Show i 4 14w4a44 p TEE SALT LAKE TRMLICE Monday November 'Oilmen Speak Reservedly On Fuel Tax Hike' Plans 27 1150 " I TIT1! - said he would withhold comment pending study of the recommendations of the legislative council's subcommittee on highWays In approving the popewql 'increases those mendations were accepted recomi The COUnCil also will recommernti Oil Refining i Co Ms Christmas Piano i '' '' CONVENIENT TERMS 30 MONTHS TO PAY " Itn 01 Att INILIAMSTIF 0) arin as I I 4 w i ' i' : '' ' ‘v : ' k ": :: ! ' ' '''' ' - T'it04'" 'i t -- -- - - ' 4 ? - ' '' -- i - ''' '"' i) ''''''''' k - — - ' ) ' ' '' '' -- mA0it fil '' '' ' - - 1 '' - '' t r -- ' ''' - 1 4 verdict :r:)y!' - Four Hub Caps Stolen ' A 1 ' 4 i ts - :4 ' ''' 41' iii it - t 4 ''''-"- ”' eiv t '''''' W N N 4 ' ! iiNt 741 Nr ' ''''' t - I i 't 11 f 4? 11 i : 11i toasted ' i ef-- : ':?"':'H" East of Mr and Mrs Bernie Fattentine Ilarnitton school third grade students made corn bread during their atudy of Indian custom& 824-3t- h 1 Ryal --- t partially -- '' ' - THE ' 1:' T'XBrr'----- 41t ' If rig ' red The president for our school Red Cross i3 Wayne Chamberlain and the secretary is Gary Walton Honey Jez is completely ir ' 1 r :i : i 1': ' ' - - '' ': c it' :': i ‘ II ti g I-- 1 ' '' !t1 ' ' ' ' l ''' 1 I 1 A I r 7r4 4 ' ':''- ' ' ' 0 t'i' : ' ::' :JCA''''' ' 1 : ' 1 dy": - ' ' '' '' ) 1 ' ' ' - - '''''' 1 1 t 1 — — 4 '' e '" ' :3' ' ' ' 'it 1 i ‘44 '''t 4 '4( V ' - - ''14:':' 't '3 r7791 '1 1 4 ' KL114:i — ll 1 There's still a shortage of Maytag wisher& Women everywhere know that nothing lasts so long washes sottlean yet so gently tut a lio:' GARFIELD Fine Table Manners Boasted by Pupils Atm: Irene ri ' Maytag '''c:11 Stoof Associate Editor Kethleen Bryon How are your table manners? Ours are fine we In the sixth grade we are talking about table manners Our teacher Mrs Margaret Anderson has brought plates and cups to school and we practice We have a hostess a guest and a server They eat their make believe dinner If one of them makes a mistake a student raises her hand and has the opportunity to take the place at the table The class is trying hard to be polite Kathleen Bryson CARLOADS OF MAYTAGS -sf- ON ARE 1 r-67"' THE WAY Txobig factories are working full blast turns a'tv ing out automatic and conventional models PRIORITY Here's wily the AUTOMATIC MAYTAG ORDERS ACCEPTED See your dealeenow and place your order for priority delivery hst tuyes is your r Gots Clothes Ctsanest Only Maytag has Oyrafoam wash trig action — proved best In nul lions of homes V 1 r ilt 1-: i - i J 'L'-c"----- I spin-dri- Is al"' I Put It Anywhoro ' m -"''"I 1 ' t- - r Veeds no bolting down $28995 Only t i 1 'Wttai1111 - - 'MAYTAG I - - Is t THE MAYTAG CHIEFTAIN Finest Maytag ever! WW1 PRO 0 " 0 1011 Ittli ' THE MAYTAG MASTER DEM ' - - 2 WIT" 50 0IPOSI 'Ir-lr111- ' ! A I I:t -- Completely Automatic 'Washes rinses - 3gione So Easy to Lis Just set two simple controls Huge square aluminum tub bu extra large racily keeps water hot longer! Cyratoam washing action Only $11911 Nowa genuine Mae Remover Sediment roomy tub $ tag conventional ion er for only' $1149S Exclusive Roller Witte Trap -- 4'4o1"gfr C C ANDERSON'S BOWERS OF OGDEN HOME FURNISHINGS litah's 638 South State St I n ' t i Agent Schedules farm 3lectinas e Cros Drise for Fonds 1 03LE ra( Stor-- -- Suit Leh City rheas BRADYMILNE APPLIANCE Co 4791 S State St Murray and Midvale Junction I I 6ttisillOireao OVTP - Atalo—kworas ' ''!i i ret--Vi'- 4 ' X i i 2t :)' 1 i 1141 7 QUEEN OF HATTER '' I — or'4 at luta etete4 NORMAN SIMS I - huloor Prol IrOkstre i ""'"' i diced onions 7aelt 20te g- -' - "'" be likes best stiw 134 Sooth '' ' Utah-Idah- 4 I g1 :::1 4 ''''mmn'''''' of Mbt together bread crumbs cooed Table Queen t that will redeem th - 1 1 The sixth grade pupils take speChildren Visit cial interest in Babylon Mrs Marjorie Partridge our teacher has Sugar Company taught us about tpe cuniform writEditor Robyn lktc Kendrick ing and about the brightly colored houses in Babylon: Associate Editor: Carol Snedaker Alsoin our science class we are The seventh grade pupils visited in committees Some are o the Sugar Co re- working how water is formed on studying at The at Jordan chemists finery the earth volcanoes fifth and many the plant explained the process other interesting thing& of making sugar to the students Irene Stout and then took them through 'the DILI ORTII refinery in small groups Boys and girls follmved the beets from the stockpiles in the yard to the Balloon Ball Slicers and diffusion batteries to vacuum pan es Dif ficult centrifugal machines to granulators and to the IAVonne Editor: Garff packing room It was one of the most interesting- community ex- Agmoclute Editor: David Livey periences the students ciave had The sixth and seventh grades of Robyn McKenchick Our school have been playing a new The fIrst grade boy's and girls indoor game called balloon ball have some turtles Mrs R We choose aides and put a string Hawkes brought them to school 'between the two sides Then we Both of the turtles are hiber- hit the balloon over the string It it is very diffinating for the winter The chil- sounds simplebut dren have had different animals cult when you be gi playing it !We have a lierverwn lilt the bal- -i in their room this NIL an 'on ly bit Jean Marietta 'Toon' color the Ithe balloon once We h ve enjoyed The ninth grade girls put on a this game very much nd always !musical act based on a ItilOT it is our first choice in indoor theme with singing and dancing games LaVonne Garff !Dale 'Calster music instc- tor directed the play The seventh grade pupils presented a program for Thanksgiving They wrote four scenes dealing with city and country life with all the fun and excitement A series of community meetings: of the holiday of farm men women anti young- Jo Anne Leaver sters will be held in December and FIV4TER !January to determine loyal prob Ilems And interests prior to setting Red Lake county extension Boosters up a F -1 seasoning poultry 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon minced celer i cu P sli ghtly melted butter to moisten turkey lightly 12 cup water hot on of Add en ough and crop regi Pack body dressing "t1C'th NV i th ' : 1 - N ' i 1 4 i 71t 1 2 $ :''' '''' t ' RECIPE if yoU prefer - I it It v Editor: -- - cupfinely -- i4 1 lt ) II ' :::-::- Pi 1: Hamilton Pupils Make Corn Bread DRNSING 6 cups il I s:4ky ' t 1 ::: SCHOOL NEWS AND NEWS TUKEY EASY el :' 1 - ' I i 1 Afton Wardle daughter of Mr and Mrs Jame D ardie 618 Park at la sharing the last of batch of corn bread aith Robert Fallentine on Fordeliciôlls - t t:':''':::1!U - Plant IURKEY I -:-'' : I To Theft of four hub caps from his automobile was reported to police Sunday by Lynn S Richards 1403 E South Temple ' ' t-- him-Giv- IS Irs leerpetivi 1 Relax Choose a glt you know will please e him a gay miniature Stetson fiat box with the little red hat inside plus I handy gift certificate 1- We Tl'Ut U chnse it Let Elm 7"Rr!WINOtIY:'frff-rr''5r"TrIt"‘r"''"5-''""Tt"!'"1"- - DRESSING to btsthdal 11' k tau toms I ' ly I tt - 1 :1' ' (J lin" i7"-!------ - skt Ilk k Wast '1 '41 -- 44 I I -- ' 't - marten at 30c 1 1 I - N r4 t 1 t -- - ' '' as" no els features i s All'' children's "ulegtir i - ' ' Oa t ( lo leatity ad 4 can dine leo as liwo aa S3I k y I1 '- - t! t1 "' i 1:: I I r herr V? ' 4 licT1 5 ' ' ' 1 iHickory ' I GI --- !- ''' j i 4 'i ' ' h ' The supreme court also refu sed Homes a rehearing It remitted I I1 'both the Lack and Harries cases to J the district court for disposit ion Judge Ray Van Cott Jr who - :::: '' 1i received the jury verdict In the ! Illarries case will hear the matter : I I ! 1 Mrs !nett Comes 28 132 W South Temple accused of assault with a deadly weapon in the shooting of another woman Oct 30 is to go on trial at 10 am Dickinson was charged after Salt rake police investigated the shooting of Mrs Emily La lee Jackson Dickinson 26 in the cabin that housed the family at Heath's tourist camp 995 S State Sept 25 Mrs Comes is charged in connection with the wounding of Mrs Rut'? Dates 39 ave 122-7t- ! I '''' retails Payne dren in the second grade are learnAssociate Editor: Sharon Lee Borg ing that the fabrics come from 417 So Main Salt Loki' City One of the third grade classes plants and animals and the 143 No University Provo of Hamilton school has made some dren are studying about the procorn bread under the direction of ple who work in this industry Mrs Lovinia Harmsen and student Posters and charts have been 1 teacher Mim Jean Duncan The made to show - where the cloth I it I IL71-t-1' made the corn bread in comes from and what the plants I tilirfi t--' children connection withlrheir study of In- !and animals are like Some of the Some of the children children have made pictures to dians fl t4 0 II " is recipes After mixing it show what happens to the material brought " n " t Tlev i had it baked at a nearby from the they II plant or animals to the s bakery The children enjoyed this stores Studying about the new experience They have also ferent fabrics is enjoyed very Made tepees India hogans and much by the second dickory) dock— graders houses like the cliff dwelling InMary Nancy Conrod the place to shop dians built In Miss 'Alen Crows room Patric Payne For gifts that please we have learned how to write a Sharon Lee Borg letter When you write a letter You park with ease DOUGLAS7 4ou must use good English You Until it's nine o'clock! !must have the heading and saluTill Christmas mot le Open Evening Second Grade Studies tation You must have the body of the letter and complimentary close Don't forget to put your About Clothing " '" 4 signature There are many kinds 4 I I r t ' of letters There are business let Editor: Carieen Dyer '' 0 ilt' f ' È p-- I14 ' 1't '1s '' f i'7' ef ''' ters friendly letters and invitari k' 14 :frk:cV:A Conrod Associate Editor: if7444 Mary k tions 1 we know where Do the get you '40fiii 44111alatalL114t t V'' all et11 Jerry Reisbeck material tor our clothes? The chit STEW ART e illitp ' :W 1' 1 4 fr i INEXPENSIVE i ! i d Incredible Endurance 1 0- - Ai embezzlement and sentenced to a term of one to 10 years He was! : !committed Saturday after the state supreme court refused him II a rehearing on his appeal of the 211 k -- foe geic7p:asstorcoloitviactleirrof pal-clill- :4i t i trial Freeman Smith Dickinson 32- year-olcarpenter accused of the willful murder of his wife is due to enter a plea at 9:30 am before Judge Albert H Ellett Beautiful Deign - 1 go on Magnificent Tone - o'-- I a bribe from Cyrus V Lack I ' ' Two suspects accused of felonies involving violence are scheduled to appear Monday in Third district court--onto plead the other to STEINWAY :' — i i - 7 YOUR' ! 1 ! f I-7- i 1 I Felony Cases Slated Todav s a I 1 - litE HAVE court Friday at la am to itrict whether he must began serv- - DrwER Ing a prison term for bribery Harries was sentenced to a term :READY of not to exceed five years after :at jury convicted him of receiving AND IT'S i 4 - !I Increased plate ff'eS for trucks funds received from the three sources—truck license gasoline and Diesel taxes—would permit the state to inaugurate a $15000- pro g r a m highway which would provide more than twice the amount now beinK spent For 5 - )ore I Robert S Harries former head of the state liquor enforcement division will appear In Third dis- - — I aght persons who have fu:filled theurequmements that lead to natttiralization wIll arpeal Judge Flay Van Cott Jr Monday in Third &strict court to become citizens of the united States ' : - 8 Face Naturalization Harries Hears Fate ir1(av In Bribe Case - - - t i Utah gasoline and oil company tionat expenditures are needed" l executives genmily hail lie said the board of directors oniy little cautious comment Sunday would discuss the matter later this on announcement by the Utah leg- week talative council that it would Lawrence L Summerhays Paid t recommend to the imoming ' lature a 2c gal increase in gaso- that in the past members had felt the tax was acceptable it all money! line and Diesel fuel taxes collected went for roads t Leland Kammerman president it went into the general fund i Utah Association of Petroleum if members were against the pro- t Retailers said the group he heads i sal f po bad discussed the matter several k counsel-- -Beverly- S Clendeinin times and had been of the opinion t that though we hate to SPQ the for the Utah petroleum industries extra tax 'go on but when we committee said a meefing to dis-- 1 cuss is to matter the expected look at the roads we think addi- be held soon E S Holt president of Utah t I 15 - ) Ellij ch'Psrati t ife o e- I 1 - 3 - : !Editor: Joann eMurdk itssoetate Editor: Karen Derriek At the Webster we Rre having a fled Cross drive The seventh grafters in room IS made selme thermometers to show how mirk efte) VVIITI pveg IthomF—orf— on th'e blitletn board in the hall They are ntarkrti for as many rfo- 7:i 440 i prcgrarn for 19SL Joseph F Forrish county agricultural agent' tindiy Topics to be (focussed at the HOME FURNISHINGS 2607 South State South Solt poultry gardening and home living 45 West lit 1791 South State St Ph 74962 Solt Isk City HOMER HANSEN COMPANY South 426 South State "The I riondly Store" Phone Snit Lake City APPLIANCE COMPANY INC MERRILL 967 tel Lek Origioot Phone City 77070 MAYTAG Shop ROYCE HEATING & APPLIANCE 1399 South Main 21st South Lost Solt lake City FINLEY SALES & SERVICE MAGNA Ph Marie 2211 t LARSEN'S APPLIANCE Co 311 Wogs It-- Biwa- - give Poi Ids) Phone 7246 Ogden SWARD'S APPLIANCE & COAL COMPANY 1117 East 27th South $It Loki Piton UTAH City noise I UNION' Appointment Phone S4051 Lotto HAMA! FURNITURE CO conferences will include club work crops ooil and irrigation dcry cattle DODGE APPLIANCE CO MARK BROWN of F e I t n T time the chltdren bring in thfr of the new ranch Inspection noncy the red era on lp ore c411 kt ion department National m tti1 k W tsr r tLri fAmerca Irwin Las pait U a t a e r m u a t e r i ad slanoirLed 6r41day gr-i- e)r FURNITURE COMPANY BOLINTIFUL Bolostiful ph and is MONEY AHEAD LAYTON- MAYTAG Layton 640 - APPLIANCE Co East 1st North PROVO UTAH lohene 237$ 1 : I i i 1 V I 02' C :! A A: btlf NIOr |