Show LIBERTY DAWNING IX IN RUSSIA A pleasing plea aing incident in connection with the young cz carof la Is related by a london paper the story etory goes that the emperor after receiving the net list of officers ficere of lor for promotion which list hat gives the age religion etc of the officers drew his bie pen the column marked religion saying that that was a matter of no concern to him ai 11 this thi to la true the czar has advanced his bie vast empire one great step towards toward religious breedt iree dim m history te acee that political liberty to la the natural and logical consequence of independence in matters mattera ot of religion be cause as aa people realize their responsibility in matters of eternal import they are not dot apt to submit to serfdom to in temporal things the czar therefore has baa commenced admirably by declaring religion separated irom from ft a wholly secular ir aclair if this road Is further pur pursued dued it will ultimately lead the ibe russians to all the liverty they are capable of appreciating it will undoubtedly take a long time before the ignorant masses of rue bus ia aia will understand tand stand the motives motive of their little lather berk and share abare his bla and the ezar czar will probably make for himself numerous nume rou enemies among the bigoted classes that baar nate bate innovations innovation a and look upon ad vance mentse apostasy irom from russian tradition yet reforms reforma from above have advantages rulers ralen to a large degree give the tone to a people are waling w lulng to imitate them and change their opinions to suit auit the wind at court if therefore the czar undertakes undertaken under takee to steer ateer his bla ship ahia et ef state lut of the tog ing of semi barbarism iw in which it has hai been sailing bailing for so 0 o long time he will be able to do so 0 and suo BUO ceded where all others would fall peter the first undoubtedly contemplated to make of his bia beloved ruia a power of first rank in all respects reap ecta hitherto his bin successors have given more attention to militarism than to ther ither i qualifications it if nicholas in a policy calculated to lay a firm foundation for constitutional liberty he be la Is but in harmony with bla bils great ancestor his hia pen stroke through the religious column of the promotion lists may be regarded as a the most amt significant act of a russian ruler rotor since alcoe the edict emancipating the sorts oft the country |