Show THE LATE GENERAL conference general conference which closed monday april ath was one of the most interesting gatherings of its cla dan ever held no other occasion of the same nature has been more largely attended As each half year rolls mile around the impression deepens that in the near future more spacious ac will have to be provided for the people who flock to this city at such times to be instructed in the principles and duties of their religion than those now existing from the day preceding the opening of conference u n til yesterday evening the streets seemed to be fairly alive with people the meetings in the large tabernacle were numerously attended from beginning to close on sunday every foot of space in the huge building was occupied by eager and interested listeners so bo great was the multitude in the afternoon of that day that it was found necessary to hold an overflow meeting in the assembly hall that structure was also crowded to its utmost capacity while many people were compelled to remain on the outside unable to gain ingress to either building build tog throughout the entire season good feeling prevailed it was a time of refreshing in many respects old friends and acquaintances who had not met for more or less lengthy periods greeted each other with that hearty affection for which the latter day saints are noted now new acquaintances were formed and the occasion was one of delight even from a social standpoint the proceedings of the conference throughout were fr efrom the slightest jar and the instructions given by the servants of god were clear pointed and appropriate to the needs of those who heard beard them and those of thou sands to whom they will be conveyed at secondhand they having been themselves unable to travel long distances in order to be present per soa ally among the subjects given prominence in the teachings of the speakers were the following that god had from the establishment of the church sixty one years ago to the present led the salute through their leaders by the voice of inspiration and revelation and that he would continue thus to favor his bla people in the future till truth should triumph and wickedness be suppressed the necessity of the members of the church dealing honestly and justly not only among themselves but toward all people the saints sal ants were admonished to avoid all disputes by the removal of all causes of difficulty and difference between each other the establishment and maintenance of home industries with special reference to the manufacture of zar sugar was emphatically treated the fallacy of all ideas to the effect that the church was retrograding through mistakes of the leaders was clearly pointed out and instances oi of history were cited showing thatchat that what had bad been considered missteps mis steps on the part of gods servants had proved to be powerful factors in the work of the salvation of the people the saints were advised to sustain the work of god by their means as well as by their prayers and faith it was shown with great perspicuity that in connection with the church of christ there was a broad field of opportunity for usefulness for every man who would exercise faith diligence and energy the great responsibilities and important duties of the priesthood were intelligently defined the work of salvation for the dead to be performed in the holy temples received a commensurate share of attention the honorable boo rable attitude of the church toward the government was dwelt upon and presented in unmistakable language the speakers without exception bore testimony to the truth of the great work of the almighty founded through the instrumentality of the prophet joseph smith in this latter iatter day dispensation the music rendered during conference was a delightful feature of the proceedings the spectacle presented by the great multitude of people who came together to worship was an awe inspiring sight eight when the entire multitude arose and joined in sacred song the grandeur of the scene was intensified the tuneful mingling of so many voices sounded like the roaring of the ocean at the rising of the wind the performances of the choir combined with the accompaniment of the grand organ was superb being characterized by vigor exactness of execution and beauty the verdict in relation to the conference so far as we have heard is universally to the effect that it was a time of refreshing of rich inspiration and plenteous outpouring of the power and inspiration of the spirit of god |