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Show 'Brainstorm," said Badly prompt&o brainstorm wbeu ly. "Lem had best of ha eeen that gold. Even the An U, sometimes. em Have ruys off race e did why he aint guilty, 0 for parts unknown!" NOT THE KIEL. ING TYPE.-8 Bell , 4f M40&.U k ) lit it - .!' WlLKtfeoS 8Bdlct W.NU service 2 ' IIIE jigger self," ?aid Deputy Caldy didn't Rickey. "No, sir, kill hlsselt fie was MufiberJ n! Caldys face was flushed there wm lean wl lupk !a? Ms eye Ills attRud was tht ban, ,vho, througk id I1 Iwovn-shrewdness, ha iuae tint fully ubstantlte& previoue-yirsentod tfieoretlcal dedixitlofc Thpfe Wefe Three wwiJi I , slnglewoom call a: raldy, Ike an Stieriff Sei Rtfflt, the tlp-twi- t 1 k . ft. . tMj iNy , . ! Ly Ha 1W pd M& VLMri !& " U ft W. ft , fMj 1 t . Jai , 4iW 4,riLkftAtotf.ftMiia Cftik f S ajiy 1 ". i , ft, V dfiuXt. & jjfifUU i k. t L'jti,, fcd tk ,(ud.tlA r e vy oyMc- .f Wk . li U jVqm tt-i- ti vf y QJ Cir JlfocaUA Jtfey? ti Ibiiy J. . Ajt f! fit b til. VuhtAv fcK. rMytMy m Jh CU 3 Ml '' ekA A. AifULf (f4JkMlty m & tU4 Q tomtk J W (ijA 0yt4 5k4fl V ti (.1 1.4., . 3l-- .k U r 4 i Lft,4 k. ia Lw (. . t(v4 Ui a( UjuA, tt, 04ilj h,,ji ' Xt4 lut m u. : ' . .. , ,-- tt-W- JU0b .. icaTt'WAYWW. llAT i llirlsjma fk48ic" , It k jiliT of writing or pldurc, nssoolutwf ltb 4hrlf(mns, bt whlrh foW thftt they n.evrr Ieiilo art grow tlmt of roadlng It ,vr 'fuvtn It fitJnlii and again, litiw many tlmos l)fo or tjvry av pcd tt. . , The Wrtft ot Jtirlst, the event which; la the reason fo the relobrnthm ? Cflrlatmns, has Ju'ou the Inspiration for aojnt great-es- t an the palgtlngd of pAlntera. llutamen the Nativity, Jhwe I wie which prolfalrty has a greater apiH'al than any of ojhers end Is! therefor ji true lassie. That t . t Corregjjloa "lloly Right." . Several years ago Hr. NT. K. Tuleritrner, . reetdr of the Oetroll tnstJtute of Arta and a widely Known authority ot pulnflng, coitipiUnl, fon tire New York J'l.nea Magar.lne a Ust ef Ihe' ."five greatest Chrlslams plctimw" Of tlwe "Mystical Adoration , five, he tanked IMth-elll'of the Cli lid first hut of f'orreRgPoA Holy t Slghf," he said: Jf la muloflhh'dly the mot-popular of the 4epre.etitatlena of the thVme asnong th old niastvrv ft la, for htf tiujst part.; the, optimism, the radiating aerrnlty of Vr-- ' reggUS which makes Ms portraynl no chfirmln. . "What 4ini;r ematialfs fronr h yijMhTiil form of Mnry, what magic frdm the'.OldJd, from whom here, for perhaps the flrpt time In Jlaltan art, the light atreama out and dvlopow the scene! Like a rtiristma hymn; Jubilant end glowing, with the ecstasy of t4ier new message, It radiates from the ieandni face of the shepherds anil Hie woirte from ho dancing g(s . lures of the nncols, . , Just as Hie Nativity ha fieoh he InsjdmtloH for palnjers, so have tafioird plrases bf flirlst-ma- s been an Insisrajlou ft Jhe poefs. . Hut of all the Christmas tjoenjs, rho one which Is par excellence a skissjc, fu that It Is most often reprinted ahj 1 siost. famillhr Is that old, to the greatest number of old favorite, "A Visit From St. Nicholas," The remarkibU thing nbeut tthls Vhrlslmas classic Is thug It was written quite by Vlyince and quite by chance ft was atiy ted on Us road to fame. In IS. 2 Hr.. Clement Clqrke Moore. professor of Oriental IjteratUBb In e(0 General Theological seminary In New York city, wrota? It as a Christmas popm for his two It so happened that his niece was that Christmas In the Moo'rp hqiue. Site copied1 the poem In he nllmm, froni v h'ch a ci'p.v was . Y. made by a friend of herswlio Hved In On December 23 123, the poeih was rclrded In the Troy Sentinel with this not frqm. the . editor: ., We do not know towTiom we ar.e Judebt'ed for the following description of that unwearlyd' TStron of children that honjely but (V'Hghtfyl of t parental kindness, Santa personification costume and his equipage ashe Claus, his goes about visiting the firesides of this, happy land laden with Christmas bounties p but, .frofu whomsoever It may have come,, we give thanks for It. There Is, to our apprehension, a spirit of cordial goodness In It; a playfulness of fancy and a benevolent alacrity to enter Into thefeel-Ing- s and promote the simple pleasures of children, which are altogether charming. We hojy our little patrons, both lads and lassies, will accept It n ...proof of our unfeigned gopfl will toward them as a token of our warmest wish that they may have many a Merry Christmas, I ! ce, ... . y- - one-sldp- d tr v pipl, sn-mlin- Troj-TN- n f-- left-han- d Santa CUus? their fiavor from fill id plrty and fraternal hwe, and whlofs they may be assured arf the least cm furnish them; nd that alldyod that .tin f the.v mag never part with that simplicity efinrifcter whtdr la thelf wa fairerf ofnameut, imd fun the sake of which they have ?re by ahUmrlty which pone ran gainsay, the type? of such at shall Inherit the King hue ef fleavon." Ollier hrwrpfiirer vtpleA ttia am! It Imd luvowe kaowu all aver tie rounlry and even found Jt sr any Intw the school tesder. Lai Ha popularity, !t author pref'r'i! v'lesplta to remain unknown, fn ?$0P hr ha ! jubllVsl hla moinfmentnV flebrt'w and Fnalisl J.te: thr first w wVk of Its kind o ir Lmoit ts amj a acholsrly work which f.e fiojwj would make bis name famous. As a aeholaf t.i dM ot,wftnt JT k.nowvtha! be had .rnia.M,-l tlilsf "gllly verse I.ut t,e .uT,i what not lejp.' ft V,"n',n knovww that he had writ Ten H, for lu 1VJT tlve peerfr wn ftihlMieT In Hoot of Hoetry a!ti h: rtme ,"Jhe New nttnchail to If. plimlly tn tStVJ, forty Ite haif written Jt V admlttvsj I' authorsirii rn rg fle'.s-albs- apd, pfesentel fa'the V'cv York Ili.t.'Vit clety fin nutogmrfl cobj: (Rfiproduiiil of ."There are .sevenrl plero which bav erassVs In sohie clnjtns 1 ? tin fcr'ty I beim n. the truest sense. T.ut I.w aut stamfing Clrlstnm classic la rrow. like ?oofe. "A Visit Fivun St. Ndiolas, made ft frsf ; pennuuv In. the columns of an America a e s pnpr. That Is the famous "I Tere a w.mta j'lai,',edlto11a1, written Jy Francis 4. Fl.vfch . of.the New ork,Sun. J I Aflhhngh thl4 has boen diTrlnted1 thhusalnb of.tlmes, translated Into'foreJgn lansnjges even the t'hlneid?!) and thrlsjma wAild nof seem complete without Its Jieiftg reprinted aroijn'l, rijrls'tmns time, eurlousJJ- eheugh lt first niVi'imd in. tyjie .fully thrift montfls bif.-- e Chrlstma was, on Seut ember CUISfi!, V;m editorial In reply, to jhe the .Sun prln.teil childish tscrawl which I refroibiced abiM . Not,ujly did tills editorial become a 1'hnist mas classic, but the little Virginia O'JK.uSpn wljq oif'e wanted fier fali'h In Sonta Cifus re assured, bpcahie something of legendary per sort; and some jiave doulyhed, even fs slip oncif dqnliteif, that ,thereever was such a iers.ffi. Far the Peassurnfiee o? thosp, It may be sai l .that there not only was such a glfl but thug she Is still living. The .little Virginia 0lI nlon o: 1S&7 Js kfrs. Virginia O'llanlon Ibmglas of f0 day, a school teacher0 In New York, a wifhV aond the mother of a Aaugliter, Laura Viiginia who, It is ifeodless to say,0 behoves that ihen Is aSanta Claus." , - , tf i . C by Wcitrrn Nwpper Union. il - loft-bend-- -- that ifiqy way.to.n trfatu tlirfy bvanllfu! for the unlv'figlit homebred Joya which derive ten 7E3 Wife". f left-hamle- .Clement C Modi 3 11 s ;., Is There .. ! Tinea. .Nervous ., 1 t'hrl-dma- , 4, '.j of-e- y pats-toes- n ftfrg y anare tlt - J A.'J, 'CtvmuHf'tk e 1 Spinacji 1 rheap J amf no Is kale. hoof-bvat- ft, . vlyhdtpi I u k ' IL'i W 1 44 . itatet-tlv- stpred tot ase, It Is always cheap, amS tt t aervcij ta e eeoked In aiany vayt, Turnips an& eullaads can he most f the yea lg jhilij ciimaT(. ft . 4g La. value " A ' 3 . " . ty Mtji X market; Cabbage beads tKe .list for f .' .. . following Potatoes an fwqt X Jfl- fe "AcconUng tl;l" high la prtjtecflve value, Irish jota-the41clln a siieet e pape which he furnish vitamin 0, s?wt lad bdpn.reodlnjt aA completely rwogulxed Loha Bulfinch. rltqmJnsi A and 3. Yelln fn6 BJldy efaTtllng wnnMiuc loih'9 ayrlLoJ evds a iltfle dibtaiD-np- . alps nndtenrrote are vich fa vltamip sent, ayco,i:IIlBg t this, the Jiggers Yotldy wasn'l reaiiy to accuse 'A. t)Med. Lepns an fjeas supply lutne Is YfTetJ Darwin, lies spro uiini to his Jacp, nor did bo cure minerals, kltamiaa anA proteia. a fget, he's tbe pcctoy la Hiai. luek! haVlcT Sel sea hfs, about V"-Tomatoes, tunned of fm-.b- . turn rp against If fey some rsnk was Mown tbpV5cee elth cabbage Bahlysk theory other green hafy tni and Aerldfid', b po if tnhehing this Lem wasnt by fwt'vlB4 that vegetables. as protective fboda Thf)y cabin fast night .afld carefully to "parts unthown.'. fltaftilB value Is abgutfhe same had yhqt a failure Ws fife And e, tn order topaevtfh! cauo Mid It that of ihe oranges amf grapefruit. to h(H, njal dbcllnluiiyeaire, U, any vntaVraasnfent to Iflmsqlf .Canned tomatoes and tomato ftU with thq fast cartridge 16 tils uo ' and 3d also Leih, finldy galloped fie usedvvhen fruit In scarce, mjy Jl ctinypn artd wiylklJ Mr. Sol sfared down it the liaifc fotfn. dawfl fnit Qw, cltrae Rulfinck lift yards from the. cabin. JeHionav Well, F.aldy, hlr. Darwlis eure grappfruit, yVY ger.iiV, Miells. Unity." sild t.drs, sources of vitamin ddne Raising priities, gqaij Jib. frorplug.gpd-kirveltVs ridln past ni i,ttKlUtht and driM . aprleots are especially lia pvuper." , . f'd lsjulre aout itho. Jigger wllo ton kh6Ir Iroft, Among the IWtA vae WfciriafliV) wirh Haldy .pevfant shot lilsspl. Anhlng 1 can So? cheapor fanned fruit, peaches end ind.rsge. .vNope""TluggoU Mssefh.youMdiqtf Iplfieapfvle, retain mjicR ef the food tfqldy shoiuk4hrs hettfefermlHe-v&lue Of the--' fresh Irult. sln'i'l JitsJ got through . he hKtelfl didnt to.iiot fhil to. oik vegetahVs end bciUng yop ftlug Noj'e, you best rldd right along, It wasnt suIcVlss It w&sin-derlfrfiit as regularly In winfer ex fa Sol looked a I the lijfle slcputjr Lm. Bids making lm'Idvbst.lgatfoB. .sumgior, fays lhe,burqu. The nmre. now ; pdstod die AutSIde ta slioo off 'safldiy. and'grlnnf. . thh llmlfe Tauiily purse, the more folks who might- conVe "Codl y6uf whiskers; iad any tfirlout, t Is to spend foe uneconomical. vsswopta aroamd." get a load Jbflf ytuf ghest. How Vie for g diet, t(o biv j moqey "(t. K. Dl.dnt Intend I butt to ... you think If was murder! with breads, cereals, fats snd sweat, to . Vqdn Ill slrfng." Raldye eyeet ksappeA . Andtlacllng Jn yegctahles and feulfs. Ctest thing, Raid agreed. Ilk was tittle inA, eeMly No bard fuelirCs, Lerai Orders aroused, albeit a fnojl law officer is oe dere. Bee you liUeb, Placing Hina and leyal o his trust and to Sol. .Bnlflhcli Mr. Lecture waited bntll of S.dldy tspeaklqg on the "Listen, Joif Mg hulk, lte dangvd t fake gvit of sight, and turndto-,.educatlon- J the.' what Yes, sias fair nvhx time ou give me eome. credit university rducatlon! . for bralng. flight up ! the.prejr ward tke Cabin, feelihg vastly ptav.of . N?qtRIng.. Leok at the tnan who only , . ent moment t hoop tettlug yois do lleved. Now heatodld still iuaMtaJn that Jlnlsheg grajnmar school. Whcrq is all tlje dednrlng an' ftguilu oilt ahd Sr-'?faun waS I gfkld suspect gnd not Re. how? He IS a tnbforninB on 4 ? rtiehtal . strain, wljls f been sluin' 1 the man bank waltli' for something to bafi-!c- have te admit! to Sol that bis theory street car. But diere a entirely askew. sad . who has . tollfg 'gone, through work ef rope 'requiring gun play came to Sol as door &ep 5- the has tkq hiSdiplpnla? or tong might rUIpi after hard cablto Voice 14 Audlendet-He'- e the evo dayS work, h yes' .man, by glngo. uty spprtiscked the 1 face was. grave. . lilt autfot gues Is beVns where Wtll. rjgljt ( start eU bars ta eall It suicide, after deduces and figure outer. I ing was a good theory all, .got as much brains as you, an' by oT fellpf. That Lem Bulfipcji ain't the hut yours, T f prove U. glngo you gotti tfv Hiring type hiote me, .feller . Nor Ml BaMy fcovnfully. ;.V .Sols grjtl wjdvne "So you ain't even gulng to queg "You wound pretty ufe Af yonr-;el. . Fj . ttoii h'f WeU, dts your t Rita, rimK Tm An ilstsala. Why. f . . . . But Just tell me,how a sponaiblllty. rids luleitle?" aint 4 -- t r? . , Bildy puffed out hfe ckest Httlo, you figuredlhaf guy eliot htesqjf In nd gestured the right feuiple. fie jras swaggered e ilttle c , . Fepi af l ed. I proved that by finding ftp . rntlier gnsndly TTEI raw.eetw AX Were tootfied. be said, hli Jlgget stuff la his pocteV" ."Hctause, , Sha banished that rs' Bol W as shot la 'the dead tired fee grinned. rlgffit femple. Well, , Ip.W on mw youth "You stuff la buind . LI Ihe hla And hee pockful coloi' restful nighta, active djys all bebowel clogRiDt she rid her systeny i ' gjiy eouliln4 ftieot Msself la the et. fellcf, but yeu didnt prov he cause wastes that were sapping her vitality. Nik ialjv We tafee pleasure j In IneWtftag T cJvc end was A gqy 'might carrs rerople. lets (Natures Rtyned v) .Uie him, safe, lift a right thhs TnwiVunently he cemmunication Vlow. the tradsionnatioo. "Humm, aalff ScJ. Left bstidei. stuff la his left pocket ! thetV vegetable laxative troreed biliousness, n peod jry constipation, iqfor expressing t the same Time our hlff g ia Me How wgj know! erf. right poett! dq yog aches, d izzv aptl la, that its faithful afuthor ia aurabmd howVeSee tplbs. Valdy'e eyes fleameik . Faldy Wgan te Sweat. , . freshed you feet among .the fricud of the $u So At aS druggists that waafitl , know "How a do f Because fn , , , 23 coy Is. rft . 'jjear Editor-i-- f Sot gM year! till. Rad how I ! know. went thats ;tlrfL (jflee deduct, ome of my Bttie friepde say there i . more. , , , through thj jigger faiukets an laus. Santa bo He turn! te glance up.t&e fraU. found a hgneb of keys and a hand "W row ee fl iA Ae Sim laasajre:. ful tftchange an a eouplo ef other famd that IXi hd notdcci(lcd ta at sfl. return, knA vas relieved aa tfiat thU trouser tfiene fell hinge la hla teutfc; mi Please ., jftilnX. Row I know? A Jig Sant ClaW PARKERS pocket; flint fle.baif.ed Roe HAIR BALSAM VIKGTSIA OflANLO- gfSol sgalnetfd found earrie per , i Removes Dandruff Stops Hair F alllag flq wondered things dike that la. M right baud Sol still grlnajng. Imbaata Color and j w friebde . Virg'wfl kttfs art vfrcg. hy end kei wonderiirg. because he ritVft your 1 Beauty to pray and Faded Hw ffuisere pockdft" l J50 at Wrevsista. We andjlWn... didn't kftow tlial.'Sol.hgd watched' F'ntohom They haveeen affected tythe skepticism of L f 1 i?Hleeott)iem. ntbnplateff thi. a skeptical age. .Tfiey think that poihing Can UIs mewing lth fm, .thvudgh The iLOREsTON SHAMPOO Ideal for use in. ! r. ahea n. you analyred W w'hiiss not censprehensfble by their, little eormect)nvAthParkeraHairBaliin.Maae9tle father sjhp evidence, but eevecthe cflhla wlndew! .hair ott and fluffy. 60 centa by muil or adn minds. All minds, Virtfinfa, wW;h;r they be 9 M V are liftl ,1a this less but to be IgnorsvI. t ffiBia. iiiscox Chemical WorkvPoff ifiens hr little children 4 man mare SalM Man iystet, .universe ma.fi 4f4urs true It who ear great that w9 kcftip!W lany ar! ant, in his intellest, ae tompared with the the. questlep ef who the tilings hq was uiosl likely red the. a measured by boundless world about him, to use frequently, tn hfs rfehtdiafid svulpttvrs .nnpdel, , o oftria ivsj;p( the intelligence capable f fnaspinj.the who! leousere pocket, Wle usually fight since the dedjcatloij f the . tWt Buffer ieedlessly. Stop thk of truth, arvi knowledge. , handed. wgr memeriul n EdJanta Cliue. fft therk 4 . Yes, Virginia, itcliing and induce hedling bria lex er the samv VjJe S! know It inburgh, . Seottanfl,haa bwn exists asqertaily as love end gctyiroshy end now to use t the Ixth coihmemora-tliVeoutdnt Ns wise to. let Haldy know dcVotiotf exist, end .yovr ksow that they t.e admitted thls evenlo himsolT. ceremony 6 tlfe piece Dr. Tub abound nd givh to your,We its highest Veautv be World the tlap sculptor, Tho how WcIapnzhA ill dreary tie Alasl jvoulj jfplainefh and'jojL Jeiflity.woulji J.h4igb!j if there wexe no Santa Claus. It, would be ss that If Is .not the portrait of iviy SXt 9 blod vessel. drear as if thfe were do .Virginias. Jhert Uiifivldual, but an .bxpressior of the Md': Vo wiat? , laitk thtn, no poetry, wottld be np child-lik- e Idealism qf. .voutb..vhJch gives The trace ii fgf, dnxloty Ty jjf no romance tc make tolerajole this existence. family the likeqess to penile of varied t&bughi syci I'rotojiev! by that We should have no enjoyment, except in rqr.se the , To Illustrate Jhe nnlver lineage. with which t'ig!,f t ihi.V Importance eternal dojhtJ light and sight. The hi dciietMn, lnstantly venirh.v sal trait, depicted. It has been"; . heed fills th world would bes extyiguished. shown that a photograph In , an . said. pUSxty," Not believe yaSanta Claus? Yeu miglt as ,, fewest fiotel 1 fairies! American office Is so enuch dike tha It in You discovered this might get well not believe all r ir here? Who was !t NaV statue, that It was holjeved to your papa to hire men to watch in bej Eve to catch Santa Into town with he news an Christmas An Amfrica'n on Jiinfltyt eVen if then; that of the model. did see Saflft not they Hj out for parts unknown! Claus, but It was nwrtaer seeing 'the statue, t.fiouht I.em F.ulfinclv, wasnt ift hek son. Claqs toming down, what woulh that prova Gprniani .Jigger It.Vas that of NJhoity secs Santa Claus, but that isno sign aJth often me lain) an Is xo The real most ,l'it9r, flew Journeys to .Fxfxv that there is no Santa Claus. what he declares to Sfure., Amd wjnf; Is It bnrh tq in the world are those that heithor know ? a nhout vou ever see. reserahlane to his .Did lem Rulfirvch can striklngr see, that hly .hildscn nor men diffieoBt front other jiggtW lost son. 'nines dancing on the lawn? Of poirse mot, 3 la it, feller?! -bitf that s np proof That 'they are not ther . . . . ;vjt e all wontfie 1U Sob adfnlttevf Nobody can conceive or imagine of Tons Ice,Ufted by Cafe ders there are unseen andT unseeable in the ""ila! Now fei youre Some of th gettlqgt wafes bn The vqst . world. IcS. T.i u's j.Ramps-ElysceIn and ratt-lwhaj? Snd the Montparbaby's You may teSr apart So hr tgippens alongt liere yetcr . nasse use up Ice at th ra of two srfk what makes the noise inside, bm there is "4 U ?s this Jigger dsy. hriktpiade a or three tons.a day, writes the Paris a veil, covering the dnseen world which tot she strongest msn, nor even the united correspondent oS the London Daily, men that evej Tlfe, Total consumption strength of all the strongest Telegraph. l'iv all the cafes and lived, coyld tear apart Only faith, fanc, porestajurants cuwrii,s note lcav.es It.oa the tablq when It ishot Is 4X etry, love, romance, can push aside that 0 a day. Iu tons the fauty supernal and ricture rtain and .view her;,nIlitifon rlvtes to town jvith his the butchers' Baths 200 Rooms Tile 200 real? jshops,' It all Ah, 5irpml, fishmongers r.nd .glory beyond. Js l'ck and hull story I" else real and shops, and other food shbps of the Radio connection in every room. inwall this world there, is jiothing Saands reasonable enough," Sol '.caixul between 15, OH) and 1S.000 a In ding. comvssp RATES FROM I tons of Ice re used Even . No Santa Claus? Thank Cod he lives "ftcept for the favct that l.otn .the biggest Ire factory dally. In Paris canA thousand years from now. Virginia, Jutl eppotilt Mormon TaBemod !lnt ftie kind of Jigger frouh kill not produce thousand years from now 200 than In tons :iay, ten times ten man for a ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr he wil continue to .make glad the. heart of pot of gold or two hours. The same furnishes pots oj gold. You know that, an a further J00 tons factory h'ldhood. a day from Its so Co I." U---: winter store. 5033 WNU W t " Mf wllUir'C fcjiu tw4 u-i- l4tf fto winter frults-orang- ,i Uf f joints eut the grbUitles ffi ", ... e . - (Jn V .Kit rf r lAf?1, m Itgi -$-bk4-V't V(HJXlMlfiHl V tajA s ... VjUit Vi4M( JtLi I'yl ;((, JkX4i, i4j tV,i( ( . (iwJI r'VJ dWv Vi wwi .caltm-- rid-fn- g o' J ' r& rsychoffify, la ealleff Yt; Hist Baldy hal enly a vagua knowlIts Aieknlny. edge ts fi ulJy went ontSide t amoka iaett and lat ol go 4v tha altuatiea atones ent base fl penally when pfvtty euss-fu- i things slona he h ebout Masoning but an U possible Tnysterj. lialdl Rad hardly jot seated- lul not, ba fact locuted his powersa nd tohseccvirhrti he heard comln p tl canyon. 6 Horseman, hove lp fiigbf, st even a that distance the. deputy i I.Mi wti. uJ $ lAf Lfrfft lfm X k . ft! 1 qsyltf-aatio- An rgly Aounj efte 14 Me letfljjle, end about Ike wui& there was e Uack jiraudgev . , . wVi f f1 U,W ;.04 fc frtju i' V. & A .'tfN 5TiUjtyDiJ'tl V ,oi tL'Muy njCiid, W iWii)KJ y00r wintt frequently a(Tedi uf health hj 4ke spring, VruiJ qQg leafy, vegqtalies, with vlbmdi theil cfdclflm, iron, an etlcr wi,! efal saits, are among the Impurtaat pte;tift doods. AlAough fust lecesEaryevhea eht of seasoa, hey cost juore and ate therefor omittej 1C the Incvgne Is aeduceiL for the limited f hudget, fhe burearf ef home economics ef the United States Department ef Ag. - a-t- te flf-shoeti- $ In t 4f4 , JuHj, bnaA4 Aaldyf ids lupevioe. . . . The thinfl ihaa was fie btf IspraVled acrosf 4 table U the cent.q vt the roWta. Theue was, eO too hpslde Lfns. 1 SmS .im'a4j u . o got tanghev! at thlq, Proteliv? have Impoftant "Any place that Lem might unIs parts gone la this Country Kece'ssabj, he known belief. Why shouldnt fci '.bSil wanfeu to? g some Iacq, ft he tact d the fight variety d? a Ini any of out Business." prouf fie$-uty- . Kvi WINTER MONTH5 jlsldy sighed and shoot his lthaij, liis Jl .ss pretty he tiiat sense S yet wonfuse kol a mighk wltk it ep hffl trlth a lot e foollsfi questions-go- t considering ad way and o soputatlona facte peopft sometlfies aa- aistislUenRal 1 ! FOR HEALTH If , gat gratifi-cytio- ohj-detluc- left-han- right-hande- d d Si s jj-a- RHUEVE ECZEMA L i ef I j "o ft h- os - JijJ-ge- Salt Lalte Gtys r 1 well.ac-gnalntiv- f. I I r'l V H O.T EL o k e TEMPLE,:. SQUARE for-'cvei- j. 2-- 1 |