Show WESTERN NEWS ITEMS ben E blob editor of the roxbury idaho suver rammer hammer to IB said eaid to be moving his plant to ta of 81 Ant boty J A huntoon Hunto ou treasurer of lyon count nevada Nv ada committed suicide ou on monday donday I night at his home to ID Dayt by shooting himself the beau he JEI wes weg abort over ot of county but A 0 U J W money jolt lu ilu bla big care is all right he left lettera explaining his bla action the fall run of alj arTi according to the lewiston Liew litun Id idaho abt zeller letter has ba now started fried and the indian no bermen art ar bringing quite a number dumber to market li it je is about six weeks we ka early fur for the oat Snob bomi anowai Jour journey tey and abir feet is looked upon by the indian sus faure raure sigu of au an open winter at tile yellow jacket mine seventy calleb north ot of Co challis allis idalu a forty stamp mill is the ore is IB tr ret and averages 12 ti t the tot too the columbia hill company la 19 alu acing considerable conald erable preparatory work it Is to is thought that the men now there here will be to nearly 1000 next spring pang christopher charles whelan has bas salt euit in a Justic olif court ul of san ban abe madera madem bounty division committee for 55 which be claims la in still owing him lot lor services rolce rendered in his hi capacity a ak it giblet bottle opener and cork collector collect oi oo at the headquarters at A passenger fell off the eastbound east bound train tin tuesday fifty miles milea west 0 giaramia Ija li ramie aramia wo slid and was waa picked up by a planning ald taken to laramie LarM mie Hadle he died ij in a few hours his bia beau bead being terribly cut and one arm turn off lit H never beter recovered a 0 nv no news name was waa toune but a ticket from san ban ta t now new york and louard were ju iu abe clothes AGO to the be prescott ott aridea Arix vs journal carloads of also we re eu between chicago and prea cogg 60 of them being reported at abb fork yesterday ot of cars car 61 50 are new DOW care cara of the 8 P F F r jb V A railway beisig being too n fir farat invoice 0 she now new t equipment quip ment for the road except abe engines en from a conversation with mr W J koullou Bou iro llou to lt i ay too bountiful dipper we w learned learoyd that the norio burih canyon irrigation company is figuring on extending their flume about a mile bilber up the he ei timatea the laud land owners owner aved saved enouf h the d tot year to pay toi loi fall allilee abe lumber and material tu in tot tb flume guar it in made of inch lumber ana buried in abe ground about ab weeks week ago gago says the mount pleasant pyramid james jame connen Conne 01 Bp tarm oll duj e uj ederena nellson Nel laon 01 maroul were on a u saul adultery tery the case was brought ut up before le ano waa ag contiL Aued at as the request of the defendants fend ants auLls attorney ane learing Learl nir bag baa been pi for forty day in n the got meantime a suit for divorce la Is pe tae woman having sued fur a apara hou gloo from her husband hua band captain J A mellon in having bavin two boats built io in sao ban francisco which hf he will take by rail to green river biver wyo in ID april and assisted by five alv river aad will descend the colorado rival to 10 yuma and the gulf captain has bag been running run steamers ate amere ou the river lor for thirty two years yeara w a d pro posts to make this trip of milea in seventeen days daye colonel robert and majur major powell and their parties carlies are the only outs oua who hav made the dangerous trip rip A clever woman thief who em am elzieu in diamonds which al ate ale e hail been aired to an buggle into the ibe united jolted states by now new york importers use been arrested lu in ganta bantu rose rosa cut cai due doe was captured by a mrs M U E darragh r who claims to be a detective a nod I 1 d searcher to the now new custom mee ice ff mrs darragh darrag as says she abe win will kea it t as the reward lor for her set er bete ina prisoner registered at daoa ross hoba as mrs Rui anti and had bad a malt comPa name la is not dot keown wil william I 1 lam hellern minor to io the carle ton ball of the borning korning sar bar properly at leadville colt cole was waa but bui not fatally injured on now new deault jay as ab the be result ot of ao an explosion iia oral drill bohm bol bad beed charged anu fired and heller returned to work he began digging the loose rook rock out another hoie bole went oft off kiis hia bands banda end anu see lace won were terribly lacerated Jaora teu a qua quan olt tit ot oi pulverized ruck rock entered br bin right eye ey gnu anu he be will probably juose the eight erht oi 01 wat that member at a meeting of colorado springs cit zena sens hold held to consider oon cluer the of 01 boring tor for ol oil and g alj a committee of alne t ina was wae appointed to digate the matler maner ij C J at ab indiana oil man mad anti and superintendent auvey of the colorado city on oil comi any were and prevented prenoD ted results ol of us gained while druwing wells now ow flowing iu in colorado city fly the indications are hailu to kit b that a company will be formed in colo dauo Spring il to prospect project the he region south and aad west of colorado Spring il it Is reported says eay the cheyenne sun that nebraska baa ascer tattled lamed wat that irrigation ot of large tracts u land te Is possible by the sinking of bellit and that the expense ot of a well bouble aal table to 0 o irrigate will be about opens up grand possibilities lor for that thai tale state and there exists exita no good why thin plan cannot tie te extended all over too arid aria region and thuu thus become a great benefit to thin ibia tae state LS it has baa been estimate ts that it would cost coat 10 isa ao to io redeem land by tilt alt bee so 0 o the wen well plan Is 1 only 1 a little mure more orangeville Urane Orang Tille eville idaho tree proe abrose mr glatigny informs Info ruiH us ua of liao man in linaker iver mouth af the on december the man hau just juht purchased hla his winters supplies lu ilu Ursu gaville and was waa proceeding of u ane in river to append the winter trapping and pro sperLing ting when ben tb the bunt buat caps capsized izod and the man was waa no trace of the body boa or supplies tupp kup plies liei has baa been found and there adema to be no clue to ta identify the man A gas gaa boult mid id to be b the of the florence oil field was ruck crack on OB wednesday by the united oil em company three miles mile of pier fler elee culo oil men say lc Is te Is not gotai courado colorado arll w lj or like those heretofore obtained here but bat more like an 04 east urn ore gas well llis as tl 9 quantity and pressure abeso areso great gaoat it la 18 claimed this lids well is acing sufficient gas gag to be heal a city the olze bize of pueblo tile the roaring rearing of the gas anen confined to a three rich ope may be heard beard a quarter of a mile from the me well there to a good deal of local interest aroused to la cie proposed proponed of 11 a cheyenne northern t casper la in the says saya the cheyenne Coe yenne sun abe would be ol of great benefit ot 0 this thin ony city an a well an aa to carper caliper As it is tow i ow with the tb region abut ab u caistor must muot be made over two railroads and to lo have albe 0 tion IOD opened direct will be of material bent benefit fit ibis would naturally be 01 ol fol loreu lowed by the rebuilding of the old col rado central centra watch would blen be of great bent beni fit to u this city gunder peterson Pe tereon and joseph johnson came down from valley tuesday ruef rues day says gay the mount pleasant I 1 bringing with mom a sam earn je rufu the uw oual coal discovery recently made near Then ample la in of a brownish brown iab color but la Is apparent y tree free irom from rosin to ia brittle a u d burns burna rea readily dilt the vein on tee surface eurlace from w where bore the sample was waa taken takeo la Is about suree feet feel thick aud and it is ia the ibe opinion of au an expert who has baa examined the property properly that this will to ton tea or lobo et and the quality become ot of the very best beat there now seems to be no doubt but bat that oil irum from the vicinity of casper will make its im appearance on the market mark lu in large quantities in the near door future sayene aada tue cheyenne sun the penn it jl ivanis vanla company bus baa maus maue all the arrangements looking to the building ot of a refinery in Casperi tand the product will be shipped to the beat via hey bay anne and albus find its if way to the great marette mark tta tte from theme oil fluids wyoming in ia bound to receive great benefit abere are now nearly a bundle i A men employ ed ad its in and about casper by too and abe abe bum ber will be as aa time progresses As aa charles boalen scales w waa climbing up op the lonely trail that leace irom from the M agan alue to hot springe spring about orty alies north ot of paoa ax bays the GaUtt ilif he found in the trall me he body ot of one or of his hi oldest oldean friends jake raaph with the corpse carefully watching to drive away we vultures a d do a was abe faithful dog of ir wo dead man we the aulman aim as s smashed irum from anat must have been a vigil of days ralph weis waa lying at as length a small pol of blood at the leaa baj giving reason for thib tb belief that tie lie bad been foully dealt with the temperature upon the hills to Is very uw taw eo the budynas body was not in the least decomposed deom posed A nice lody body l ody ot of ore has been met nirh A I 1 in the shrift a claim located west of the little junny blear aar lead ville col tn roe assay shows li geld and 6 5 ounces unoka silv r the find was made at a depth of leet roe shaft has gone one brough tour four set icet or of ore and no BO bett m in sight aich this loom ldoa ilon don was waa made to 1889 by 1 C a 8 euble mind and a shall sank teet fees and ana chilin 1 abandoned mr mr aeb W hen dairsaw directed liia his attention to the mining industry in nevada ut utah and idaho hearing of the immense discoveries in the gold belt he hastened back to the camp he interested C boyd and sam mcmillan to in the sambo bambo and aed they immediately began work they had baa only put pus the shaft down twenty five feet from the old workings when the ore chute was wae encountered some time ago a prisoner from the folsom cali cal penitentiary was faund to in the possession of f a revolver who the prisoner is or how bow he be came by it be learned as we board of orieon directors are anxious to keep the matter secret so they can trace grace the nan inan who furnished turnis bed the prisoner with the weapon it to is reported that the prisoner to whom the pistol was given is a dangerous man MAD and there le is no doubt but that an attempt to shoot down the guards and escape had been lully fully planned the finding anding of the revolver to is believed to be extremely fortunate there were undoubtedly a number of other prisoners who had knowledge of the abe fact that this ibis man had bad the pistol the whole mattor matter will I 1 it A is said be made public at the next meeting of the board |