Show SO KG results which followed opposition to it BRADEN ill III march K IM editor deseret news I 1 vengeance is mine I 1 will repay saith the he lord 11 hum hoin xii 19 lie that reeo teth wo me and hecei veth not W itcy oade hath one that judieth him J john mi ii 43 in the t shott short time of 01 two to years young uder elder otten often has baa things tings pass before aim which e daddea mm fm to nealise realise reali Yee the of tue the deboe regarding his bits dp appa sets A few months ago two of ut came through the settlement known as braden or dr moccasin where we held three or four with but lew few hearers and a month later helu held four meetings with more listeners some of whom became so interested that we held four more meetings in private houses we cut through eight inches of lee ice that one man might be BORN AGAIN and later two others came twenty five miles to attend conference and be baptized shortly after conference elder bider 0 L packer of franklin idaho and I 1 came back through this neighborhood again intending to hold a couple of meetings in a private house we held one but on the following day june 23 we were waited upon by a committee of two atmer abner moore eq and wash cluck who represented a ma of thirty then thea in council la ia the woods they said A the citizens cit zens of this place have determined mined that you mormons cormons shall not preach here any more not in a private house bouse because we have educated men here who know what your doctrine Is id instead of trying to lead adgy our people you hd better go babii to utah the people dont donl want to hear you etc they had not come to reason with us neither con could d they at oai our request say barrein we had bad BROKEN ANY LAW but wanted to know if we would leave without their carrying out what they had bad determined to do it if we stayed As ad tb ir threats had been previously made the settlement was excited anti and as the f where we vere overe to hold meeting eting feared the results of our staying we thought best not to try to remain longer at that time on our coming back into this neighborhood agair less than a year later it is 13 relyea by members embers in and non mem bers that the judgments have followed the one of the leaders shortly after buried his wife another has just been arrested for adultery while a third met with a fatal accident rh rhia team became frightened and threw orew him out of the wagon breaking ore aking a rib and otherwise injuring him from the effects of which ne died while still others who used their InA tience against us have met with the HEAVY HASI OF SORROW the man who went to his in minister inister to have him et me and show us the err erro 0 we were in or learn some way to exterminate UP soon buried his son the minister who recommended the breaking no of our meeting with rot rotten ten ega had his barn shortly after ward struck by lightning and partly burned and a horse killed tile tae people khoh ik upon these things as being the add ol of god sent upon them for taking mimi against the abe mormon elders ully VANCE |