Show christmas contributions to the news columns prose poetry and by well known local writers CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND holly oh and mistletoe chis is the cry bathe from lusty throats that reminds the denizens of english togao of the abar approach of christmas eveia house must have ita bunches of green holly with its varnished prickly leaves and bright red berries and at least one goad spray of pale berried letoe these to decorate the dining and drawing rooms of the well to do aad the living room of the artisan or cottager christmas would not be christmas among other tokens ot he coming of the great christian holiday are the grocers 11 windows marvellously adorned wita pudding materials and sweeta tuff surrounded by ornaments of tea baddy lead and fancy papers and lit up with innumerable christmas candles rejected in alio lookingglass looking glass and dres ed up with artistic skill till they are as dazzling as a scene in a slmaa pantomime then there are the toy shops with their wealth 0 wondrous devices tor juvenile daverson di verson and parental the butchers shops displaying tat prize beeves cheep calves and pigs so huge and bulging with suet and other aready tissue ia to make one wonder how the animals managed to stand up wy enough to bo stuffed tor the slaughter I 1 sl hall the ol 01 the butchers art ornamented with parti colored ribbons gny and chains ot linked sau uey arc a feature of christina considered essential toils proper celebration the poultry shops via with the but chersin their display of fine turkeys great geese rich game and birds 0 various kinds fixed up and declied out flowers and streamers amera and sundry orni meinta then there are alic jewelers sew elers linen drapers clothiers clo thiers crockery glassware fancy boods and other sloops eairly aglow willi holiday attractions and as for the pulido houses the gin shops those trapa tor aliu they are ablaze with light and glistening with minors decanters dinara and bottled cordiali cordials cor dials raffles for geee and turkeys tree and easy concerts and other allurements allure ments to catch alie nimble sixpence draw crowds to drink and treat and quarrel and waste both time arid moneys the streets are crowded both with vehicles and pedestrians and greetings oi 1 I wish you a merry christmas meet with the regulation response the same to you nd many of e m for a before christinas day alio nights are made melodious by the songs and of the waits bands of roving sere naders amateur and professional jonir respectable many disreputable and seeking the bounty of the benevolent in return for their midnight performances on christmas eve the whole night resounds with carols such as while shepherds watched their toly night all sleeping on the ground and other seasonable and familiar ditties money and good cheer reward the nocturnal vocalists elten until bacchus knocks out orpheus and the early policeman catches several hoarse and helpless worms steaming egg hot is the regulation indulgence dul gence for those who are not teetotaler s and the compliments of the season arc tendered in a glass of the seductive coin pound in the village churches the quality fochs vie with each other in the decoration of the solemn interior with evergreens ever greens and appropriate mementoes brabets of game country cowains give joy to relatives in town ahe all important pudding is boiling in the p and preparations for the creati st of nil holidays occasions bustle aal toil and annilly itna in every part of the lend which to comport with the pro gramme anft hp sharp and fabii a good crust of snow on the culi rl tin jarlli or hakes falling to inika it is 11 by alio llio ringing of chadi as goes kiark to the bonny church lojas one two three tour five six they sound so sweet so wondrous greet they abound so merrily ch ernly the wedding peal fi om tower and spire the opening ot the festive day A the more boimal compliments of the season is the gibet ing to e ci i body within speaking distance tho ale andrino and strong liquids begia to flow but beer is the common dank and barrels of home brewed are tapped which have been le served for the in the ot of england famed tor its unrivalled and perry and mead me the popular beverages hot elder anic i a common homemade home made cordial in country places all but total take something on day and drinking healtha healt hs takes the boim of a sacred dul togo to the church in the morning ib a custom of devout and would bethought folkSy When the of the amne babe in the manger is told in prosy tones or in fervid the ability of the icar or curate or aner t or minister and the choirs sing carols and on the wondrous birth at bethlehem then the streets are alive with people in best bib and tucker hurrying home or going to hospitable tables to pai take of christmas cheer it is a time of grand famil gatherings the prodigal hon returns to ins fathers hoube with the aa aurance that all shall scattered members of the household come to 1 gether from all points of the compass the olive blanch of peace gnes healing biily to dundei ed the extremes ot age and infancy meet and first and second childhood romp together the cooking abilities of servants or house wives as the vase may be boive been put tu the severest test the best table linen and service pantry and cutlery are brought foi ali from the pree and the tables creal under the weight of edibles koast beef is an e whatever other viands may tempt the appetite roast goose being a frequent and the plum pudding must come iii steaming hot when previous courses are over and to le m the style must have a halo of liquor alight around it and a bang of holly in the top thereof christmas ui england without a plum pudding would bo lite hamlet without the prince of denmark it is fearfully and won der tally made it contains little of the basis of an ordinary pudding stoned raisins currants banded peel and spice form its chief only hour enough to establish a connection and that thoroughly mixed and mingled with an of finely chopped suet no family can do without it the poorest of the noor all tot the absolute e at christmas mat to have a rons pride themselves upon the super excel lence special pud dingi and an extra one is usually to slice up and give to fiends and rivals as ot culinary etall line the particular in that count beforehand their months ot happiness ot good luck by the number ot gifts of padding slices receded from different donors toasts follow the dinner around the fes and then come various games and old w young the caille hall in the inist letoe and ia pendant in some part of every honse over the inside of the big front booi and any lady who ia caught under ta charmed locality tant submit to be tossed by her captor forteith eita twirl the blind mans buff fort trencher hide and beck contre dancea and other innocent diversions are the order of with vocal and evening the i recitations gholst stories speeches brosio aad general jollity lol lity and snapdragon after pi tot the cb further drinking relaxation thewl ment hurry away the hours till the midnight chimes proclaim th close 0 christmas day when the best of friends must part and amid god bibes sous and happy new years parting guests carry with them those feel ings of friendship and affection which are the strongest ties that bind the time for christmas gifts and christmas charity is generally on boxing day that is the day after christmas proper unless christmas as this year canies conies on saturday when boxing day is kept on toe following monday A present then is called a christmas box this term arises from the custom of sending a box oc lothing or provisions to the ROOT and gifts of jewels or other costly goods iff a casket instead of shouting christmas tie youngsters cry out christmas box presents are made by members e a family to each other and to relatives and friends poor relations look tor substantial christmas boxes from their rich kinsmen employers make presents to their em aloyes ko or establishment of any repute fails to reward its faithful servants on boxing day in rural districts the aged men and women who are past the years of toil are made glad by gifts of flannel and various articles of wearing apparel also tea and wine or a package of tobacco blankets and wraps are distributed to the indigent anaf in the workhouses the pau pers receive a double allowance boxing day is almost as much of a holiday as christmas except with the shopkeepers at night the new pan tomines are brought out at the theartres theatres the atres whichard chare crammed from gallery to pit and are often a scene of noise and disorder daring the opening play the audience being impatient for the spectacular diversion with the tricks of clown and pantaloon of harlequin and columbine the mechanical effects and the gorgeous un of the transformation scene with fairies and radiant with changing illuminations the boys of the towns do not consider their christmas fun complete unless they cango to the play on boxing christmas in england is the holiday of holidays it is celebrated ain every nook und corner in palace and in prison and in all classes of society though originally a religious celebration and now having religious sanction it a popular festival in which religion carta aly does not much emceed emcees ao doubt draws groat evils in its tram a harvest for the doctor and grist to the police null jt swells the list of drunk aud disorderly it has an odor of dissipation and a sound of revelry but the good of the horday tar outweighs thecil by many thousands of families it is spent in moderation the gentle hand of charity touches the brow of the destitute and lights a gleam of hope and gratitude in the eyes of the succored sundered hearts are brought together estranged friends are reconciled forgiveness takes the place of it cm resentment the flickering lamp of age is rekindled the joyous laugh izod is evoked home that sacred sl irino of jl yie virtues is mada redolent with the fragrance of affection the blazing log upon the finds a corresponding warmth in the heart of radiant hospitality and amid the ringing of church bells the music of carola ami of chanta of merry song and tripping instrument the romps of blushing youth beat and the sentiment the riddle and the joke the indulgence and the laxity the meetings and partings and the hackneyed sentiments and witty wishes christmas in england crowns each yeas with a halo of brightness and sends through society a thrill of heavenly fethe country is battec tor it trade ia stimulated money is circulated people are brought together in social that essential union which consists of the sympathy and fraternal frai ernal interest that draws soul to soul is promoted and something of the spirit breathed upon the world by the godman god man who is the ever living christ comes down upon the adny sincere cele of bis earthly birth and the refrain of the angels resounds through the nation prompting the people to give heed to the joyful tidings peace on earth good wiil to all men |