Show correspondence written arill f for SW paper AS TO SPRAYING MILL CREEK jan 14 1895 ibe knowing that you are a friend to the I 1 would like a lew few words worde in ybur valuable paper I 1 have see of late some writing on spraying fleets effects and so eo on A great doni deal can be learned by reading it is true yet it is easy to put 0 oi ig piper paper but not dot ao 80 tu to practice some borne writers are mi shading nd others write tor for the sake otan or an office As to spray sprayings ings it la Is necessary and beneficial and ana a good effect was wan found here last spring but not from nor by the inspectors that were appointed it was wag the opinion of lot most moat people that these so called inspectors would be around and give some lessons eelon ot of bow when and what to do also to report the effects to the court aud find out we the best beat method and the insects most moat troublesome here there la is but bug one to my knowledge that ever visited any of the or orchards they either left a notice with the children or sent a boy around who did oot not know whether you hau an n orchard or not they never were around to see whet whether tier spraying was lone or not or whether your orchard was waa I 1 fl doted 0 ou a the other hand they were ready tu to draw their salary and also alao want their time extended by the law the county waa divided inu thirteen fruit districts that called for thirteen inspectors and one for salt ijane city market this was waa an peas as 1 to the county of nearly 1000 10 now w the law la Is that the she judge la is to so lame julio a proclamation each year right here I 1 would call the taxpayers attea uon that they atwould petition this court not to appoint any inspectors as aa there Is no need of guem at all but let lei we the proclamation be issued iacued to spray pray and it if notice has haa to be given why not by mail and save the on the other hand if the she county must be t A this expense to benefit the fruit why not take the money and buy a quantity of arsenic or insects eldes cities and bell to the people at cost coat and spot iut would be abut one on ehalt tiala the retail dealers price or of on the other hind band it might bo be the of 91 the court oburt to have some one that bat hat haa oo no axe to but bui a little liitle judgment and some experience to visit the fruit growers and relate some good method ol of bow and w what but to use because spray ing to be practical must be cheap you we are well aware that there was waa a good ghou deal of fraud practiced under the law and some spraying just to cover the law Now there Is about three ten of the fruit growers have been prompt and have given the matter a good trial under the law and lor for that thai cearon I 1 do not like to 10 see aee bard working honest boutet bout et people robbed in daylight now my brother taxpayer it if you art are going to act do it now as the meeker Is on OD hand which you will ate ace if you read ali AB to spraying there are a great many people who have trees to spray and as many different i pinions and aau even the most moat experienced hand at it lode finds some difficulty at times to ebu contend with borne so ao nut not believe in it and never will until their neighbor makes make fifty boone to one hundred per cent where they make nothing I 1 can prove to that bat trees that were sprayed prayed paid haild 4 to 6 5 whereas trees unsprayed sixty leet feet away did not mature one apple this was a test teat made by spraying sixty five trees five times during the season and leaving trees unsprayed now there was one gentleman n that said to me at the time ol of spraying that he would kill every bug in life his orchard it poison and sars ying would do it he bought a small email pump and took a bucket to epry y au orchard of thirty years a full stream washed the limbs ot of the trees and concluded that everything was waa done now in the all he be says that spraying to la worthless that his apples are worse than the y ever were and that it is airaudi anu soon goon it la in not the amount that la Is used need but the proper way and the right way to apply it some time ago love y aou and stay had a column in your paper on the san ban jose scale I 1 with many more would like if they could give a better description of the animal it if they know it should it be as destructive ac reported so BO people could guard against I 1 it t it might be here tut out I 1 am not aware of it it is IB of little use for me to agitate the fruit gro growers as there are plenty ol of paper experience and exterminators traveling through for the benefit of their pucker pocket which the people will find out by and by in the Vis formula and prescription he gives the urice price that mat it may have cost coat him but I 1 know for a certainty that bat blue vitro oost my neighbors 10 cents per pound to make the bordeaux mixture suit anil I 1 myself paid 8 cents centa per pound tor for pound at the Z C M 1 I drug store and 11 mixtures in proportion if mr vissing s prices will bold good till time to use ue it will pay to investigate we matter but we find it not profitable to always alway purchase the cheapest if it to la wisdom for the peo pec 4 pie to economize it should be also good for their representatives to du like likewise wire for should officers be con on it will not be bb very long until the trees will have to be chopped down to pay them their salary in wood wand I 1 am yours WILLIAM |