Show THE LEHIGH VALLEY STRIKE ASTRIKE BUFFALO N Y aug 17 at one this wednesday morning the central switchmen abandon edall work in the freight yards this adds rein cements for to the lehigh and erie eile strikers and a police escort was sent out to bring in the lake shore train due her at am the switch tenders in the central passenger yard and train houses houge aare are in eluded in the strike this means not a man on the central employed as a switchman awit ohman is baat at work the west shore men will go out to night buffalo rochester and pitts pitta burg have already gone out despite the fact that THEIR TERMS WERE WEBE TO at ac this hour the firemen are housing the engines in the round house and all hands bands are idle in tb the e yards there to is no disturbance but every trainman seems to be determined on his course of action the strikers say this does not measure the possible extent of the strike the strike was ordered by the Switch mens union and to is the result of trouble on the erie and lehigh roads an enormous amount of traffic will be tied up by the strike as it will no doubt doumit involve the west shore and lake shore roads and perhaps all the lines in buffalo delaware lackawanna and western switchmen will probably not remain long at work gand bandling handling ling freight from the lines named the strike to is extending and may be fr reaching in its consequence and disastrous to the business community plenty of troops w ill be massed here by daylight this morning one switchman said the switchmen on the west shore road would go out tonight those on the other roads will be sure to follow in due time the lake shore men will go out if asked to handle freight from any of the tied up roads manley C oreene greene justice of the supreme court at buffalo impressed by the gravity of the situation among the striking switchmen has ordered out the entire fourth brigade of the state militia consisting of 2000 mea me a in separate companies and one battery of artillery KNOXVILLE aug 16 this morning at 8 an attack was made on the stockade at oliver springs by miners two of the three guards were killed and several miners killed nd wounded this afternoon several companies of militia from chattanooga were sent to oliver springs they reached there safely but no news can be had as the rioters out cut the wires this afternoon a hundred miners armed with winchester winchesters Win chesters chestem TOOK possession OF A TRAIN on OD the be knoxville ohio road at coal creek en route to canton where the they y hoped to be able to increase the rein for cements but they were too late the issue is a grave the miners threaten to wreck any train carrying Inifi militia fla tonight the through mail trains train could not go forwar dand it is believed the united states authorities will inter interfere at 10 tonight sixty three soldiers left on a special train for the scene cone of the disturbance it I 1 t is difficult tonight to get details and all sorts of rumors are afloat tonight eighty two miners all heavily armed boarded a passenger train at cowcreek Cow Creek placed pistols at the heads 01 of f the conductor and firemen and made them carry them back to clinton where the coaches were detached and the passengers left terrified the miners then hitched on two coal cars and forced the engineer to take them to oliver springs springe they refused to pay their fare and simply had their own way by outlawry at I 1 11 I 1 p JB ja the wires are up by a roundabout route and news is just be gi ning to come but slowly it is now known that the battle was renewed shortly after the knoxville troops reached the stockade but the re result is unknown the chattanooga militia will have to march overland from harrison Harri aon to oliver springs a distance of eighteen miles as the Wald enridge road is planted with dynamite A special to the times at midnight says the stockade at oliver springs is still surrounded by a mob wild over the killing of their leader william 0 brummet of rockwood Bock wood and the wounding of another nan man the militia company from knoxville reached the village but it is not known whether they gut to the stockade no fights fight have occurred since morning but the miners are massed near the stockade and swear they will take it tonight an authentic bulletin received ived by the bourna ou rna at midnight says there port that a second battle occurred at oliver springs is a canard but rein cements for of miners are arriving aud a battle is expected before morning before colonel Woolford Wool forda lis and the chattanooga militia can reach the stockade five miles from oliver springs CHICA CHICAGO ao aug 17 during acon a conference in the switchmen lis union national headquarters last night at which all the grand officers were present except grand master sweeney who is in buffalo a telegram was re from sweeney to the effect that the erie lines and western new york and pennsylvania system two of the great railway systems involved in the switch mens strike had acceded to the strikers demands demand leaving only the lehigh valley road to fight BUFFALO aug 17 the situation this morning in the great railroad strike is not encouraging the new york central switchmen having baving joined the strikers makes it much more formidable the central yards are under unde der picket ck e t g guard it Js is feared the strike wi will r spread to other vanderbilt lines lake shore michigan central and west shore under order from general doyle the entire fourth united states brigade of the state militia will be concentrated here today all will be needed as the strike covers several miles of territory the state board of arbitration here bore will make strenuous efforts wah both parties jar or ej a settlement superintendent vorhees eit of or the new york central wd said to an associated press representative this morning that there was a hundred and fifty alft men of that line out they profess to demand shorter hours which the company refused to grant but they were actually trying to get ten per cent increase in the pay this also the company would not gra it 4 as the men were already receiving more than any other men performing a like service on the roads in the state he added there has been no delay in the trains and things are in a good shape because there is no perishable freight in the yards if given protection by the authorities they would have no difficulty in supplying the strikers places florence donovan and wm win purrell of the state board of arbitration are in the city and will attempt a conciliation between the railway officials and ahw tb men the day shift of the west short switchmen worked about an hour ahlis cuming and then dropped everything where it stood their demands abw aasi ei al to the central men th the night shift without doubt will refuse to work tonight general manager halstead Hale tead or of the delaware lackawanna and weeta ern has issued imperative orders that no freight will be received from any of the tied up roads the fast freight lines are probably the greatest bereft by the strike Thou thousands sana of do dollar llares worth of perishable goods are st andina on the side aide tracks and nothing can br done towards forwarding them BUFFALO BUFF AljO aug 17 master workman sweeney said this afternoon th thai the switchmen were not only not n ot to blame for the acts of disorder but thew their did not sanction them in any way W sly mr sweeney said maid there th le was a rumor going about that the company had ears cars set on fire sunday morning to enlist sympathy and put the switchmen in the hole and that the burned can were condemned and were set on graft growing sidings and left there to rot roi mr sweeney said they considered the th militia as friends but the presence were unnecessary as the organization w was peaceful VICE PRESIDENT WEBB ot of the central said this evening that th 4 they intended to run the road and move all trains as usual without employing pinkertons Pink ertons but were looking lookin ir to the state to protect the men although the troops are more corn com fordable for table than yesterday yeste idaj they ar are complaining pla ining bitterly because the r railroader railroad a il fr do not send passenger coaches out ifor for shelter GENERAL DOYLE AND STAFF were very much occupied all day placing the arriving troops the picket lines extend about twenty five miles tonight some 2000 men are on ther the ground under arms arme the strike on the central increased the work of the military as its property has to be guarded A GUARD keeps queen street closed from g taft lackawanna Ijac kawanna trestle north today todar all through the lehigh valley yam yaida and buffalo creek down to th thai island and ana around to the lake shore everything is almost dead the corn coin panics did not attempt to move any of 1 the long line of ciro filling the switch tin ing and sidetracks ahe the strikers Js ki pt quiet and there 1 no trouble t of any kind the lehigh people would not attempt to work because they said there was not enough e protection on the ground although there has been no trouble they know that if work was attempted trouble would ensue the lehigh expects men to go to work tomorrow iu the switchmen places TROUBLE IS threatened at the erie brie elevator which was waft glutted with grain six bouts boats had been used and an attempt made to run rull down a string of empty cars but the strikers interfered two companies of soldiers were ordered out but when they arrived the attempts of the stricken were given up and nothing was done the compan companies lex are preparing flat care to be occupied by sharpshooters aud and attached to the cowcatcher cow catcher of each engine forthe for the purpose of protecting the crew AT THE conference roid men with the sheriff of the rail railroad decided to request tills afternoon it was governor flower to call out the national guard the sheriff deferred message until he could sending ending the consult with general dodge BUFFALO BUFFALO aug IS 18 the day of the switch mens MODO strike closes with complications campli the leaders leaders of with witnessed the Ms massing ing troops determination to meet every a growing crowing opponents with a counter move of their stroke fully folly troops will be here tomorrow guarding the strikers the railway officials rely upon the presence them to raise to permit of the soldiers the freight freit fht blockade with the nonunion men already engaged As a counter stroke it Is considered probable and trainmen on the the foremen hoe where the strike now prevails will be called out the latest addition of the striking 89 switchmen lie is ninety inen men in the nickel plate yards who struck because they were asked to handle boycotted freight thus the switchmen upon the entire vanderbilt system in the trinity are out LEADERS claim tonight the vanderbilt system and inactive at this point is blockaded they claim also that the erie brie lehigh valley and buffalo creek roads are they do not feel paralyzed to call out the men in the it nece necessary spary allied trades th though ough the reserve force be called out of t the he dela ably may pon buff buffalo alo na wa M lae baws rochester r and pittsburg Pit and eastern cistern N new ow Y york ork and pennsylvania switch mon the T he Delaw delaware I 1 aret Lac Lackawanna kawan na A west already conceded the has wn n which demands went still further today and formally notified them that they would not t be asked to handle boycotted I 1 t via to is no doubt that before yield the leaders will extend ink ift the fight the fight west oven even to chicago and eastward to now new york ultimately beall not only the switchmen IW out oat perhaps but firemen and trainmen the strikers expect developments lin in the ili ext three iree days the ac strikers talkers trl kers claim full sympathy on the liast artof of the firemen whom they tato will quit their engines whenever the order reaches them it Is said WILL JOIN THE SWITCHMEN whenever he never ordered out but firemen will probably be first called out As an to the condition of the tie up the routs roads officials statements are strongly contradictory tonight it to is claimed by the central officials that their freight traffic in and out of the east buffalo yards is progressing gressing without interruption the central will tomorrow resume work at the black fock book and erie street yards they estimate that by monday the freight business will be moving normally all preparations of a suggestive character were made today at felch hospital 64 over twenty cots with bedding r have ave been arranged together with several filled stretchers several surgeons have signified their intention of assisting the staff should the necessity arlee ariee the troops are complaining greatly at the way they ere are treated both as to food and accommodations inspector general mcgrath and major arrived this afternoon and they will look after the matter and see that the men have proper attention ONE OR OB TWO skirmishes with gathering crowds were reported during the day but the incidents incident to were not serious the people gather and taunt and annoy i ane T le troops some efforts were made during the day to move trains at the babcock street crom clomping ping of the erie but the nonunion non union men refused to work and de camped one train was finally made up and sent out but it could not get through the blockade BUFFALO aug 19 unless new complications develop before tomorrow morning the switch mens strike will be broken the railroad companies claim they have hare sufficient men to operate the roads if proper protection to is riven given them two thousand troops were ordered out hut but they it was claimed were not sufficient and 1000 more were ordered anil and are here being assigned to duty at a all 11 points where the companies feel there might be danger tonight every casni command nand is assigned to duty ca careful inquiry demonstrated beyond a doubt that the companies have sufficient men to man the roads to be sure eure the strikers say may the men being heij in readiness are restrained from froin liberty also ti that wt the men were hired to work on we western tern roads aronds and did not know they were expected expected to work on tied up roads in buffalo if these allegations prove true the men may axy desert upon the first opportunity it to is not deemed probable however that such deflections would constitute more than a small minority of those now wanting work the lake shore road read has enough men in the yards tonight to man the usual it number ot of switching engines the erie today moved five trains and have in quarters more than the number of men usually employed the second feature of the strike is in what can and will be the next strike of the leaders against the railway interests efforts are being made to get the fire men and trainmen to withdraw the firemen are holding a meeting the outcome of which may be a determination to quit work A SECRET MEETING 0 five fire local lodges of firemen was held tonight toni bt about men were in attendance representing all the lodges in the city as well as the different roads the brotherhood was represent ed by delegates As a result of the meeting it can now be said almost certainly that the locomotive firemen of the lehigh erie brie lake shore west shore and central roads will go out between seven tomorrow evening and sunday morning this was wag the unanimous decision as the men were fou id d in favor of declaring a strike on the roads named master workman sweeney this evening received a deputation from the grand lodge of switchmen of penn sylvania eyl sylv vania aDle the conference lasted nearly dearly an hour and it is 18 impossible to learn what transpired third vice president presided webb of the central said tonight that so far as his road was concerned the strike was entirely over the only troubles reported during |