Show THE MUSICAL COURIER claim to have received uil iud confirmation ot of the news newa that has baa reached the he end of his bla public career as a pianist having suddenly been compelled to cancel all his bla foreign on account of falling failing health the paper observes that has baa been suffer buffering ink from a money getting fever ever and taxed his physical strength reasonable unable I 1 mits he thought bought be was aa or the be large sums auma offered to him aim boleky by his bia piau playing while watte n tact be was waa his own lifeblood life blood for the gold that flowed luio into hla his hands natured Nature a 8 payday pay day la is now DOW at hand band the borrow borrowed eJ capital being ruthlessly spent his hie collapse to la there fore ore looked luched upon an complete and the cancellation of his bi engagement to la thought to be a declaration ol of permanent retirement |