Show THE THOMPSON he is indicted lor for manslaughter the coroners Corene ies jury charge fiona ous gus the second district grand jury have found an indictment ebar charging gang manslaughter against thom son jr the murderer of 61 edwad M mlton dalton 0 of parowan carowan Pa rowan as is shown by the following dispatch received from deputy pratt by marshal dyer last evening after a through examination of seventeen the grand jury ury indicted wm thompson grifor Jr ifor manslaughter I 1 all th wit who foier anything about about the case on saturday evening we published a dispatch fruci assistant district at truey 4 chas W zane at beaver to marshal dyer as follows the judge was opposed to it but t the fie sheriff sherid of lion iron co county anty and hb friends wished the matter mattei submitted to this grand enry and I 1 requested the court cour t to do so the charge of judge boreman to the grand jury flatly contradicts mr zanes assertion what object the prosecutor had in misrepresenting the facts unless it was to shield the murderer lb not bot apparent we he says that dha the sheri of iron county and his big friends the matter submitted to this grand jury jude boreman says ewhen when weneard we heard of this occurrence at parowan carowan Pa rowan I 1 concluded to hold the grand jury to investigate that matter he then goes on to administer a mild rebuke to the majority of the jury who were so anxious about thompsons Thomp sons welfare as to go to td parowan carowan to meet him and then states t 1 I told the sheriff to inquire and if it would not do if there was any feeling about the matter 1 would not submit it to this grand jury he reports to me that he thinks it would be at right to submit it to this grand jury and let et them investigate it thoroughly ani and under anese circumstances feeling that we want justice done sill all round and nothing improper and they agreeing to this raising no objection to it I 1 have concluded to submit it to this grand jury ai the judge probably did what he thought proper under the circumstances but the effort to make it appear that the friends of the murdered murder ed man mac wished a grand jury chosen ba b Thomp thompson sou to investigate his case iti very low business the friends of thompson say BAY that mr dalton put his child off his horse when he was riding and then ithen started away when lie be wits was shot at and killed other witnesses one of whom was about six feet from tile the murdered man at the time he was pos that the call to halt and the shot were almost simultaneous 1 one a non 11 mormon I 1 says it wat about three seconds from the call to the time of firing and that the victim had no opportunity to resist or flee A coroners jury held an inquest and fron from the evidence adduced gave the following verdict OF COUNTY ov OF IRON I 1 J 85 an inquisition holdan at edward Dalto Dalt airs irs house in parowan carowan p precinct rb c i 0 county of iron on the loui d dav y 0 of 1 1 december e A D 1886 before F W pendleton coroner of said county upon the body of edward M daltou dalton there lying acid by the j tit ors whose are hereto subscribed the said jurors juror upon their oaths do yay say that deceased came to Ws his death on the day ol of december A D 1886 from a gunshot wound inflicted by a ball or slug tired from a gun by one william thompson and that saul said killing wis was feloniously done in testimony whereof the said jurors have hereunto set sec their hands the day and year aforesaid WIM WILLIAM IlOt HOLYOAK HANS P WILLIAM WILLIA W jurors LAt lattene tent F W coroner of iron county |