Show THAT secularist LECTURER A lecturer dr york has been attracting large lame audiences in this city for or some time past his apparent access success has evidently disturbed the equanimity of the sectarian preachers la ilk this vicinity they have exercised themselves in attempts to counteract the tae influence which his bis lectures appear to have wielded but their efforts have failed to diminish the size of the audiences which have gathered gatke red to hear bear him that a large number of people should be attracted to these lectures is not surprising that they should favorably impress intelligent and thoughtful people would be a subject for surprise that they have had that effect Is exceedingly cee doubtful it is even difficult to understand why his should have say any weight even with reflecting ting secularists who are disposed to consider matters from a philosophical standpoint those who have given any attention to mental philosophy will admit that it is a common thing among a certain clean class of men to endeavor to cover up their lack of a quality by making con stant slant assertions of their being the possessors of it the lecturer last night in ao an attempt to present the naked truth found it necessary to dwell to some gome extent upon his bis own courage he intended to send hot shot into the camp of the enemy he had strong views and was not afraid to express them to an aa ordinary person it would not appear to be needful to be the possessor of a great deal of bravery watch e to do anything the performance of which incurred no danger especially it if the th person eperson be paid for the work accomplished complis hed ked it ills is presumed that the gentlemen is simply iu in pursuit of his profession lust just as he was when en aged caged as a preacher of methodism if i the popular statement that he evolved from the position position of a preacher of the do dogmas amas 0 of that religion be correct lit appeared ppe ared needful in the estimation of et the lecturer for him to assert that tie be loved the classes of people whom he bitterly derisively and sarcastically casti cally denounced he reminded one of Shak inimitable delineation of the contradiction between real and professed affection in the act of lago who after running his bis sword tai through rough the prostrate roderigo after wards deplored his murder saying w wit deep beep pathos my old friend and fellow ca citizen fzens when s C lecturer makes an interpolation not germane to his hi subject he has an object in this ia stance it is to remove an impression likely to tb be conveyed to the auditors that be is devoid of that charming quality human sympathy the bitter denoun den clation to which mr york subjects religionists of every kind causes the subsequent bare otate statement ment of his bis undiluted a affection action tor for them to sound strangely incongruous and makes it apparent to the careful scrutinizer that lie be is economizing and covering up rather than exposing I 1 the naked truth this view is supported not only by the rude and ranting vituperation in which he be leala deals but also by the very tones of his bis voice which has a ringing bingin resonant quality but is totally devoid devoll of ef the charm belonging to the tones of the true orator magnetism when that is present presen t it indicates the possession of sylous sympathy t by let the listener look for that quality ty in the voice of dr york and he be w will 11 search in vain it the scrutinizer inizer is impressed by the absence of any alpy indications of sympathy ie he will find and a compensation in the overwhelming wh presence of vanity the modest publicist is careful to avoid special reference to himself nature seems beeme to have dealt out oat modesty with a penurious hand band when the doctor held ap his bis 11 dish it indeed he was not an 1199 a absentee e antee at the time of the distribution in addition to his bis bragga docial claims of bravery he has a habit of referring to himself as I 1 the old doctor I 1 I 1 and speaks flippantly of imwold my old wife set not even excluding reference to the bet ter naif of mm him ill im m inspirational he exclaimed alluding to his bis own death to ensue in the course of nature he be said aid he be did not want any of the white choker gentry around him ignoring understanding be correct that he be was at one time altstad with that class himself look at mel mal I 1 am sir oracle ran through the whole lecture to such an extent as to be sufficient to inspire those looking under the surface with a sentiment the opposite of admiration while there is much that is incongruous in the religions of the sects and consequently liable to be held up to ridicule yet the manner in which the lecturer treated them was icari jestly beatly unjust because of these apparent inconsistencies he denounced religion as a whole ignoring its higher phases and lofty precepts he denounced prayer as a A manifestation of selfishness this ts Is because he vie views ws things from a selfish standpoint judging from bis big expressions it if he be believed la in petitions to the throne of grace the would be like those offered by burns holy willie lor for benefits to himself and divine wrath upon others does this load and demonstrative Atia individual nr nairne irne to assert the patent falsehood that noble disinterested devout oula bouis with jaoin he be can have neither a mastay nor fellowship have not in all all arps offered earnest prayers that have had oo no reference to their personal anup advantage but looked to bouke the elevation |