Show THE NEW WOMAN the magazines and papers papera have published an immense amount of stuff about the now new woman sad the attitude the fair sex ex will be placed in by bj mingling with man in the industries business and or there has baa been pointed out in most moat ludicrous fashion abe be of the sexes into an order of home borne and public life the reverse ol of that which exists at present there also alao boa bac been painted in alow ing colors the picture of the improved condition of mankind which some claim will result from the advance of 9 the now new woman movement these extreme descriptions I 1 lu u one way or the other usually have been the handiwork of moo men though bough women writers and deakers have not been looking lacking as illustrations of absurd notions in both directions all this has baa been the cause of agitation and pointed discus pion ion among people in every part of the union now comes the RE ac view taken by the so called now new woman herself as set not forth in the statement of principles of the hew comans womans Wo mans mauA clubs which it to is proposed to organize throughout the country and which already have been instituted in several sections there is the preliminary expression of a belief that there ought to be and is such a thing as the new woman as the forerunner of the newer and better man t sad and then cornea comes the declaration that the new woman should be more intelligent tell toll igent more modest more kind more charitable more physically and mentally menially perfect and a greater force for good than the old should be interested in her home lite life that her children may grow to be better ol citizens should be interested in bublic public life that her or sons husbands huk bands and brothers may more faithfully do their duty to the he state notwithstanding the noise and fuss which has bee been made about the sphere and nd rights of one sex being usurped by the other it will not be to 0 o bad after all if the new develop along the lines hoop set met forth in the foregoing from the club declaration of principles principle without decrying any of the graces which now adorn the sex or the die extent to which they are displayed it is not unreasonable to believe that many woman can become more modest kind and intelligent than they appear to be at present and thereby hereby may ue be aide aida to similar improvement pro in men mel that women can be more physically and mentally per feet than now by abandoning fashionable follies which deform and destroy their bodies anu and thus dwarf their mental power that they can be much more deeply interested in home life there to engage in the functions ot of motherhood instead of avoiding them and of rearing children to the stature of better citizenship and that they should be interested ju in public life as aa mothers wives and sisters so that in the be capacity which under the laws of nature they alone can fill all they shall inspire to in their sons husbands bus banda and brothers a higher order of faithfulness to 40 the true relation of the aeger there to is plenty of work for the new woman as there has bai been for the old for or now new or old as an the expression may be coined for convenience she Is i till woman aej there she must abide no true woman would have it otherwise there la in opportunity BB there is ia occasion for or the advance of womankind as a mass to a higher sphere than she la is compelled to occupy today by the environments of social and political and in many places rel iglow life this advance la is not in a line that will cause her to be lose less near to the womanly ideal lew less motherly or wifely or lean 1688 angelic in her purity and constancy any olange on anite to be an improvement must lead her to be more tenacious tova cious 0 of virtue of truth and of divine love jove t V make her more determined to in attaining and exercising her full rights and privileges of honorable wifehood wie hood and motherhood to teach her ber that as a better woman she is in her sphere as the companion of the better and 1 aurer class of men and is not the asso oll to of those who are stran strangers frere to virtue honor bonor and divine affection there is a a force behind the movement for the advance of women that to is working to a definite end and whatever way may be the emergencies which arise art or the motives moti which inspire poll or others to cause women to occupy a more prominent place than heretofore under our in public life there is displayed in the workings of providence Provi deooe a higher greater purpose to be accomplished than to Is always visible to the finite view I 1 bis bin la Is that woman shall be ethic able to claim her place among men as the gentle maiden insist 11 ane tae honored wife the revered mother and in the hereafter the he queenly position to which she to is heir beir as aa the daughter of god in no go far as the now new woman conforms to this divine order of her being beina the path of her progress cannot be effectually barred |