Show A COWBOYS ANTICS A state of things I 1 that hat needs investigating vesti gating the logan journal ot of dec ath contains the following episode which if the facts stated are correct requires that something should be done by the officers to properly enforce the laws in emery county joseph H thomas a son of harrison thomas of smithfield left deft his home on tee tae ath of november to teach a district school at moab emery county utah eshad been engaged in his occupation about two weeks and was on his way war home from the schoolroom on the of november and bad t to 0 pass a corral where several co cowboys yr boys were enga engaged ged in branding some cattle tie he said nothing ing to them but when he be had p proceeded ro about yards from the boys one of them remarked to the others that lie he was coing to rive give that teacher referring to mr thomar a thrashing he mounted his bis horse and when he overtook mr thomas he be asked him whether lie he was a mormon to lo which question he answered in the affirmative 1 I understand you say that cow punchers are no good remarked mr lowboy cowboy 1 I do not know that I 1 hive have said anything of the kind co cow W boys are as good as s any otner class of men so long as they behave themselves said mr well you are nothing but a G d d mormon and I 1 will give you a little anyhow so raising a four foot stick which he had bad it in his hand band he be commenced striking mr air thomas over the head he dealt about a dozen blows in all mr thomas guarded off the blows as best he could with his arm and stated to the cowboy that he be must have been misinformed in regard to wb what at he be had bad said tor for he be came there a friend to everyone this remark seemed to soften the villains heart and he be held out his band saying put her there then mr thomas shook hands with him but no sooner had he be done so than he put hid bis i hand on his revolver and Te requested quested mr vi r thomas to march up the road damned quick tell jar warner to come down and I 1 will him as I 1 tt have you u I 1 want to kill that son boa ot of a ab b an anyhow chow said the irate cowpuncher it seems that mr warner I 1 one of the trustees with whom mr thomas was boarding had bad incurred the displeasure of t this his cowboy cow boy through advising his daughter woo who at one time hadr kept comp company aily with him s to cease paying her attentions to him hidi next morning after the whipping mr thomas went ent to the justice a and tid swore out a complaint against ane e i cowboy tor for assault and battry battery mr L Warn eralso swore out oat a complaint s galust against him for using abins threatening I 1 language lu in a short time warrants for the C cowboys w boys arrest were placed in the bands of constable niels Nielo oleon Olsen the arrest was made and the trial was appointed pointed lor foi three this S afternoon vernoon ier noon at toe the hour set mr war ner berand and mi mr thomas were at tae ta court room and soon the constable with the cowboy put in an appearance As trout the cowboy passed eased mr thomas he asked him how ge he felt today mr thomas replied that oat he felt pretty wella well with the exception of a pretty sore head trout rem remarked irked that it he had thought it was coming to this he would have had a bigger club after the justice had bad allowed trout to abuse thomas thom an and d warner in the most moat sha aba metal manner he be proceeded to read tte complaint lor for assault and battery to the prisoner at the close 0 ot t the reading trout plead guilty to the cli charge arge and the 1119 tice assessed a fine of 1500 1501 and co cota its amounting in all to 2100 then the charge for using threatening language was read be tween tile the reading ot of the charge and the paying of his bis fine trout continued his tirade of vile and abusive language and to back his bis threats and put them into execution if necessary was in possession of an ivory handled 1 i ull oil dog which he had bad taken from his belt on entering enter lup the room and placed inside ma aib oib pants at the waist the tae constable end e nd all those in the room with the exception of the cowboy cow boy were unarmed imagine mr Tho thomas was feelings when called upon to give ive testimony in a court where a wild and hertless heartless villain had bad cowed the officers and got them completely at ble bis mercy he gave his testimony as regards the threats trout had made against mr warner and the justice through fear or some other reason decided that the evidence was not sufficient to bind the would oe assassin over to keep the peace his threats while in courtat court cour tit it nothing else would have warranted the justice in binding him over the following ure are some of his bis threats warner yeti area low lived 9 n of a b h ht it if you will come outside I 1 will lay oft off this gun and tight light you or cr I 1 will get you one mr taomas you lied it you yon will come outside I 1 will tell you yoa of it and will make you swallow it come out both of you and I 1 will a see a e that mr wade the justice hauls you yin off is an on monday morning about 9 trout came to mr school room revolver in hand band and enquired for the mae tt teacher eacher mr thomas bad taken the precaution not to be present that morning and thereby avoided belog being made the target of his wild assailant mr thomas concluded th that at it if cutthroats cut throats and cowboys were going tobe allowed to run the place he would be safer at his bis far off home in the north so as soon as he could arrange to ta leave that locality he be started for his home in which he reached on saturday last |