Show c -- -- rm0446arrmalorriirkiri44 prarartr i r'TWI8e-rrrw--rr-rwrz-s-r--- ' w r tiriro ' ' re - n - '' t ' ! 1 - '' M ' - i - 7 - : i t Air Support Saves Day In Korean Situation i t ' I i i ( t ( 1 i ! t i ' I "4 p333 amnia ! N 1 i i '' - i'' 1 '4 1 i t i -- 3: j - i t 4 4 i 1 t 1 t t I F I f ' 1 Nov 26—United Nations fighter bombers took turns peeling off lazily at 4000 ft end dropping like seagulls on Communist targets on hill crests end in rocky gorges they zoomed up again the anund of their strafin g bursts the swish and roar of their rockets and the crunip of their bombs back to reassure forward 'United Nations troops The American ground forces commander was grateful "With- out this absolute air supremacy" mild this war could last an- - 1 f 1 : ! 1 I t- t I f II5 F711 : I 1 1 - : f I 1 1) i ! I L f t - COnCealed t --- - 1 i' :1Z '47itace'--' i 4 !Wee -- - -- - - - ie - r it 1 - r 5-DA- '' ' -)1 0 1 ' --- vA- for I 0 A t icAI A - - 1 - 3995 to 699$ Reg ' 1 ' N ' km' '1" 1 I ' : ill! A i ': ‘ it' : I se t 'It ' s ' kl: 75 off 4) - l re4- t- 'kj:k to : '' J ':i V ' :: Zip-I- n Lining 1 Peg 4000 Values U'A4 Er- - - 26 Coals—Third Floor CAMERA MO $8975 Exciting New IASY IFIRmS DRESSES Wools crepes follies vilvets assorted one and two piece styles in a variety of colors 12-2- 0 1103-241- 2 Dresses—Third Floor Sure Orer 50 'I 695 111Tel floor 2 ReVgalu99s3 ''' ' — y2 price for i - a ! 1 - i t !e 4 14 14 LI k 0 i - ' -- 1 L ' i 6 50 Sore More Than t 1 GLOVES 100 i 395 RAYON JERSEY SLIPS 32 only pink Reg 293 n colors to 398 Jacqueline Reg 1695 Marquis Peacock and Martinique Reg to WOOL GLOVE SRECIALI All 100 worsted Broken sizes styles and colors Special CRAWFORD SLIP COVERS I' 1 i LaVeMledV1 tral: 50" nylon Sofa Bed Reg 100 Davenports of! 19-9- — 8 CHAIR BACKS colors beautiful and practical gift In colors of crystal ruby and sapphire 100 — 100 Quilted SAVE it 50 500 Values Reg to 299 895 399 11aturboos—Sfreet floor a — ''''' assorted Chrome Reg 100-6- — TEEN-AG- i '' 6' i' ) t--no '' k'j 1 c:iot '' - é i 14 4 - ''' ' :'''!i' '" g' " if ty il - - ) ) A'' - 1- '- - ° ac h 1 II ' n'''''r 4 ' UT PRICE Sub-Tee- & n ) i ' In assortmnt TY D7ESSES Reg 398 and 898 y 62 checks All-wo- ol with attractive detailing 8-- price and plaids pocket an 7-1- 3 Floor Teen-Age—Fou- 1AWMOMONIblISMIIMNI SAVE 5011 Values to a sss of - lesItolors andsinm" k f S Teen-Ag- e zbatIOUbNNS Crepes and nylon wide - Floor th BLOUSE SALE! f 94 1" 300 Sportswfar--Stre- et I 1 - Teen-Age—Four- 1199 1 price Large assortment of solid colors and bright plaids In wool and men's wear I 04 44 ) rI p 0 598 and a variety of colors Regularly 198 and 298 12 price bong 7c y2 Regularly KNIT BLOUSIS AND TEE in assorted broken sizes E SHIRTS ' 17 SKIRTS 4 pc water Broken sizes e SALE: TEENAGE HELMETS — Sheepskin lined in sizes small medium and large Reg 298 198 A fitt i ''''''' HANGERS IIILF PRICE Guaran- LEATHER 19c up to 10 blouses Mii0VRIdi — Reg 1693 69c Special BLOUSE Notions—Second Floor I 77 two-ton- repellent THREAD- NEEDLE handy plastic box Inkluding thread and 100 thimble Reg 198 23l'A SALE! BOYS' SNOW SUITS 149 ER — In Clearance! Boys' sizes Brown broken belts sport and Reg fancy 10050c plain Variety of col 80 Inches wide on with valance 90 inches long Reg AUTOMATIC LEATHER BELTS — 1199 1132 8 Reg- - PLASTIC DRAPES TISSUE — these gift bags Many styles Reg 17-9- BOXES— Complete with thread and scissors Reg 293 21 9 249 I2 price SEWING tiELDING Boys' broadcloth pajamas middy style Assorted stripes broken sixes 732' 999 1498 Studio Couch Reg Reg saquin and 1800 — Odds embroidory trim In braid 649 — SALL rOlIONS and ends 279 Special 298 Reg rititt LAU AND Six Full long wearing SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL ATOMIZERSa clever HANDBAG SALE! 300 and sapphire — 198 Reg Au vet print preshrunk cretonnes Pussy willow pattern with backgrounds of groy win omen ton nod plain colorlVoi orgy end wino Assorted colors in 1000 single sheet rolls Special 8 rolls 100 Gloves—Street Floor I COMB AND BRUSH SETS—All Reg 29c teed washable Rust brown gold maroon Broken sizes REDUCED! 1098 12 price GIFT 47c 23c SWEAT SHIRTS — Bright two-ton- e colors in medium and large SECOND FLOOR Reg pastel Boys' RAYON Chairs price Glits—lieztanine I wool 70 rayon rayon beige blue Reg 398 598 —12 price Mitt's Dept—Street Fir —Choose front a large assortment of styles and shapes 398 Rey WILE Size 8 CALF BAGS — In black brown red and green Various styles to choose from Values to - COMPACTS It2 LAMP SHADES—BeautIn as- - Cannon hand skin lined mouton collar only Reg 1298 Reg DRASTICALLY CUP & SAUCER parchment shades sorted colors iful Sheep deep pleated zipper fly front continuous waistband All popular colors Altorations snare - 2 Etrin r 1 200 TABLE BOYS' MOLESKIN JACKET Pull cut 100 gift 198 Reg Reg 288 BOYS' GABARDINE SLACKS 1345 Specially Priced Limited quancolors Regand styles tity many ular 100 values 12 price FLOWERS — DRY FLORENTINE RACKS — 'F0111111 FLOOR MEN'S SLACKS — — thread snow whit EXTRA SPECIAL! all wool gabardine 100 369 Reg WEAR SHEETS 108 132 l'$ 1290 CLOSEOUT! LADIES' WALLETS — STURDY 690 990 995 Reg Item 288 size with floral pattern In shades Reg 69c Taken from regular stock Corduroy Velvet and Clever styles As12 price HANDBAG 59x59 199 CLEARANCES Includ- iece Dicorative — Wash Cloths 8 ce ing 8 glasses and coasters Poinsettia an d strawberry patterns Reg 275 1A9 Odds and ands 369 Reg ZIPPER BOOTEES — Leather soles furry cuffs Red or SHOE 1800 — — ALL LINEN DAMASK CLOTHS— CHILDREN'S all 100 50x66 Laced — y2 r 195 Reg and cot ion in white and soft pastel shades of peach gold and green 50x50 — Reg 269 TURKISH TOWELS 4-- Durable practical °s- 59c yd Children's boot type slipper with gun key chain and holster Sizes 5 to 12 199 blue Sizes PLASTIC BREAD CONTAINER 37c yd 183 SLIPPERS CASSIDY GIFT ITEMS DAMASK CLOTHS—Rayon Non-Ficti- HOPALONG I and Regular- 79c yd Rag - I COLORFUL — Floor HALF PRICE SALE! DIMITY PRINTS — Small patterns with white background Regular Iy 79c yd 59cyd BORDER PRINTS adhO Shop--5- 1h Cotton HOSTESS 299 MAMMIES a variety of styles and All closeout priced Reg — 00 s)29 12-- 42 hi osoorted colors t 33 Inches wide — : As- lippor i Odds 1? a In sleeve styles and floral sorted pail:1ns colors Sizes121to dirs 1 Floor : :10prk:eoyo:f sorted colors of brown yellow pink blue white and maroon Reg 149 yd 119 Yd and buckled Long wearing sturdy sizes with Cat's Paws soles 10 to 36-4- JERSEY wool In & YOUTH'S COMBAT BOOTS and Cardigan styles in colors of grey blue green navy red and pink 0 Sizes Values to 798185 SWEATERS—Slip-o- 59c 1 BALCONY 11100 WOOL — 29c 39c 59c 29c up Discard's 5 for 100 Library 129 Prs CORDUROY 100 EARRINGS PEARLS Books Small size — for 4 259 TOILET Beautiful costume gloves! Many styles Sizes '1 t' from ends of prints and plain ly 49c yd Regular- - Many styles Fiction firon R3ggób—u—tton — : t --- 1t monsuutgohdtuir- CLOTH ClUADRICIUA 1 DrIESSES a P0mesties--4n- d 1 Juvenile 100 198 I 1' 9 1 PERCALE I lacy patterns i 7Inly i 7 scents 2 for irregu GOWNS—Slightly Assorted — Children's Classics by Roger and Ga Contains toilet water soap and sachet Reg 150 value 148 regularlitieesl ti BOOK CLEARANCE! GIFT SETS Regularly to 398 I 1 I Large group beautiful styles regularly to priced to clear 198 2 for 100 100 Special2 129 value VELVET i I - a i Choos i 100 CLOSEOUT! short-sleeve- 350 BATH 100 ly SPECIAL! in ruby crystal Reg 200 Values Made biyh faros I only ors w I Firs eet Dept--Str- sortment Men's cotton d and Sport Assorted sizes and colors CLOSEOUT 300 Sore Up to 50 I 1 CLOSEOUT! NECKLACES PIN3' EAR RINGS — Choose from a large as PLASTIC -A- t-these I 1 t -r assort- - boxes Just 40 beautiful bags by a famous Per maker Black and blue fect for gifts! 12 price '' - sul - 1 c t CLOTHS gab- emKAta BUBBLE sanforized broadcloth and rayon washable Broken sizes and colors V2 price Regular 300 SUEDE Get those Christmas gift ties - nowt sale prices Choose from many wonderful colors and patterns i '1 - tt ! LACE ' ' Faille Weskits sorted colors DRESSES Says up - - t tk t t tt t MIKE flux 1 Jr rayon nt lets's PAJAMAS—Closeout priced CLEARANCE! NEW FALL Cm SOUTH MAIN 1 ---—t ALL 1300 RI:ot - EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS 270 t hosiery—Street Floor 1 2 Ileres Dept—Street Fir al011MIM -- 'k - tt a' I ardine In sizes and moleskins ed colors extra 2836 Alterations 1 NYLON ANKLETS — Slightly Irregular In assorted sizes and colors If perfect a 100 value FALL Reg Of t 1 1I 28-40- SPUN - eP A Wrinkle-resista- yellow blue Sizes small medium and large If perfect would be 85 NECKTIES eskcnIalfolvirma r t m I RAYON Gored and yoke backs Wine green grey brown and black sizes 10 to 20 ' I i g 895 tar long sleeved for winter Pink Men's Silk and Rayon e'r:::""s'N Thal's right you can take out the amazing Polaroid Land Camera and try it for five days e: inclu'ding one roll of film Come in the that finishes the camera try picture a minute after it's takenYou're under no obligation whatever! i :1 0 9 of these for Get your share for gifts knottyand il yourself hardly you'll i larities so slight 13 and 30 them notice I Assorted sizescolors t denier 30 to 44 COATS '" t ' Sal:Ay CiaCS MEN'S RORER SHORTS—Sanforized In an assortment of stripes Sizes GABARDINE i -- 1 t il r :r I r - ri - r t l'' i 1 Shirts Reg to ALL WOOL r k t I 111 Coats—Third Floor k ' slv-::'''- 1 '' '' 1 '' i tt MEN'S : "" - :4 Special MEN'S — both dressy and casual styles Long and short boxy or flare Assorted fall colors and sizes - eNtv v l''' I ' t0” 1 A Clearance Priced! k STREET FLOOR In 500 1: il Ir''' -- -- 'k I F ii t 4 LI Ili Save Christmas Dollars! Cheek This List for Tremendous Savings WINTER COATS Reg to : rr"t li in s it if 7 Month-E- d i 75 Beautiful All Wool and vtok I 1 t Assorted new fall colors In gabardines wools corduroy crepes Variety of styles - 1 ierMW""Vtstktl'Sg"'WetgpgougS12:t AND A ROLL OF FILM -- I Dept—Street Iles t 1c ' 1 I lk Peg to 1795 - :i f I V i 11 NYLON HOSE I clearance— 1 Priced for quick colorfast In 1 washable and maroon tan 1 blue grepen Neck sizes brown and grey and sleeve length type r TRIAL Y - V' 4' i I - q :1 t ! 1 500 Irrs 1 ' rt) Revgh5:s° targets liteMt11M ttcrrts from CT 4 ! - ' 4'185— KARACHI Pakistan Nov 26 VD—Automobiles in Pakistan will keep to the right instead of the left starting Jan 1 The decision is expected to increas the number of American-buil- t cars sold in Pakistan and decrease the sale of British-mad- e machines oR 1 ' z ti f""----Slightlg Irreg s SHIMS 1 Change on Driving - '- NC' A 1 - SPORT force had to be used on these un- orthodox missions showed how desperate was the situation eferl - i 1 Gabardine Metes 1Iey011 - Some fliers air complained power was too costly a weapon to be thrown in to knock out maz 11 '' riundreds d' I --3 er 5 " '' 0—?4111 I It F4 ' '-- ' ' - l Role - "'iNlill'ii i then turned Constant stemmed strikes along the supply roads and 'communications forced the Comtrnunists to move almost solely by !night even then they were hat !issed from the air Whenever I went over the battle-ovfield in planes spotting for the fighter bombers I was struck by the fact that on the United Nations side of the line there was the ''- - ' 1 ' '' ! ''''- -' 'I de-B- 41 I fA i- 1 1 ' posiL ' i 1 ' Also many of the close port fighter bombers would then have had to be diverted from the 'front to a defensive role As it of melt' !was the amazing build-u- p e and platerial in the southeast fense box continued unhampered ! ::::! LI i ' t : 0 I i i - e''''''T'' (' ( i - t The North Koreans turned Out to be masters of camouflage Their troops rarely moved without a tree branch as cover Tanks became Imobile haystacks Taegu ' fire and Even biased army officers adPilots had small-arm- s and Ausscattered antiaircraft flak to milted the American down trahan pilots slowed the dodge but operational casualties 'Communist advance and made the Were surprisingly low possible Without Yet the crucial point was notl so much that United Nations Mil the ceaseless attacks by the glitand Mustangs there forces could operate almost at will tering Jetswould not have been a as that the North Koreans were probably beachhead Pusan but and tactical unable to carry Most of the muccess of the air strategic bombing' support for the ground forces was -due to the army and air force ''''''''''7 rr""-—V'4- 'Hots who hovered ''''''f rN observation '' '''' : t over the and guided th e a (tr 1 1 7 f ' ( tack planes on to their cunningly t ) ' I - ' - Inevitably have invited trouble in a genuine air war "It's like taking candy from kids" said one Australian flier as be climbed from his Mustang at - ' t Nt I le To Defensive te f - 1 - 'utmost activity' Columns of dust marked the route of the long truck convoys :piled high with ammunition and supplies columns of tanks could be seen clearly in the dry river sun Air force marine and navy beds and row after row of tents fliers in action for the United at the best camping spots showed Nations were unchallenged in the where the reserve troops were air because persistent attacks on resting Communist airfields had wiped Dispersal of vehictes was almost out the North Korean air force Ind Troops marehed to the front on the ground In the opinion of 'down the middle of the roads in observers this Wag broad daylight as unconcerned as one of the most derisive factors 'schoolgirls going to church of the campaign in South Korea Roads Deserted -z Linger Over Targets On the North Korean side Jet Corsair and Mustang fight- - ing the day roads were deserted ers Invader light bombers and railways were not used from the heavy Superforts lingered over air not a soul could be seen mov- their targets in a way that would ing I i i one-sid- 1 ! ailed Few Weeks Ago That was only a few weeks ago on the Naktong river front in Eouth Korea The bomb line has shifted a tong way north since then but the Naktong that morning It was just another day in the odd air war Those pilots who had flown against the Japanese and the Germans now and again peered unconsciously into the glare on the look-ou- t for attackers but there was little chance that a Yak Would come darting out of the 1 1 the SINGAPORE i 1 1 fth w WW1 ' ' - It By Lionel 11taisen Reuters News Agency i 1' a be forret in Koala Korea) ? 5 - - can be disclosed now thatl American strategists were fearful' lest the Communists should Make al !determined effort to bomb the tdpcks and marshalling yards at the main supply port of Pusan de- allies of their "life's !Priving the blood" railway line between Pusan and Taegu 'Uneasy commanders 'pictured what chaos a handful of squadrons could bring about if ployed skillfully and patiently tzdnor's Note: Is se this ettw Maft)Illifig upths1""" telotono Of the Korean war by a Reuters tory i 1 ': LOPS FIVE YEARS 1 1 t 27 19'50 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Monday November '‘ P ''t r - t j i - - floor va4N918 I - to soil - l' - r t n r s A k 1 P' — — — a - Ok4Pav111edfL-AoalLel- elltMINItr1 4P0M454OrdtulikAoti1441Lelga ' - |