Show M 0 GIB at Rol latoi SIR PURELY VEGETABLE are you rilious ohp regulator newer never faun fail to cure I 1 most cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from bil bilious iodis atta attacks ks or aur disease caused by a disarranged state ta te ot the I 1 he liver KANSAS hansas crry mo W K R BERNARD do you want avant good digestion 1 I suffered intensely jell etc A neighbor who had tak eatn n simmons livor liver Regulator told ine it was a sure cure cursor formy my trouble ta I 1 in dose hook re I 1 lieveld me vie very much and in one weeks time tiffie I 1 was as strong and hearty ast as I 1 ever was jt it is the beat medicine I 1 ever took for via RICHMOND VA ff 0 0 CRENSHAW W do you suffer from constipation testimony of WARNER Ch chief leus jus tice of ga 11 1 I 1 have used simmons liver re regulator r tor for constipation of my bowels caus aa edby a temporary derangement ot of the liver for the last three or tour four years and always with u ith decided benefit tl have you Ma malaria larla I 1 have had AM experience with simmons liver regulator lator since 1866 2865 and regard it ft as tu the greatest medicine peculiar to malarial mat arial re frion so a medicine deserves universal aR commendation REV KEY ST af S B WHA R TOY HTOy gor cor sec baptist theological seminary safer and letter getter than Ca calomel lomell I 1 have been subject t to 0 severe spells of 0 con congestion estion ot of the liver imd and have been in the chit habit of taking tr IS 15 to SO 20 grains of 0 calomel which generally laid me up for or three 01 or tour days lately I 1 have been taking sim mons liver Regulator which gave me relief any to MIDD LIPORT ohio J RUGG HUGO 1 I H im HILIN I 1 CO I 1 mill pi PA PRICE ELYS CATARRH r W i CRUM CREAM BALM BALK ars LYS gives belief at A afla M B once and cures 1 acci 71 CU C 04 U MG IN S CATARRH HAY feiver not a liquid enuf or powder free from inbur injurious ious P drugs ps U and d Offe offensive asive odors F z R 11 A particle is applied into each nostril and a agre bable price 50 rents cents at druggists by mail registered 60 acts circulars tree free E LY BROS broa druggists owego N Y T 0 0 ff I 1 h have 1 wea a positive remedy for dortho abo above disease by its if 1 hie I thoo fand or of the worst kind and of ioni ong tending standing have hare been cured indeed so 0 o Is M int faith I 1 in I 1 if 60 efficacy in i that h at I 1 win will send bond TWO BO bottled ES 1 FREE REI I 1 h I 1 E a TREATISE on this aloa dix easo iv to aa Y r akie avid and P 0 dereb dd reB T A in reul st OL now tol 11 |