Show gubernatorial L suggestions averal western state be n tbell sessions this week and in the from their S have bare important recommend zeros doai upon t op ICS 09 to urb those stated are re nebraska idaho aud and WYom wyoming log in the executive suggests legis lefton td io regard to irrigation sad aad a bill tar bow been produced into top legiel dealing wib the tb subject in ID cl cal orado governor mcintire advises the construction of reservoirs reer and an ex am batem system of storage of water for uA gation governor richarda Bl of wyoming enters into an extended discussion of Isi matter matten he briten the state t accept from the government the doaa tion of one million sores acres of wid arid land provided for in the carey low aar and to arrange for the rechama aft and control of the land he advisee the legislators to at once frame a batttle batt tte ahiah will give tto arKy to capital to warrant tits in at a ne be of Ir irrl gat f ing 9 canals while it insures to the set xa af pf V crater berat te rat at reabon awe able rates ropi sandi and ey easy pay manta with a certainty certainly ol of ventrally eventual ventu ally fy owning the water by as an good title as aa he will have to the land commenting further upon this topic he takes up the report of the state engineer relative to the unused land and w wasted acted water in wyoming and may earp that even to one well acquainted with the he states immense possibilities of irrigation and reclamation oft of desert lesert land the showing to Is surprising the fact that there has not been the agricultural of the state during the past two years that its people had reason to expect and the further fact that not jonathan less than per year are sent out of wyoming never to return in payment for farm arm products that should be grown at home taken in connection with this vast wealth of land jana and water lying idle side by side awaiting only the magic touch of labor and capital intelligently combined to be coined into wealth places the agricultural resources before the people as governor richards sag su guesto a eat as of wore more importance than UDY any other interest wl wi bin the state says bays be what we need la Is wore more farmers to got get them we ourselves must take the preliminary steps toward pio providing viding them with homes and the facilities for beaming a livelihood 00 tato provision he be arnen can be made ample through an effective irrigation system and in no other way known to be available upon tola same important subject governor mcconnell Connell Mo of idaho idabo makes some valuable suggestions he sum lum maribes abe difficulties to be met with in his stae points out the importance of immediate action indicates many ol of the benefits to be derived from a good Irris tation system calls at to the necessity 0 or legal regulations for the division di etalon of water and to give relief to settlers who are subject to excessive charges by corporations which own lurge large ditches and maties makes 0 her timely recommendations as follow the plan of providing for the dividing of counties into irrigation districts and allowing each district to 10 regulate its ite owe water rates and if needs be construct its own ditches and reservoirs reser seems to be the most promising that a joint committee be appointed to prepare abill a bill the committee may include those members who have prepared measure sif stif any there are and they should be relieved as nearly as possible from other committee duty until ready to report their work for I 1 repeat that no other oiher legislation to la needed worse one and none can be more important all the suggestion ii made upon this absorbing topic go to emphasize the wisdom of utahn pioneer leaders and add settlers in making agriculture the basis bails of their industrial structure in establishing thOm themselves selves la in this region it la Is the khe branch or of industry which primarily provides people with homes and the means of Ins insuring a livelihood in gazing upon stability and prosperity the leaders of thought lor IV surrounding states are recognizing this fact and now propose to make good use of the knowledge it bri brings ngi ta 6 them the Tho people of this territory directly connected with irrigation and agriculture should be ou ahe alert to farther develop progressive idetta rel relating thereto and when our neighbors have taught caught up to the present example hem should shoal db have ave more of something so ebbing goo in this tine line for them to pattern after the message of each of the governors referred to breathes a spirit of liberality and progressiveness not always so BO generally characteristic of such documents and indicates the existence of a firm purpose for a just stable and prosperous government administration in the great west went in this ibis connection may be named governor mcconnell McCon a recommendation regarding election law he recites the fact that the last legislature of the state amended and greatly modified the objectionable test oath of this provision the governor now isalt I 1 think that the section so amended should have stricken out those clauses which relate to bigamy or plural marriage the law as first enacted was aimed at anat is known as the church of the latter day saints but experience and a better belter acquaintance with the members of that society has demonstrated that they are among our law abiding citizens an analysis of our prison record will prove this to be the moo case the provision is a useless incumbrance to our election law and should be stricken out while there may be some inferior erlof matters matter to criticize in the messages of the governors herein mentioned yet taken altogether if the sentiments expressed are indicative of the gubernatorial policy that will be pursued in those hose four states during 1896 1895 and 1896 tile the inhabitants me root certainly should be greatly bene fitted and improved thereby and should take long jong toward better conditions than even they enjoy at present |