Show AT HOME AND ABROAD BALTIMORE oot oct 22 captain hudgins of the coffee bark dom bom pedro 11 II now in port gives a graphic description of a dynamite explosion that occurred in rio bio a few days prior to september jtb when his hib vessel sailed for baltimore A brazilian soldier discovered near the english cemetery a subterranean magazine in which the insurgents of the recent rebellion had bad concealed a large quantity of gun gee and dynamite shells which they evidently intended using aga against trist the government ern ment merit the soldier reported his bis find and to the general commanding and a rough cart drawn by two mules was sent cent to the scene to remove the contents of the hidden bidden magazine to a place of safety A detachment of sol diera bjers accompanied the cart and a curious crowd of citizens followed it to the little hole bole which bad been dug out to hold the explosives A quantity of the shells had bad been placed in the cart and a pile of others had been passed out close behind it when one of the soldiers in the act of handling the shells dropped it among ahe others the explosion shook the forth earth A sheet of flame fl ame shot abot upward and a cloud of whitish smoke hid bid everything from view the vessels in the harbor rocked at their moorings and the city was thrown into wild ex oU Vit ement over a 8 ton of dynamite had bad exploded plodded from the dropping of a shell the soldiers and mules were blown into fragments frag mento and only pieces were found over sixty persons were re ported killed oct oat 22 the members of the salvation army gathered in union square this evening and after greeting the venerable Gene general raW booth dispersed to assemble in music teal where the event of the day took place an audience of greeted general booth the boxes boxell were filled with fashionable men and women who are interested in the auxiliary league of the army commander booth led in pray erand then hen henry bradford of mount clair JN J read an address of welcome to general booth commander booth then than presented his hie father the gen orsian ral a handsomely framed teotimo nial from the stuff officers general booth arose to make his bin acknowledge ment and a mighty applause a wept swept 4 v r the house the 9 general made a speech in which he briefly told cold the history of the armyo army teby did I 1 undertake this he be asked because in one part of the aaa t I 1 t end of london the population had bad ne never ver been inside of a church I 1 drew the painted women from the streets and drunkards around me and preached preach eJ the gospel goepel of jesus to them before then christianity was a byword of reproach on the lips 56 people have questioned our mode of operations iney decry the noise and the banners but as yet the end has b aa justified the means I 1 we have planted our banners on tee walls walla of st petersburg and in distant disant tant indis india and will push our fight to very every corner of the earth we ably in time will establish an international headquarters in Ambr america tes 11 II commander booth then asked that 1600 should be collected the baskets were passed around but the amount collected was not made public oct 22 princess alix of hesse the betrothed wife of the azare wiz witz arrived here at yesterday accompanied by the grand duchess elizabeth her sister wife of orand duke sergius of russia the journey of princess altz alix through crimea was in the nature of a state progress the princess was met at the russian frontier by grand duchess sergius Ser giue at albetha the bride elect eject was welcomed by the czarowitz and his uncle grand duke bergius Ber giue As the princess ani party drove through yalta the caare witz and intended wife seated side by sidell ade were heartily cheered by the crowds crowd the imperial castle was reached at dusk and princess alix was immediately conducted into the presence of the czar and czarina SAN BAN ANTONIO tex oct 28 23 victor the mexican revolutionary leader was waa captured a few days ago at fort stockton he was taken out ol of jail last night by fifteen masked men it 1 supposed behas he has been taken into mexico where he will be shot he could not be extradited as ae he was an american citizen PANAMA oct 28 23 advices advises from lima peru state that a vandal act has baa been perpetrated on the arequipa observatory brigands brigande Bri gands are reported to have stolen all allot of the valuable inspru menta meats and destroyed dee troyed the buildings the observatory was established by harvard university and wpm one ot of the ibe finest equipped in the world BAN DIEGO dieglio cal caja oct 23 this city and neighboring towns were visited this afternoon by a series of earthquakes of more than ordinary severity the first shock occurred at As pm and was followed at intervals of a quarter of a minute by two others the I 1 last one being one of the strongest experienced perien ced hereabouts since the coming of americans people in brick houses swarmed tutu into the streets hearl hearing a g the startling grind of brick and mortar and seeing in some cases the walls crack A heavy sound was heard beard in all parts of the city immediately preceding the quake LITTLE rom BOOK ark oct 23 Last nights night Is program in the great carnival of crime which li now holding the boards in the ludian indian territory consisted aisted of the wholesale robbery ol of several small towns io in genuine desperado style by bill cook supported by a strong and desperate company of eight or ten followers four men rode into toe town of watova early in the even ing making their approach known by a promiscuous discharge of firearms the bati bandits alts terrorized the inhabitants and mst m at of anem sought bought safety in their houses behind barricaded barricades barrica ded doors the rho outlaws visited every store lo ID the village and ran the merchants away with winchesters Win chesters and revolvers they took from the stores all the money they could find and whatever else they wanted the the watova floe was robbed of about 60 in cash and about 55 in stamps ST oot 24 the imperial decree was published today declaring grand duke michael the third son aon ot of be abe czar heir beir to the throne in succession to his bis brother grand duke nicholas the czarowitz and present presen t heir apparent grand duke george the second son has renounced his bits rights to Fic accession cession as his bis condition is considered hopeless the following official bulletin was issued at 10 this morning the czar slept a few hours boura last night this morning he is net drowsy and has some appetite ABERDEEN ABERDEAN scotland oct 24 A dispatch from peterhead Pete a seaport twenty five miles from berdeann be he reann ounces that the swedish schooner alene loaded with gunpowder has been blown up within two minutes after the explosion nothing was seen on the surface of the water but splinters from the schooner hooner eo all of the crew pe per r imbed southampton oct 24 between 1030 bud and 3 yesterday the american line steamer parts paris which arrived here tonight from new york ran down and probably sank bank an unknown ship the weather was very thick at the time and a heavy rain was failing As soon as the collision occurred the paris was put about and a search made for the ship after a time lime a capsized wreck was reported on oft the starboard side but sight eight of it was lost jost before a lifeboat could be lowered nothing further was seen although the paris pans lay off searching until day light the steamer sustained no damage beyond having a portion of her rail bent and two wire stays broken SAN BAN cal oct 25 the bones bonea of sino another prospector has baa been found on we the desert sands I 1 it t in ie not improbable that the remains are those ot of a man who lost loat his bia life while ff for the long lost bonanza the mine M J and T T blair of this city has haa just returned from a summers erPs prospecting trip on the desert and they report the discovery while out on the desert about sixteen miles east of canyon springe spring they came upon the scattered bones of a man bleached white and scattered over a space of yards yarda equale lying here and there on the sand were the he pieces of the dead mans wearing apparel to one of the lapels of his cost coat was pinned a curiously wrought knights templar badge it is thought the bones are tho those of a man en ehmiller miller who disappeared appealed dis about three years ago and of whom nothing has since been beard in may 1898 started from cottonwood springs springe to walters a station twenty five live miles distant at the mouth of cottonwood canyon instead of going south turned east and a few days later he was tracked about twelve miles out on the debert casert where the trail was lost and he was never a seen een agat again in tacoma I 1 wash oct 25 the northern pacific has completed arrangements range ments with the tacoma land company for the latter to build a 2 bushel wheat warehouse by feet two stories high to be completed at the commencement of next seasons grain shipping ping business the warehouse will be located on we water front below the railroad general office building and will increase the storage capacity of local elevators to bushels the northern garfio la is now unloading all grain an ai fast as it arrive but this necessitates night work and the bigi warehouse is to be provided to relieve the present pressure and provide for the increasing business YOKOHAMA oct oat 25 thres three thousand houses have been destroyed by a succession of violent earthquake shocks to As far as known lives have been lost and a large number of people injured VANCOUVER B C oct 25 among the advices advises by the empress of japan to is the news of the arrest at hiroshima of a female spy who gives her name as an atala she has been using her wiles with effect among the japanese officers and had several of them at her beck and call with the result that she was piling up a magnificent load ol of information tor for the wily old lt LI hung change chang one of whose extensive household hold it appears she was she is IN beautiful and accomplished in seductive arts and as she speaks peaks japanese fluently was admirably fitted lor for the work to which she was assigned her accent betrays her chinese birth the of officers ficera who had been paying for her smiles with military secrets secreto will pay the penalty of their rashness mex oct 26 25 while jose marle marie herrara was herding a flock of sheep on the ranch of jullo jallo flore fiore forty miles west ot of here ho he discovered a cave which he be partly explored he found stored in the cave a box filled with gold coins and ornaments valued at it is supposed the treasure is in a part of the ill gotten gains of brigand benito marez who operated in that section about thirty yours years ago and was killed on one of his hia expeditions ten percent per cent of the amount discovered must be turned over to the state government OMAHA neb oct 25 A special to the be bee from hyannis neb says say this weak has been a direful one in a large portion of the he saud hills devastating va stating fires swept through the western part of cherry and grant countless counties burning on the north side ol of the burlington missouri railroad rail rond track to witult about four mil miles so 0 ot I 1 hy noia unis lashed on by a furious wind the fires traveled at a a pace that carried consternation as well addes as destruction truc tion the fire north of the railroad was act the first of the week by a man and his pipe about ten miles northwest of alliance the man was drunk and in filling and lighting his pipe threw the be burning match on the ground it ignited use the grass in an instant a fire started which fanned by the northwest wind at once set out on its mission of destruction specific re orts of damage done on the ranches of some of the ers are not in yet the losses in hay bay so far known are bartlett Ri richard charig 1500 tono M A graver goo tons pat moore tone ton west went loo tons ton M woodruff tone stanby Bro brothers theres 1000 tons JH miner 1000 tons mason mallon brother 1200 tons and ana barns it is in reported two men were burned at dullea one IN ia dead and the other to is lying in in a critical condition and will die YOKOHAMA oct later dispatches from yalu balu river show that in the battle fought yesterday between the chinese and japanese chinese troops of all arms were utterly routed washington D C oct oat 26 the now new treatment by inoculation for diphtheria and croup as practiced in prance france is ie the subject of a special report to the state stale department by U B S C W chancellor at havre he says say that by this method of treatment only one out of four patients succumb whereas the figure is ie double for other methods of treatment heretofore appl applied Jed consequently the consul who is a baltimore physician of repute says gay that it would seem very desirable that the serums should be introduced and come I 1 into a to general use at the earliest period practicable in the united states oct 26 mrs MM agnes L dAr WAre camble amble founder of the home of ind industry astry in detroit and one of the foremost charity workers in the state has baa provoked provo keu kea a sensation by her address in the state charities convention she demanded that legislation be enacted to prevent large families where the people are indigent and unhappy she argued that people had no right to bring children into the world when they not support and educate them or be sure eure they would be physically strong the convention agreed with mrs s views but took no further action washington oct 26 the indian mee effice has received a report from B E C vincent in charge of the irrigation work on the navajo reservation now new mexico refuting the be statement of plummer Pj ummer acting indian agent that money has been squandered on irrigation works vincents Vincent Po detailed report accompanied by photographs shows the work has baa made good progress of placed to vincents credit last march but bas baa been used lieutenant plummet plummer has bai officially notified the indian office that he be has never seen the work CALCUTTA oot oct 26 news new has baa been received in simla dated october 20 from baboul that the ameer of afghanistan was attending to business BB an usual baua MALVERN la Is oct 26 the farm era arsand and mechanics mechanical bank was visited by burglars this morning and it is supposed 2000 was stolen nitroglycerine was wan used in opening the vault the building was practically blown to pieces and money and other contents were sent into the street the thieves left money scattered over the floor in their haste baste to got get away neb oct 26 Prairie fires sweeping sW over the sand hills in this vicinity are doing immense damage the flames are traveling travel log with almont lightning rapidity and oon consuming everything in their track last night the fire was driven by the wind through the central portion of sheridan and cherry counties in the were the big fiburn and ranches and a number of smaller ones one this morning not a vestige of these ranches exists except the bare and scorched ground OMAHA oct 26 the fact was made public this afternoon that the safety del deposit vault section of the omaha national bank has baa been robbed and in so dexterous a manner that no clue to the manner in which the work was done la Is obtainable large sums auma of money have been taken from boxes in the and the exact amount of losses cannot be known until all have been examined the discovery diao overy was waa made more than two weeks ago and every precaution has baa been taken by the bank officials olala to ke keep p the matter a close secret th the principal loser to Is william glad lob mr gladish has been the lessee of a box in the vaults of the omaha national for a number of |