Show SENATOR CULLOM illinois senior united ben ilor shelby M cullom a possibility at the nanda hands of the republican larty arty arrived in bait lake J montley monday morning from portland to which place he went direct from san ban francisco Frano toco after spending a couple of weeks on the coast the distinguished gentle manisa man is a member of the senate committee on Com commorice Comme moice ioe which tor for a con alterable ald sid erable time has baa had before it the question or of selecting elber either son bun pedro or santa monica an aft the cdean port of los liob angles the senator benator while in california made very careful inquiries Inqui rieB into be respective merits and claims of each place receiving and bearing delegates dele gatea und nd advocates for both what the aulton of these theae investigations ration will be however the senator evator does doea not care to state at this time among the prominent silt laken who met the senator benator at abe depot on hia his arrival to in this city athla morning were ron hon charles crane cha chairman krman of the republican territorial commit tee judge zine uie the sou former law jaw partner and bishop clawson with the gentlemen named the sena eena tar and his bid party lating of himself wife daughter a miss miar ridgley a miss misa bunn and mr roy bey were driven about the central part pan or of the city at 1030 they visited the tabernacle Ta bernable and list ened to an organ recital by professor Baor daynes after they again entered their carriages and drove to fork Dou dougla glias on their return they went direct to col trumbo sd residence reside where an informal reception was waa hold bold this afternoon the senator and dd party were taken out to dallair on oa the rain grain they will leave for the east back over the union pacific at this evening instead of by way of the rio grande western as heretofore an soun sounded oed senator cullom politely granted grant d a representative of the a brief interview this after afternoon noD on the question of general politics he had nothing to to sity say and as an to local political questions he did not pretend to be informed on them speaking of his bis visit to utah etab be said eaid this is my first trip to this territory and the great west of 0 your territory at large I 1 cannot may aay very much because I 1 only know af it by hearsay but as aa to your city it is most moat beautiful and charming more so ao than I 1 anticipated and I 1 nave board beard very much of it I 1 am highly delighted with it Is and I 1 imagine that it Is of one of the places in which to live jive there are so many homes in it and they are no BO handsome now then senator 21 said the news new paper man 1 I would like to have you express your views on the silver question tio a I 1 the senator laughed and replied yee tee I 1 presume so 80 I 1 have not undertaken der taken to define my position on that i question tion however what I 1 have said on it has ban been merely of a rambling order and as ae I 1 am not dot out oti on political expedition I 1 have retrained from being specific I 1 will state however that I 1 am not an enemy to silver aliver but a friend of it and all interests of the great body of the people 11 1 1 in answer to the question as an to whether the following croad the san ban fran clico chronicle Chron fole correctly stated his big position he replied 1 I kroum that substantially reflects my vIe wP do you think senator the ligament lian ment of bimetallism will restore confidence and produce good times tim esP while I 1 believe in bimetallism and the parity of values of both gold and silver liver giving to both metals equal chances anil and equal privileges in the he money markets I 1 am not so sanguine as to believe that the united states alone can by simple decree produce the desired result we ought to have an international agreement which shall establish the proper relations as 0 to o metallic currency then the obstructions to currency legislation which nw now evist will become more mere cobweb the country lie is worried by the theories the orlea of charlatans who offer unfailing remedies tor lor every if ill ignoring we the teachings of experience ultra silver theorists theo riste and ultra gold theorists are alike impatient of each other and alike opposed to any middle ground but bui there is always safety lu moderate and well considered action muot much as we may wish to give to silver its ita equal and aad proper place as 84 a money metal metai we must look to existing conditions where they demand it at our hood hands the duty ot of a statesman is to look jools after and care for the tae interests of the entire country he must sm sacrifice orifice no interest for the bent fit of any other interest vp then he be was asked by the baws man as an to whether or not lie he had read the constitution he fig replie in he negative tive but said mid be was anxious to do so he understood that it was ft a very elkend instrument but Cop congre gress will have to seen can it carefully to we no whether it will take lake you in ID or not then turning interviewer the senator maid baid leti met see iee when do you elect you first leDa torR 1 next november answered mr crane who was present aad when do they take their beats kofl the first of january 96 Y wail the and they will oe be silver men too J added mr crane I 1 no matter from which great parties they come of course I 1 expected that it could not be otherwise and b here 0 rothe the interview ended soon boon after which the reception was waa bold before the exour bion to the lake jake |