Show INFANT infanticide IN LONDON within the be lost last few days day lgordon has baa bebo startled by the discovery of whole sale oale infanticide not less than little bodies have been picked up during the she pat past eight months all ail in one district of the great metropolis metro polle the rho police seem beem to be as much at a lose ion to discover the perpetrators of rime cremee as they were in the came of the notorious jack the ripper kipper but they the opinion that bat the Blay inu la 19 done by unqualified nurses hired for or that purpose and assert abert that a great number of persons persona can be found willing to dispose of the little innocents for a consideration ranging irom from two still ebil linge jinga and sixpence t aeden shillings aad sixpence most moat of the poor babies round dead had bd been strangled by a cord tied roud their beckt anecki others were by a towel tied over their one little victim had bad bee been sep D t into ster eternity niky by means mean of a rosebud 3 greed forced down dow a it ita throat h roar london ike all U large lagge fewes cUi eandi k my apo R osk adlitte aa a A criminal record but to lhea addition to I 1 it Is 1 of a peculiarly booking nature ur um shedd bodin liaw of innocent wood blood la Is a crime for which divino divine 14 sure dure whether it be overtaken by human juanice Jusli loo or not the conditions that make such systematic violation of goda god a and manis man Is ure jara possible are terrible to contemplate and it ought to be evident to all who reflect that no remedy that hat does doea not apply to those condl condi tlona can be effective in a society ir where here parents parent look upon their offspring ofle pring as a curse where mothers contrary to the be prompting of the strongest and sweet iest instincts of nature lay jay plane jor for the destruction of their helpless help leai children childred and where men and women are fauna to lain their hand bands in such crimes orliea for a more mere must be radically wrong even depraved human nature mature revolts at ucb such outrages ut rages history records Int instances inta when during times imea of war and famine obil ireD have been sacrificed in order to sustain tAiD the life 1110 of men and women but the oases came are exceptional it is ie not dot improbable that hunger and mis ery cry are at the bottom of the crimes now shocking london intense suffering buffering on account of destitution and that in ID the midst of plenty hax has a tendency to kill tender feelings and leave human beings little better than brutes brute as a may be interred inferred from the fact that revolt revolting ln g crimes are most moat common where those circumstances circumstance prevail A failure to recognize this truth or to act upon it is i the great mistake of the civilized world when statesmanship abandons aba odona the useless problems pro bluma involved in attempts to balance the power as ae I 1 it is called mostly for the benefit of the ruling cl cla Beep aseep anu applies itself to the question of dally daily interest to the great mosses inc including ludina the abe victims of leato dative neglect it wiil be easier to purify the morals morale of U V e nations anil and change the conditions which prompted Gene generah raP booth to write his bia book on darkest england |