb wheeler total 18 13 grand total 20 for thomas kearns senators senator nune hanahen 0 Q G kimball robinson total 8 for mrs E K labarthe Li Barthe senators Sona tors Har harbour toor total 1 representatives dresser mangan Thomp Thom pao sot total 8 3 grand total 4 for flaner fiener 8 carrle Sen senatore store none repress ven bennion mar tin perkins total 8 for chaiben representative cal lie 11 for powers senator cannon absent A P Bore naon the totals were as aa follows fol lowe rawlins is henderdon Hend ergon 14 thatcher aj harris 8 11 kearns 8 chambers I 1 labarthe 4 powers 1 necessary Necee eary to a choice 82 VOTE on the first ballot today dotson went from thatcher to rawlins Baw line and perkins from thatcher to henderson Hend ereon were the only changes from the last ballot of yesterday which afie af fectea otea the leading oad cand latea loates Berin bennion lon sud aud martin man io voted for fisher 8 harris rod toe four populists lists rave can rion non a complimentary vote the republicans republic pu public blicaus ans voted for attorney general A C U blanos callis lor for 1 B k C C abano ham bers aud and senator cannon for 0 W powers power this ballot resulted as fol 01 ol lowe iowa cawlina 17 henderson Hender flon 16 15 thatcher 19 harris i 2 cannon 4 bishop 8 3 chambers I 1 powers 1 the second and third ballots were as aa follow I 1 for rawlins Be So naton caloe caine johnson Jobo soo amot amo t snow total 6 5 representatives SN cook dotson lemmon Li emmon lund party parry murdock mardock romney shepard Bb epard stewart Bt ewart wilson total 10 grand total 16 for Hender henderdon Hen derBon sori senators allred hamer shurtliff ift total 8 cepro tentative Benta tive anderson Aude raon duffin greenwood hardy hopken kimball maxfield mckay obrien len perkins parkins taylor total 12 grand total 15 for thatcher senators senatore chambers Cham ben mouson Moi rideout Bide out B bison whittaker A total 7 representatives D 8 COOK creer forshee gibeon la ija barabe price ray bay roylance Boy Roy lance latice N C sorensen Soren Ben wheeler total 12 grand total 19 for A C senators Seno tors none hanson 0 Q G kim aall total 3 8 yr mrs mra 8 I 1 E ana Ander e noD senatore sen Sena store herb harb ut ur total 1 dresser Di easer kenner margan thompson total 4 grand total 5 for fisher B S harris son Sena senatore store torr none representatives bennion martin total 2 for chambers Rs representative 01 00 if lie bior for powers donator cannon absent glit A P Sore naon the tb totals were an follows rawlins 16 15 henderson 15 thatcher 19 harria 2 bi bishop sao 11 8 chambers Cham chambers I 1 anderson 6 5 powers I 1 necessary Necea tary to a choice 82 SATURDAYS VOTE on the first ballot today the in all the changes were made rom the last lass one taken yesterday dotson martin wilson and shepard left rawlins and voted for thatcher and perkins left henderson sad and went to thatcher this raised Thac bera s total froni from 19 yesterday to 24 and gave rawlins 18 aud henderson headerson 14 on oa this ballot the four populists lists voted for judge M M Rel kellogg loag too ben nion voted for fisher 8 harris son beu ator cannon cagnon for 0 W awers collis calif tor B R C chambers Gnam berB and the three re be pu bAcans for mrs mn emmeline bilhl on the second ballot ot or today bon ben mon his hie voe from harrat to 0 W powers and harbour dresser and thompson three of tue the populists lists voted for thatcher giving him 27 this was the only change on the third bull ballot 0 k of today callis left chambers Cb ambera and voted for rawlins and the rem populist mangan voted for thatcher giving him 28 on this ballot hederson and each received 14 votes two more ballots were taken with no except that Kenner who had bad been voting fur for rawlins Rawl loe was waa excused from voli voting nir MONDA VOTE on ve tte first ballot taken today the be in all 11 II thatcher who had 28 vat on Satu saturday rjay received 26 speaker perkins perkina je Is t him and voted for fiaher labor B S harris and shepard and wilson left him and returned to rawlins Baw lino but senator cannon who had bad been voting supported eup ported his net jose two the third ballot today the in all 11 was to ea follows cpr bawlin Pen mors caine evanee johnson smoot snow wright total 6 ben blonton boonton Bo onton callie 8 13 N cook rouser Lo lenamon Li emmon namon lund murdock Mur dook pary parry bodney owners Bb epard par brewart Bt towar ewart A P Bo renson renoa wilson total 18 grand total 19 nor for henderso Hende raon n se senators n a tore allred hamer shurtliff ift total 3 represent Re presen natives ta tives anderson anderaon duffin greenwood hardy hopkin joseph kimball kimbal maxfield mckay obrien OV ovaun and taylor total 11 grand total 14 pot for thatcher Tha senators cannon chambers chamber harbour W 0 Ne debaker baker rideout Bide out robison Bobi aon whittaker and aquila total 9 representative D B S cook creer datsou dresser Drea forebee Por ahee gibson la barthet barthe mangao mangan martin pries price bay roylance Boy lanoe sloan N G C Bore neon thompson wheeler total 17 grand total 26 por par Crit hansen 0 axim U ahm ball total 8 for harri harolb perklee Perk lne tots total 1 the totals are bablina Baw lina 19 henderson Hende raon 14 thatcher 26 critchlow 8 harris Harr le 1 on me he first ballot after 8 o re coos perkins Per kloa who at noon had bad voted tor for fisher S harris harrie went to thatcher making the batters lat vote 27 another ballot was waa taken with no other change wednesdays the record of the only ballot taken at the noon session of the joint so ae today la Is as aa follows tol lowe por for rawlins senatore Bena tore A allred ailred calne evans brane johnson Job naon shurtliff ift smoot snow wright total 8 rep bep romenta tives bennion Be BoD onion nion collis callia B D 8 cook 8 13 17 cook hardy keuner kenner lemmon lund maxfield murdock parry domneys romneys shepard pd A P Bore naon stewart Bt ewart taylor wll wil son on total 18 rand tots total 26 for henderson Hender soD senators hamer total 1 representatives an anderson demon duffan greenwood hopkins Hop kina joseph kimball mckay 03 obrien Brien park Pr arkine kine no total 8 grand total 9 for thatcher Tb atcher senator cannon ur or monson moiron A keas W 0 No baker hideout Bide out Ro Bobia bisor or whittaker total 9 representative creer Jok datoon sou dresser Drea forshee For ahee gib onela barthe mangan marti mar tl price bay Boy Roy lanoe lances sion i N ce C Soren Boo thompson Thore aen wheeler total 19 16 grand total 25 vor for C C foodwin representatives hanson 0 G kimball Klin ball robin son 00 oo tots total a 8 the totals were 26 henderson 9 thatcher Tb atcher 26 goodwin Goodw ln 8 por for some days day the opinion has haa been that the contrat would end by the breaking up of henderson hendersons Hender ais following and the going over to raw una line of a sufficient number of them to wag elect him and on the first airet ballot I 1 to 0 day the clity first in all the break occurred though not enough henderson Hend raon men voted tor rawlins to elect him senators Se natora alred aired and shurd ft fl and representatives hardy maxfield ad taylor six az in all who have hate all been staunch henderson Hende raon supporters voted tor for rawlins Baw llna As aa noon an aa the result of the ballot had bad been announced sloan a thatcher Tha leader moved a recess till evans tons move moved to amen amend and make the time one minute and made a strong speech in opposition to further delay he said that he be had bad always been ready to abide the result of balloting though on saturday last laet he had opposed it because be believed the joint assembly was illegally convened today members are re tle tie position they took then and are work aig for delay del ay Tho a thatcher Tb atcher supporter moved to amend evans evana amen amendment ment so as to make the recess two hours he fie spoke poke with much feeling saying that the he hume was asked to decide in on one e minute the most vital matter that ba had d ever come before it 1 I beat bear a voice louder than the gent lemans it to is the voice of god speaking through the people which tells this body li it leous mori jorj than one minute in which to decide this thi ques eques ion 20 he said that he be was waa at the changes in the vote as members had assured him that thai such changes would never claimed that seventy five alve per cent of 01 the people the election of hie ble candidate and begged to be allowed two hours in which the lat Jaite ij supporters par teris could conter confer and decide what whai 0 to o do shepherd rawlin ballins Baw lins 2 leader made a strong speech in which he opposed delay he stated that hat on saturday last jaet moses thatcher repeat repeatedly requested an with himself and his colleague mr wilson that at last they met him their conference lasting about wo two hours hour that mr thatcher That char said to them if you two gentiles will vote for we me today I 1 can be electea but it I 1 am not I 1 will not be in the race roy any longer the speaker declared it was under thin ibis pledge from moses thatcher that be and mr W wll it son against their own judgment for him they solidly all day with mr thatchers supporters but be was not elected on monday however aud and again on tuesday contrary to bis big pledge mr was still in the race the speaker closed with a strong appeal to the i ant assembly to close the contest without further delay sloan spoke next ineat saying that as the mover for a recess he desired to be heard board As to what bad passed between mr shepard sod and moses theolier aba cler he be knew and oared cared nothing he was not voting for amses thatcher but for a principle moses thatcher Tb atcher Is no more to we me than a dry leaf under my toot foot referring to last saturday he held the joint assembly was lawfully convened conven eo and criticized criticised the tactics by which balloting was prevented he on sincerity to ID voting for thatcher and said that while the people demand that the contest content be settled they demand that ll it be settled right tu to accomplish a righteous solution ibe be people were willing that ebo public treasure should flow like water he urged the granting of the time he be as asked k so 9 and said that in two hours be might be able to 16 present ano honored name 10 at the COIL coe elusion of sloan sloans s t pheob which was characterized by intense feeling taylor moved the previous question which carried and the roll was called on OB the question to take a recess tor for two hour kenner in voting explained that the 0 opponents 0 of the 9 man for whom if bad been voting and whom he be e ex k J pooled pealed to continue to support mesa mean ing rawlins kawlins had asked the favor ot 1 two hours time and he be felt that tbt to other r side bide could not afford to deny the I 1 re r quest he voted for the rees the affirmative prevailed ani and at 1 the house took a recess for two hoaf boom oa je suming this afternoon theft was waa a general argeneral feeling that badh would be elected if a vote were tass and ble bie opponents resorted to dils dilatory methods to prevent a ballot th the e V filio buttering buat buet ering was waa in ID pro progress grees ihben who sa ta NEWS went to press it being doubtful as to another ballot belie taken today the rawlins men an af very confident that they can oleo ele ca the first ballot even if it be deferra till 1111 tomorrow at by a vote of 32 to 81 31 the jodat session refused to |