Show A GOOD WORK A correspondent writes write A scene was witnessed a few nights ago by one of the observing workers among the young men of this county in the beautiful little town of draper that he deems worthy of mention in the the are a great many boys there so a la in many utah towns ranging in age from 12 to 18 years who began forming habits babits of spending their eve evening in loafing around stores saloons slid aad other public places which leads to evil haiblum such as smoking drinking using profane and obscene language etc mr stewart Bt ewart principal of the draper schools believing that boys are not bad only as they are led astray by the libe example of others and the best way to te prevent their forming bad habits is to interest them in educational pursuit and through their interest in study keep them home at nights and place restraints upon them that the forming of any of the habits babits mentioned to is a moral disgrace to them and debare them from benefits of the studies pur sued set about to devise a scheme which would do away with the evils referred to to accomplish this result he has baa organized a society of fifty of these boys they meet twice a wee kand kanel iz addition to listening to a carefully pro pared lecture on subjects of mool interest to them they dlecamp incidents incident in the lives of great men topics on politics re to parents and all other persons DOr sons the teacher makes their ex e relies so interesting that they deem it an honor and special privilege to be kocg to the society go bo m much aoh is this the cafe cae that the teacher has no ao difficulty in getting the boys to conform to what is required to retain membership some of the require are no member must smoke use profane language or drink intoxicating liquor ef f any member violates any of these rules he is properly tried by the society and if found guilty suspended the time depending on the offense committed rolt ted the result to la draper lathat is that the great amount of good being doner done can hardly be estimated |